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Лексико-грамматический практикум по английскому языку. Современный английский: практикум по грамматике. Миловидов В.А

Английский язык

Грамматический практикум

Прежде чем выполнять грамматические упражнения и тесты, внимательно изучите соответствующие грамматические таблицы: Table 1 (Артикль), Table 2 (Существительное), Table 3 (Наречие), Table 4 (Прилагательное), Table 5 (Числительное), Table 6 (Местоимение), Table 7 (Предлог), Table 8 (Глагол, активный залог), Table 9 (Глагол, пассивный залог), Table 10 (Модальные глаголы), Table 11–16 (Неличные глагольные формы); раздел «Словообразование».

2. (We) … son goes to school.

3. (You) … sister is young.

5. (He) … name is John.


2. She lives near (we, us).


4. Help … , please.

5. He always makes dinner …

7. They can do it …

Ex .4.

Ex . 5. Скажите по-английски:

Ex. 6. Ответьте на вопросы:

2. When were you born?


Ex .8. Перепишите следующие предложения, вставляя данные в скобках существительные в единственном или множественном числе:

(story, stories)

(family, families)

(country, countries)

(puppy, puppies)

(baby, babies)


Ex . 10. Употребите прилагательные и наречия, данные в скобках, в нужной степени сравнения:

1. My brother is much … than myself (young).

2. The opera theatre is one of … buildings in the city (beautiful).

3. The sound grew …and … (faint).

4. The party was not so … as I had expected (gay).

5. I have no one … than you (near).

6. What is the … news (late)?

7. Yesterday I came home … than usual (late).

8. Ann sings far … than Nina (well).

9. I like this picture … of all (well).

Ex Present Indefinite :

1. He … a good student.

2. They … old friends.

3. I … a teacher.

5. The weather … good today.

6. The sky … clear.

7. We … both students.

8. Mr Smith … sick today.

9. She and I … cousins.

Ex. 12. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

1. They are in Europe now.

2. She is a clever girl.

3. It is cold today.

4. He is in his office now.

5. They are members of the country club.

6. Both sisters are tall.

7. John is angry with you.

8. She is a good tennis player.

9. The stamps are in my desk.

10. She is a good teacher.

Ex . 13. Заполните пропуски глаголом to have , употребляя соответствующую форму в Present Indefinite :

1. She … one sister and two brothers.

2. We … a large library at school.

3. They … a new car.

4. She … green eyes.

5. Helen … a headache.

6. The secretary … a new typewriter.

7. Mr Smith’s office … three large windows.

8. We … many friends in Moscow.

9. Both brothers … red hair.

10. Harry’s dog … a long tail.

11. He and I … many things in common.

Ex. 14. Употребите глаголы to be или to have в нужной форме:

2. How old … you? I … 17.

Ex. 15. Преобразуйте предложения, употребляя оборот there is / are :

a) 1. This city has many monuments. 2. Our town has no theatres. 3. This family has two children. 4. Our group has many good pupils. 5. Every week has seven days and every year has twelve months. 6. She has a lot of English books in her library.

b) 1. The dog is in the room. 2. The children are in the yard. 3. The students are in the laboratory. 4. The car is near the house. 5. The bench was under the tree. 6. A lot of people will be at the stadium tomorrow.

Ex . 16. Употребите оборот there is / are в следующих предложениях:

1. … a new moon tonight. 2. … someone at the door. 3. … a lot of students absent today. 4. … three lamps in the room. 5. … two large windows in the room. 6. But … only one door. 7. … a lot of English classes in our school. 8. … nobody in the room now. 9. … no one at home. 10. … twelve months in a year. 11. … a letter for you on the table. 12. … several beautiful parks in this city.

Ex. 17. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Indefinite :

1. We (read) the newspaper in class every day.

2. He always (prepare) his homework carefully.

3. We always (play) tennis on Saturdays.

4. She (speak) several foreign languages.

5. The children (play) in the park every afternoon.

6. Helen (work) very hard.

7. They (take) a lot of trips together.

8. We always (travel) by car.

9. I (eat) lunch in the cafeteria every day.

IV . Чтение

Тексты для чтения:

Text I. Our classroom


We are in our ↘classroom. We are at an English ↘lesson. The classroom is ↗light and ↘clean. There is much ↘air in the room. The ceiling is ↗white, the walls are ↗blue, the door and the floor are ↘brown. Theyare↘not yellow.

There is a ↘blackboard in the room. It is on the ↘wall. It is big and ↘nice. There are many tables and ↘chairs there. Is there a ↗map on the wall? ↘No, there ↘isn’t. There is no ↘map on the wall. There is a ↘picture there. It is a picture of a ↘town.

How many chairs and ↘tables are there in the room? There are ten ↗tables and twenty ↘chairs there. They are ↘brown. There is a ↘bookcase there, too. It is full of Russian ↘books. There are a few ↘English books there, ↘too.

Text II. My flat


My "flat is in the "centre of ↘Minsk. There are "four ↘rooms in it: "two ↗bedrooms, | a ↗dining room and a ↘study. They are "good and ↘clean. Be↗sides| there is a "bathroom and a ↘kitchen.

"In the ↗dining room | there is a ↗table | which is in the "middle of the ↘room. There are some ↗chairs, | some ↗armchairs, a ↗cupboard and a "↘sofa. The "table is ↘round. There is a "vase with ↘flowers on it.

My "favourite "room is the ↘study. There are "many ↗bookcases "full of "interesting ↘books. "Some are in the "English ↘language. The "bedrooms are "very ↘light. There is "much ↘air in them.

"In my ↗bedroom there is a ↘bed with a night-table near it | and a ↘wardrobe. "On the ↗floor there is a "small" ↘carpet.

"Are there any "pictures in your ↗bedroom? No, there "aren’t ↘any. There are "some in the ↘dining-room. "Is there "anything on the "walls of your ↗study? Yes, there is a "map on the ↘wall. "Is there "anybody at ↗home now? I’m afraid there is ↘nobody at home, they are "all at "↘work now.

Text III. At home


At ↗night |when I "feel ↗tired and ↗sleepy, | I "go "up to my ↗bedroom | and "switch "on the e↗lectric ↘light. I "take "off my ↗shoes, | "undress | and "put "on my py↘jamas. "Then I "get into ↗bed | and "switch "off the ↘light. "After a ↗few minutes | I "falla↘sleep. I "sleep the ↗whole "night ↘through.

"Punctually at "seven "thirty in the ↗morning | the a"larm clock ↗rings and "wakes me ↘up. I "get "out of bed, |"put "on my "dressing-gown and slippers and go into the bathroom, where I turn on the hot and cold water taps. I wash my face and neck and clean my teeth. Then I turn off the taps and have my bath. Sometimes I have a shower. Then I dry myself with a towel and get dressed.

Text IV. Mr Payne goes shopping


Mr "Roger "Payne lives in ↘London. He is a "teacher of ↘English. He "teaches "English to "foreign ↗students at St. "Giles "School of ↘Languages. Mr "Payne has four "classes "four "times a ↘week. He likes teaching English to foreign students at St. Giles School of Languages. Mr Payne has four classes four times a ↘week. He ↘likes teaching English.

Mr "Payne has a ↗wife, a ↗daughter and a ↘son. His "wife, "Grace ↗Payne, is a "teacher ↘too. She "teaches "French at "London Uni↘versity. His "daughter "Jane is fif↗teen and his "son ↗Dick is ↘twelve. They are at compre↘hensive school.

"Mrs ↘Payne "usually goes "shopping on ↗Monday and ↘Wednesday. Mr ↗Payne goes "shopping on "Saturday ↘morning.

It is ↘Saturday today. Mr "Payne is "going ↘shopping now. He "usually "goes to the supermarket. He can "buy all they ↘need there. He "walks along the ↗counters and "puts his "purchases into the ↘busket. He "buys "two "white ↗loaves and "one ↘rye loaf. The "bread is always fresh there. "Then he "buys some ↗meat, ↗fish, ↗bacon, ↗sausage and ↘cereals. He "also buys "vegetables and fruit; po↗tatoes, to↗matoes, ↗cucumbers, ↗apples, ↗oranges and ↘lemons.

Today Mr Payne must go to a department store. Tomorrow is his son’s birthday. Dick is inviting a few friends to his birthday party. Mr Payne must buy a present for his son. He wants Jane to go to the department store with him.

They are going to a big department store in Oxford Street. There are a lot of departments in the store: women’s clothes, men’s clothes, shoes, sports goods, leather goods and so on.

On the ground floor Mr Payne buys a tie and Jane buys a pair of gloves. Then they go to the second floor, to the Men’s Department and buy a blue sweater for Dick. Dick likes that colour. They also buy a box of paints for him. They are very tired. Now they can go to a cafe and have tea.


Look. Look at the cook. Look at the cook, she would put the pudding on the table. Look at the cook, she would put the pudding on the table if she could.

Two. Two of you. Two of you admired the moon. Two of you admired the moon in June. It’s true that two of you admired the moon in June.

I observed. I observed an absurd person. I observed the absurd person and I heard her. I observed the absurd person and I heard her recite the verses. When I returned I observed the absurd person and I heard her recite the verses.

Don’t go. Don’t go slow. Don’t go slowly, Joe. Don’tgo slowly, Joe, there’s no snow. Don’t go slowly, Joe, there’snosnow on the road.

Dear me. Dear me, I fear. Dear me, I fear I really hear. Dear me, I fear I really hear the deer quite near.

There’s a flower. There’s a flower near the tower. There’s a flower near the tower, it’s ours.

My sister. My sister and Tim. My sister and Tim will visit Jim. My sister and Tim will visit Jim who lives in a big city. My sister and Tim will visit Jim who lives in a big city, and they will eat fish and sing.

Fat man. That fat man. That fat man with a black hat. That "fat man with a black hat in his hand. That fat man with a black hat in his hand sat in a tram. That fat man with ablack(hat in his hand who sat in the tram was not my dad.

I can’t. I can’t laugh. I can’t laugh and dance. I can’t laugh and dance in grass. I can’t laugh and dance in grass in my aunt’s garden after dark.

It’s not. It’s not my fault. It’s not my fault that she called. It’s not my fault that she called Paul’s daughter. It’s not my fault that she called Paul’s daughter who played with a ball in the hall.

Noise. Noise annoys. Any noise annoys. Any noise annoys any oyster. Any noise annoys an oyster but the noisy annoys an oyster most.

Контрольные задания

1-я точка контроля

По истечении первых двух месяцев с начала занятий необходимо выполнить следующие задания и выслать их по адресу: 630126, г. Новосибирск, ул. Выборная, 132, УМО; или control @ iode . nspu . ru ; или загрузить данный файл с выполненными заданиями прямо на сайт (специальная форма внизу страницы):

1. Письменно выполните упражнения 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17 (с. 78–82).

2. Закончите диалоги.

А . – How do you do?

– ………………….

– Let me I introduce myself.

– ………………….

– Pleased to meet you.

– ………………….

– I hope to see you again soon.

– ………………….

B. – Hi, how are you?

– ………………….

– Fine, thanks. How are you?

– ………………….

– Not well, I ’ m afraid.

– ………………….

– ………………….

3. Переведите диалог на английский язык.

– Привет. Как дела?

– Прекрасно. А как у тебя?

– Не жалуюсь.

– Рад(а) слышать. Передай привет своей маме.

– Спасибо, передам.

Модуль II .

Контрольные задания

2- ая точка контроля.

1. Письменно выполните упражнения 5, 9, 11, 14, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 37, 38.

Ex . 5. Скажите по-английски:

Ex . 9. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени следующих прилагательных:

1. Tall, long, short, hot, cold, nice, large, big, wide, strong, happy, warm, high, heavy, low hard, busy, easy, bright.

2. Interesting, comfortable, important, necessary, beautiful, famous, pleasant, popular, wonderful, active, careful.

Ex . 11. Заполните пропуски глаголом to be, употребляя соответствующую форму в Present Indefinite :

1. He … a good student.

2. They … old friends.

3. I … a teacher.

4. John … absent from class today.

5. The weather … good today.

6. The sky … clear.

7. We … both students.

8. Mr Smith … sick today.

9. She and I … cousins.

Ex. 14. Употребите глаголы to be или to have в нужной форме:

1. There is no school in this village and the children go to the school which … two miles away.

2. How old … you? I … 17.

3. … you English lessons twice a week? – Yes, we …

4. I … no time to help you yesterday. I … very sorry about it.

5. We … a conference tomorrow. So I … busy with my report today.

6. My sister … a second-year student of the Law Faculty.

7. What ... you fond of? My hobby … drawing.

8. Will you … any lectures tomorrow?

9. Physics … my favorite subject at school.

10. He … a lot of trouble with his car yesterday.

11. My grandfather … short grey hair but my grandmother’s hair … long and thick.

12. Your glasses … on the table.

Ex. 18. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Indefinite :

1. We (work) in our garden all day yesterday.

2. I (listen) to the radio until twelve o’clock last night.

3. He always (want) to learn English.

4. Ann and I (talk) over the telephone yesterday.

5. I (forget) to bring my notebook to class yesterday.

6. The telephone (ring) twice but no one answered it.

7. George (think) about his troubles continuously.

8. Last year Professor Johnes (teach) us both English and mathematics.

9. I (lose) my English book yesterday but (find) it later.

Ex. 19. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Future Indefinite :

1. Helen (find) the book which you need.

2. They (see) us tomorrow.

3. I (finish) the work in April.

4. The shops (close) at noon today.

5. We (arrive) at three o’clock.

6. She (tell) you all about it.

7. We (spend) two months in the South.

8. The plant (die) because of lack of sunshine.

9. The meeting (begin) at eight o’clock.

10. The film (last) an hour.

Ex . 20. Поставьте глагол в the Past и the Future Indefinite , употребляя соответствующие индикаторы времени:

1. He plays tennis twice a week.

2. She learns French and German.

3. We keep our car in the garage.

4. They often make mistakes.

5. I help my mother about the house.

6. They do their shopping every day.

7. We go to the University by metro.

8. The classes begin at 8.

9. I stay at school till 2 o’clock.

10. It often rains in October.

11. Tom gets excellent marks in English.

Ex. 22. Раскройте скобки , употребив Present Indefinite:

1. Nurses (look) after patients in hospitals.

2. Ann plays the piano, but she (not, play) it very well.

3. In Britain most shops (close) at 5.30 p. m.

4. At night when it (get) dark, they (switch) on the TV or the radio and (listen) to music.

5. Mr Brown often (go) to the cinema but his wife (not to go) very often. She (prefer) to stay at home and to watch TV.

Ex. 23. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Continuous :

1. I see that you (wear) your new suit today.

2. Listen! Someone (knock) at the door.

3. The bus (stop) for us now.

4. Please, be quiet! The baby (sleep).

5. The leaves (begin) to fall from the trees.

Ex. 24. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Continuous :

1. When you telephoned, I (have) dinner.

2. The baby (sleep) soundly when I went to wake him.

3. She (talk) with Mr Smith when I saw her in the hall.

4. The accident happened while they (travel) in the South.

5. When I got up this morning, the sun (shine) brightly.

Ex. 25. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Future Continuous:

1. I (wait) on the corner for you at the usual time tomorrow morning.

2. It probably (rain) when you get back.

3. If you come before six, I (work) in my garden.

4. At this time tomorrow afternoon I (take) my final English examination.

5. If we go there now, they (have) dinner. But if we go later, they (watch) television.

Ex предложения на русский язык :


2. Закончите диалоги.

A) – Thank you

………… . I am glad I could help.

B) - Hi, how are you?

- ……………………

Fine, thanks. How are you?

- ……………………..

Let’s go to the university together


- ……………………………

3. Переведите диалоги на английский язык.

A) - Привет! Как дела?

Хорошо, спасибо. А у тебя?

Не жалуюсь.

Давай сходим в театр в субботу.

Звучит заманчиво, но боюсь не смогу. Давай пойдём в воскресенье.

Ладно. Пока. До воскресенья.

Передай привет сестре.

Спасибо, передам.

4. На основе Text I. P. 92 составьте рассказ о себе и своей семье.

Письменно выполните Ex.3 p.

Ex .3. Вставьте вместо точек нужное по смыслу местоимение:

1. I have lost … pen, may I take …?

2. If you’ve left … dictionary at home, you may take …

3. These pencils are…, take … if you want.

4. Help … , please.

5. He always makes dinner …

6. We have very many relatives in … native town.

7. They can do it …

8. … of you knows his address?

9. There is … butter on the table, but there isn’t … milk.

Контрольные задания

3- ая точка контроля.

1. Письменно выполните грамматические упражнения 27,28,29,30,31

Ex. 27. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Perfect :

1. I (speak) to him about it several times.

2. We (learn) many new words in this course.

3. He (make) that same mistake several times.

4. I (hear) that story before.

5. I am afraid that I (lose) my car keys.

Ex. 28. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Perfect :

1. I was sure that I (see) the man before.

2. I asked him why he (leave) the party so early.

3. It was clear that he (give) us the wrong address.

4. The teacher corrected the exercises which I (prepare).

5. He knew that he (make) a serious mistake.

Ex. 29. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Future Perfect:

1. I am sure they (complete) the new road by June.

2. He says that before he leaves he (see) every show in town.

3. By the time you arrive, I (finish) reading your book.

4. I (be) in this country two years next January.

5. A year from now he (take) his medical examinations and (begin) to practice.

Ex. 30. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

1. They have received a new flat this year.

2. She has been to Italy.

3. They have already heard the news.

4. I have known his father.

5. He had worked at a plant before the army.

6. We had studied German before we began to study English.

7. She had written the letter by 5 o’clock.

8. The children will have done their homework before their parents come home.

9. It will have stopped raining by noon.

Ex Past , а затем в Future Perfect , Future Continuous

2. Закончите диалоги.

… …………………

Is this Mr. Smith?


My name is Brown. Could I leave him a message?


Could you ask Mr. Smith to call me back?



3. Выполните лексические упражнения 1-8 письменноP.98-101.

Ex. 1. Раскройте скобки и употребите данные личные местоимения в притяжательном падеже:

1. (He) … composition is very interesting.

2. (We) … son goes to school.

3. (You) … sister is young.

4. (They) … knowledge of the subject is very poor.

5. (He) … name is John.

6. (I) … family lives in Kiev.

7. (She) … friends often visit her.

Ex . 2. Употребите нужную форму личных местоимений:

1. I often see (they, them) in the bus.

2. She lives near (we, us).

3. (We, us) always walk to school together.

4. He teaches (we, us) English.

5. She sits near (I, me) during the lesson.

6. I always speak to (he, him) in English.

7. What is the matter with (he, him) today?

8. He explains the lesson to (we, us) each morning.

9. There are some letters here for you and (I, me).

10. I know (she, her) and her sister very well.

Ex .3. Вставьте вместо точек нужное по смыслу местоимение:

1. I have lost … pen, may I take …?

2. If you’ve left … dictionary at home, you may take …

3. These pencils are…, take … if you want.

4. Help … , please.

5. He always makes dinner …

6. We have very many relatives in … native town.

7. They can do it …

8. … of you knows his address?

9. There is … butter on the table, but there isn’t … milk.

Ex .4. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:

3. Jack London was born on the 12th of January 1876 and died in 1916.

Ex . 5. Скажите по-английски:

Ex. 6. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. When do we celebrate the first day of spring (Victory Day, New Year’s Day, Christmas, Women’s Day, May Day, Cosmonautics Day, Independence Day)?

2. When were you born?

3. When was your father (your mother, your sister, your friend, your cousin) born?

Ex . 7. Прочтите вслух следующие существительные, запишите форму их множественного числа:

carpet, glass, photo, box, lady, wife, valley, thief, man, woman, child, foot, tooth, life, handkerchief, tomato, scarf, sheep, deer, information, fish, coat.

Ex . 8. Перепишите следующие предложения, вставляя данные в скобках существительные в единственном или множественном числе:

1. Ann’s father told some funny circus … The funniest … was about a giant clown.
(story, stories)

2. Many … live in an apartment house. Tom’s … lives on the fourth floor.
(family, families)

3. Do you know the name of this …? The travellers will see many …
(country, countries)

4. Ben’s dog has five brown … Оne little … has a flat nose.
(puppy, puppies)

5. Small … laugh and play. Jack’s … has a new toy.
(baby, babies)

4. На основе TextI. P. 97 составьте рассказ освоей квартире.


Контрольные задания

4- ая точка контроля.

1.Письменно выполните грамматические упражнения

32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41

Ex . 31. Поставьте глагол в главном предложении в Past , а затем в Future Perfect , Future Continuous сделайте необходимые преобразования в придаточном предложении:

1. We were translating the text when you came.

2. They were writing a dictation when I entered the classroom.

3. The students were taking their exams from 9 till 12 o’clock.

4. He was having a shower when the telephone rang.

5. The boys were playing football when it began to rain.

Ex . 32. Проанализируйте употребление модальных глаголов в следующих контекстах:

1. Nick can run long distances. 2. He can speak many foreign languages. 3. You can join our group. 4. I must excuse myself. 5. You mustn’t park the car here. 6. The boy must see a doctor. 7. You may keep my book for a week. 8. Drivers may go at 60 kilometers an hour here. 9. You may stay at your friends’ over the weekend. 10. It may be cold. Take your coat. 11. Jack shouldn’t have laughed at John. 12. John ought to be more careful in the future. 13. You needn’t buy bread. We have some at home. 14. You needn’t have done this. It was useless. 15. I have to take a taxi in order not to be late. 16. We had to wait as the manager was out. 17. Robert is to take his exams next month. 18. We are to meet at 5 o’clock.

Ex. 33. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальный глагол must :

1. Her English is very poor, she must study very hard.

2. They must spend more time on their English.

3. You must help her in every way possible.

4. We must learn at least ten new words every day.

5. He must leave at once.

6. The students must do their homework regularly.

7. You must do this important work quickly.

Ex. 34. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

1. We must tell her this news. 2. He may smoke here. 3. She can speak English perfectly. 4. The students must translate the text at home. 5. We can go to the theatre tonight. 6. We shall be able to help them. 7. They had to wait for a long time 8. His friend couldn’t get this book. 9. You were allowed to take this book home. 10. May I go home now? 11. They were allowed to come at four.

Ex. 35. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами:

1. She … play chess well. 2. … I take your pen? 3. … I ask you a question? 4. You not talk at the lesson. 5. He … not speak English last year. 6. My sister … not play the piano two years ago, but now she …. 7. You … get this novel in our library. 8. I … go to the library today to prepare for my report at the conference. 9. … you do me a favour?

Ex . 36. Замените в следующих предложениях действительный залог страдательным. Переведите предложения на русский язык :

1. The audience enjoyed the concert very much.

2. The little boy ate the cake.

3. The teacher corrects our exercises at home.

4. They started a dancing class last week.

5. Everybody will see this film soon.

6. The teacher returned our written work to us.

7. Mr Smith will leave the tickets at the box-office.

8. The students translate texts during the lessons.

Ex . 37. Замените в следующих предложениях страдательный залог действительным. Переведите предложения на русский язык :

1. The entire city was destroyed by the fire.

2. The lecture was attended by many people.

3. The book will be published in spring.

4. The class is taught by Mr Smith.

5. It was designed by a French engineer.

6. This book is always read by the students of the first course.

7. The letter was left on the table.

8. The house was struck by lightning.

9. The cries of the child were heard by everyone.

Ex . 38. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

1. The first prize was won by John.

2. Our exercises are corrected each night by the teacher.

3. The mail is delivered at ten o’clock.

4. The construction of the bridge will be finished this year.

5. The contract will be signed tomorrow.

6. His report was listened to with great interest.

7. The film is much spoken about.

8. All the letters are looked through by the secretary.

9. All these books were published by this publishing house.

Ex . 39. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на Participle I и Participle II :

1. Finished with his breakfast, he remained for some time at the table, looking through the newspapers.

2. Before solving the problem, they had to consult the expert.

3. The leaves touched by the morning sun began to come out.

4. The flowers standing in the vase were brought by the pupils.

5. Writing a letter I heard a knock at the door.

6. I like pictures painted by this artist.

7. When asked about it, she couldn’t give a definite answer.

8. Engineers working at big plants in our country are trained at our institute.

Ex . 40. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму глагола придаточных предложений:

1. He said that he had read this book twice.

2. We thought that the results of your work would be better.

3. The boy said that he was only eight years old.

4. I knew that he would refuse to help me.

5. He was sure that I should come in time.

6. She thought that the letter had been written by her friend.

7. They said that it had been raining from five till seven.

8. She said that she could not give me this book because she had promised to give it to her sister.

Ex . 41. Поставьте глагол в главном предложении в Past Indefinite и сделайте необходимые преобразования в придаточном предложении:

He says that he knows them well.

He said that he knew them well.

1. He is sure that she is in Moscow now.

2. He says that she is in Moscow now.

3. He says that the classes begin at 2 o’clock.

4. I think that she is ill.

5. We know that she is ill.

He says that she went to the Crimea.

He said that she had gone to the Crimea .

1. I know that he lived in Kiev.

2. He says that they met in Moscow.

3. I am sure that the students were in the library.

4. I hope that they knew about it.

5. I think that they were busy.

She says that she will go to the cinema.

She said that she would go to the cinema .

1. They say that they will leave for London.

2. She says that she will buy this coat.

3. We know that we shall discuss this question.

4. We hope that they will help us to do this work.

5. We think that we shall have our holidays in January.

2.Переведите диалог письменно с русского на английский. Стр.109

3.Выполните лексические упражнения 1-4 письменноP. 105-106.

Ex. 1. Раскройте скобки и употребите данные личные местоимения в притяжательном падеже:

1. (He) … composition is very interesting.

2. (We) … son goes to school.

3. (You) … sister is young.

4. (They) … knowledge of the subject is very poor.

5. (He) … name is John.

6. (I) … family lives in Kiev.

7. (She) … friends often visit her.

Ex . 2. Употребите нужную форму личных местоимений:

1. I often see (they, them) in the bus.

2. She lives near (we, us).

3. (We, us) always walk to school together.

4. He teaches (we, us) English.

5. She sits near (I, me) during the lesson.

6. I always speak to (he, him) in English.

7. What is the matter with (he, him) today?

8. He explains the lesson to (we, us) each morning.

9. There are some letters here for you and (I, me).

10. I know (she, her) and her sister very well.

Ex .3. Вставьте вместо точек нужное по смыслу местоимение:

1. I have lost … pen, may I take …?

2. If you’ve left … dictionary at home, you may take …

3. These pencils are…, take … if you want.

4. Help … , please.

5. He always makes dinner …

6. We have very many relatives in … native town.

7. They can do it …

8. … of you knows his address?

9. There is … butter on the table, but there isn’t … milk.

Ex .4. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:

3. Jack London was born on the 12th of January 1876 and died in 1916.

4.На основе TextI. P. 104 составьте рассказ освоёмрабочем дне.


1.Письменно переведите текст «Novosibirsk» стр. 109

2.Письменно переведите текст «OurUniversity» стр. 115


1.I saw Tom only (a few, a little) days ago.

2.How (much, many) does this coat cost?

3.Would you like (a, the, -) glass of milk?

4.The problem was (serious) than we expected.

5.There are (many, a lot, few) of tourists visiting the town in summer.

6.He often visits his parents on (-, a, the) Sundays.

7.She is (good) secretary that has ever worked here.

8.I know (nothing, anything) about economics.

9.That car isn"t (our, ours).

10.She didn"t tell (somebody, anybody) about her plans.

11.Do you hear (anything, something)? - Yes, I (hear) soft music.

12.Your English is (good) than mine.

13.They went on holidays with a friend of (their, theirs).

14.This is (difficult) problem which I"ve ever solved.

15.I"m afraid I could do it (bad) than you.

16.In my opinion, Swan Lake is (good) ballet I"ve ever seen.

17.Do you remember (happy) day in your life?

18.I (see) a very good film last year.

19.What film (be) on now?

21.I"ll be surprised if you (pass) your exams successfully.

22.Maggy(look) like her father.

23.When you (return) home, you will see a lot of changes.

24.If you take the medicine, you (feel) better.

25.They (speak) only English in class.

26.A big car (use) a lot of petrol.

27.I was very surprised when I (meet) him there.

28.What time you (come) home from school?

29.I thought the film (be) a big success. It is much spoken about.

30.When they (get married)? - Last year.

31.We (arrive) ten minutes ago.

33.She told me that you (be) ill.

34.Excuse me, where is (near) cafe?

35.A cook is someone who (prepare) meals.

36.Ann (be) 18 years old next Monday.

37.You (see) news on television yesterday, didn"t you?

38.Our classes usually (begin) at 8 a.m.

39.I (go) to London tomorrow.

40.The child usually (play) in the park after breakfast.

41.When you (visit) Minsk last?


«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №4 имени Тикеева Д.С» муниципального района

Иглинский район Республики Башкортостан








2016 ГОД


Английский язык - сложный учебный предмет, но в то же время и социально значимый: он является и средством общения, и инструментом познания, и основой гармоничного развития учащихся. На среднем этапе обучения происходит систематизация знаний с последующим развитием речевых и языковых навыков, а, следовательно, развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.

Курс «Грамматический практикум по английскому языку» имеет цель структурированно повторить основные разделы грамматики английского языка перед написанием итогового теста по английскому языку за шестой класс и решает следующие задачи:

  • развить интерес к английскому языку как учебному предмету;
  • расширить и углубить программный лексико-грамматический материал;
  • обучить учащихся восприятию грамматических правил и выполнению тестовых заданий;
  • пробудить потребности у учащихся к самостоятельной работе над познанием иностранного языка и над своей речью;
  • совершенствовать общее языковое развитие школьников.

Курс «Грамматический практикум по английскому языку» состоит из 11 уроков, состоящих из двух основных разделов: краткого повторения грамматических правил и непосредственно теста. В конце курса предлагается выполнить итоговый тест.

Обучение проводится дистанционно посредством общения через электронную почту.

Учитель отправляет задания по электронной почте с указанием даты отправки ответа, учащиеся выполняют тестирование, отсылают учителю ответы, учитель после проверки посылает оцененные работы и свои рекомендации учащимся.

Преимущества дистанционного курса «Грамматический практикум по английскому языку»:

  • выполнение заданий каждого урока занимает 15-20 минут
  • возможность в сжатые сроки повторить основные разделы грамматики английского языка
  • учащиеся выполняют тестирование в электронном виде, что способствует экономии времени и школьников, и учителя
  • задания выполняются в удобное для учащихся время в комфортной обстановке
  • нет ограничения времени выполнения тестов
  • при возникновении ситуации непонимания темы, учащиеся могут непосредственно задать вопрос учителю с просьбой более подробного объяснения.

Программа курса дистанционного обучения

«Грамматический практикум по английскому языку»

для учащихся шестых классов

Курс основан на учебнике New Opportunities Russian Edition , Pre-Intermediate

Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikorzynska

Pearson Longman, 2015 и ЭОР elenapodchasska.narod.ru

(11 уроков)






Active Voice


Modal Verbs



The final test

Lesson 1 Articles (definite, indefinite), nouns (singular, plural), possessives, pronouns

Неопределённый артикль

a ( an — перед словами, начинающимися с гласной) происходит от числительного one и означает один из многих, какой-то, любой .

I am a student. Я студент (один из многих).
This is an apple. Это — яблоко (какое-то одно из многих).

Определённый артикль

the происходит от указательного местоимения that . Часто переводится словами этот, эта, это, эти . Употребляется перед существительными как в единственном, так и во множественном числе.

Артикли не употребляются:

Если какое-либо существительное употребляется в самом обобщённом значении.

Crime is a probem in most big cities. Преступность как таковая, а не какое-то конкретное преступление.
Life has changed a lot in the last two years. Жизнь как таковая, вообще.

Перед именами собственными:.

England, Russia, London, Mr.Johnson, Tuscany.

Одноко перед фамилиями, употребляемыми во множественном числе для обозначения членов одной и той же семьи, употребляется определённый артикль.

The Johnsons. Семья Джонсонов.

Перед названиями времён года, месяцев и дней недели..

He always goes the South in summer . English classes are on Monday .

Множественное число существительных

Основным способом образования множественного числа имён существительных является прибавление окончания -s или -es к форме существительного в единственном числе.



a bag — bags
a cat — cats
a rose — roses

a glass — glasses
a fox — foxes
a watch — watches
a bush — bushes

Имена существительные, оканчивающиеся на -y с предшествующей согласной, образуют множественное число путём прибавления окончания -es , причём меняется на -i . Например, a dictionary — dictiona ries .

Но : a boy — boys, a day — days ( перед - у стоит гласная ). Некоторые имена существительные, оканчивающиеся на -f , -fe , образуют множественное число путём изменения -f на -v и прибавлением окончания -es .

a half — halves
a wolf — wolves
a wife — wives

Но : roof — roofs, safe — safes .

Ряд существительных образуют форму множественного числа особым образом.

ед. ч.

мн. ч.



Lesson 2 Притяжательный падеж

образуется путём прибавления " s к форме единственного числа существительного и " к форме множественного числа.

the student"s room — комната студента

Ann"s book — книга Ани

the students" room — комната студентов

girls" books — книги девочек

именительный падеж

объектный падеж

I - я
you - ты, вы, Вы
he - он (о человеке)
she - она (о человеке)
it - он, она, оно (не о человеке)
we - мы
they - они

me - мне, меня
him - его, ему, им
her - её, ей
it - его, ему, ей
us - нас, нам
you - тебе, вам, вас
them - их, им

абсолютная форма

my - мой
your - твой, ваш
his - его
her - её
its - его, её
our - наш
their - их

mine - мой
his - его
hers - её
its - его, её
ours - наш
yours - твой, ваш
theirs - их

Местоимения this (этот) и that (тот) имеют формы мн.числа, соответственно: these (эти) и those (те).

Test 1

I. Circle the correct item.

1 What your favourite colour?

A am В is С are

2 We from Australia.

A am not В isn"t С aren"t

3 they from Spain?

A Am В Is С Are

4 are my friends.

A I В He С They

5 It"s goldfish.

А а В an С

6 " is she?"

"Mrs Smith."

A How В What С Who

7 " is this?"

"A parrot."

A Who В What С It

8 name is Helen.

A His В Her С Our

9 She has got five

A puppy В puppies С puppy"s

10 This is the cat.

A girl"s В girls С girl

11 There"s a cat the garden.

A under В on С in

12 That is the ball.

A child В children С children"s

13 She can swim but


A can В can"t С can not

14 you like bananas?

A Does В Do С Doesn"t

15 He the bus to work every day.

A catches В catch С don"t catch

16 "Do Mary and her family live here?"
"No, they "

A does В doesn"t С don"t

17 "Is this pencil?"

"No, this isn"t my pencil."

A his В her С your

18 He starts work 9:00 in the


A at В in С on

19 His birthday is November.

A on В in С at

20 got a car?

A He has В Has he С He hasn"t

Lesson 3 Numerals, adjectives, adverbs, comparisons

0 — zero, o, naught,
1 — one,
2 — two,
3 — three,
4 — four,
5 — five,
6 — six,
7 — seven,
8 — eight,
9 — nine,

10 — ten,

11 — eleven,
12 — twelve,
13 — thirteen,
14 — fourteen,
15 — fifteen,
16 — sixteen,
17 — seventeen,
18 — eighteen,
19 — nineteen,
20 — twenty,

30 — thirty,
40 — forty,
50 — fifty,
60 — sixty,
70 — seventy,
80 — eighty,
90 — ninety,

100 — a / one hundred,
200 — two hundred,
300 — three hundred, …

1,000 — a / one thousand;
8,000 — eight thousand;
200,000 — two hundred thousand; …

1,000,000 — a / one million;
6,000,000 — six million;

121 — one hundred and twenty one (books);

7,006 — seven thousand and six.

first — первый,
second — второй,
third — третий, далее порядковые числительные образуются от количественных путём прибавления суффикса -th .

fourth — четвёртый,
fifth — пятый,
sixth — шестой,
seventh — седьмой,
eighth — восьмой,
ninth — девятый,
tenth — десятый.

1/2 — a half
1/3 — a / one third
3/4 — three quarters
2/9 — two ninths
0.25 — zero / nought point two five
2.456 — two point four five six
7.089 — seven point o eight nine
.7 — point seven.

Lesson 4 Наречия и прилагательные

(в основном наречия образа действия) имеют степени сравнения: положительную, сравнительную и превосходную, которые образуются также как и степени сравнения прилагательных.

Положительная степень

Сравнительная степень

Превосходная степень

1. Односложные наречия и наречия early .

fast - быстро
soon - скоро
early - рано

faster - быстрее
sooner - скорее
earlier - раньше

(the) fastest - быстрее всего
(the) soonest - скорее всего
(the) earliest - раньше всего

2. Наречия, образованные от прилагательных при помощи суффикса - ly .

clearly - ясно

more clearly - яснее
less clearly - менее ясно

(the) most clearly - яснее всего
(the) least clearly - наименее ясно

3. Наречия well - хорошо, badly - плохо, much - много, little - мало, far - далеко образуют степени сравнения от других корней.

well - хорошо
badly - плохо
much - много
little - мало
far - далеко

better - лучше
worse - хуже
more - больше
less - меньше
farther - дальше
further - дальше

(the) best - лучше всего
(the) worst - хуже всего
(the) most - больше всего
(the) least - меньше всего
(the) farthest - дальше всего
(the) furthest - дальше всего

Test 2

I Выбери подходящее слово

1. It is (correct, correctly).

2. Spell the word (correct, correctly).

3. You know it (good, well).

4. Of course it is (good, well).

5. It is (cold, coldly) in the room.

6. Don’t look so (cold, coldly) at me.

7. It is (easy, easily).

8. I can do it (easy, easily).

9. It is (warm, warmly) today.

10. He always greets us (warm, warmly).

II Дополните мини диалоги выражениями

- Excuse me , Are you Mr . Smith ? ________________
- How was the flight? ________________
- How do you like our city? ________________
- And how do you like our weather? ________________
- ______________ In Britain the weather is rainy!
- What is the weather like in Russia? _______________.
- How long are you going to stay here? _______________
- ______________ I am going to stay in the Hotel.
- What are you going to visit? ________________
- What are your plans? ________________
- When are you going to leave ? ________________
- Was it your first visit to Moscow? ________________

Lessons 5-6 Active Voice

Таблица времён . Действительный залог



Обстоятельство времени



I, we
you, they
he, she, it


usually, sometimes, every day, often, seldom


Ed или
II ф. неправ.глаг.


last year 3 years ago


I, we
все остальные

will ask

next year in 3 years





now, at present




yesterday from 5 till 6





just, ever, never, yet,already,
today, this year for, since

Test 3

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1. We ______________________(to go) on a tramp last Sunday. 2. ________your brother _________(to go) to the country with us next Sunday?

3. Granny ________________________(not to cook) dinner now. 4. We ______________(to cook) our meals on a fire last summer. 5. My sister______________ (to wash) the dishes every morning. 6. When__________ you __________________(to go) to school? 7. What ____you __________(to prepare) for breakfast tomorrow? 8. ______you _________(to invite) your cousin to stay with you next summer?

9. How ________you _________(to help) your sister last summer? 10. I _______________(to send) a letter to my friend tomorrow. 11. Every morning on the way to school I ___________(to meet) my friends.

12. My friend __________(to go) to the library every Wednesday. 13. He _________________(not to go) to the country yesterday. 14. Why _______you__________ (to go) to the shop yesterday? 15. We___________________ (to grow) tomatoes next summer. 16. What _______you ________________(to do) now?

17. He _______________________(to sleep) now.

18. Where _________your father___________ (to work) last year? 19. You __________________(to go) to the south next summer! 20. He ______________(not to watch) TV yesterday

Lesson 7 Modal Verbs

Can, could

Этот модальный глагол имеет две формы: can - для настоящего времени, could - для прошедшего. Употребляется он:

Для выражения возможности или способности совершения действия. В этом значении переводится как "мочь", "уметь".

She can speak English well but she can"t write it at all. Она может ( умеет ) хорошо говорить по-английски, но совсем не умеет писать.

Для выражения разрешения совершить действие (в вопросительных и утвердительных предложениях).

Can we go home? Можно нам идти ?
Yes, you can go . Да, вы можете идти.

Для выражения запрета совершить действие, выраженного инфинитивом (только в отрицательных предложениях).

You can"t speak at the lessons. На уроке разговаривать нельзя .

Для выражения просьбы (в вопросительных предложениях).

Can (could) you give me your dictionary? Вы не дадите мне свой словарь?

Форма could употребляется для более вежливого обращения.

to be able to

Сочетание to be able + инфинитив с частицей to является синонимом модального глагола can (см. пункт 1) для выражения возможности или способности совершения действия.

He is able to help you. Он может помочь вам .
He was able to help you. Он смог помочь вам .
He will be able to help you. Он сможет помочь вам.

May, might

Этот модальный глагол имеет две формы: may - для настоящего времени, might - для прошедшего. Глагол may употребляется для выражения:

Разрешения в утвердительных и вопросительных предложениях.

You may go . Ты можешь идти .
May I help you? Разрешите вам помочь.

Запрещения в отрицательных предложениях.

You may not come here. Не смей сюда приходить.

Предположения, неуверенности в утвердительных и отрицательных предложениях.

It may rain today. Возможно сегодня будет дождь.

Глагол might употребляется:

В придаточных дополнительных предложениях в соответствии с правилом согласования времён.

She said that he might take her book. Она сказала, что он может взять её книгу.

Для обозначения вероятности совершения действия.

He might come. Он, может быть , придёт.

Lesson 8 must

Глагол must употребляется:

Для выражения долженствования, необходимости произвести действие в настоящем или будущем.

I must go . Мне надо идти .

Для выражения запрещения в отрицательном предложении.

You mustn"t do it . Нельзя этого делать.

Для выражения вероятности какого-либо действия, предположения.

He must have read this book. Он, вероятно , читал эту книгу.

для обозначения настоятельного совета, рекомендации.

You must come and see my new flat. Ты должен придти посмотреть нашу новую квартиру.

Test 4

1 Fill in: must, mustn"t, have to, don"t have to, can, can"t

You park here. Can"t you see the sign? Parking is forbidden.

Tell them they__________wash the carrots. I"ve already done it.

I help you. I"m not busy now and I think I know how to repair your car.

Don"t argue with me, son! You____________do it right now!

I"m sorry, I __________talk to you right now. I am in a hurry.

Listen to me, boys! You it"s very hot! _________ touch it,

The rules in our school are very strict. We _______ study hard and always be on time

for our lessons.

You_________________have a visa to Germany. You need only a passport.

Lesson 9 Questions

Порядок слов в общем вопросе

Смысловой глагол
или глагол-связка


Остальные члены предложения

your brother

in London?

a student?

Вспомогательный глагол


Смысловой глагол

Остальные члены предложения


your father


in Manchester?

Примечание .
Если в общем вопросе встречается модальный глагол, то он занимает первое место.

Can you swim? Ты умеешь плавать?

Порядок слов в специальном вопросе

Примечание .
Если в специальном вопросе встречается модальный глагол, то он занимает место после вопросительного слова.

Where can I buy a newspaper? Где я могу купить газету?

Вопросительные слова и словосочетания в английском языке:

Lesson 10 Порядок слов в вопросах к подлежащему (или его определению).

При вопросе к подлежащему или его определению сохраняется прямой порядок слов.

Вопросительное слово (на месте подлежащего)


Остальные члены предложения





this book?

Test 5

1. Задайте общие вопросы и дайте краткий ответ.

Does it often rain in September?

Yes, it does. (It often rains in September.)

1— ………………………………………… .. in December?

Yes, (It usually snows in December.)

Yes, (It is raining.)

……………….. yesterday?

Yes, (It was cold yesterday.)

…………… …. two days ago?

Yes, (It rained two days ago.)

……………… . tomorrow?

Yes, (It will rain tomorrow.)

………………. in Anapa?

Yes, ……………… (It will snow.)

last week?

Yes, ……… (It often snowed last week.)

Yes, …………. . (It is snowing.)

Lesson 11 The final test

Test 6

1. Образуйте новое слово : :goal:

A. ball; B. ground; C. keeper; D. case.

2. Дополните предложение .

A. wrestling; B. chess; C. baseball; D. boxing.

3. Weight training, karate, aerobics are all: sports.

A. team; B. outdoor; C. indoor; D. interesting.

4. Do you: karate?

A. do; B. play; C. go; D. like;

5. This is my brother Tom and that`s his wife Betty with: children.

A. our; B. your; C. their; D. her.

6. Какое предложение передает смысл русского предложения?

Я видела, как дельфины прыгают в воду.

A. I saw dolphins jump in the water.

B. I saw dolphins to jump in the water.

C. I watch dolphins jump in the water.

D. I watch dolphins to jump in the water.

7. What is the capital of USA?

A. Washington, D.C; B. Washington; C. Los Angeles; D. New York.

8. Where is the USA?

A. In North America; B. In South America; C. In Africa; D. In Europe.

9. Which state in the USA is closest to Russia?

A. California; B. Montana; C. Alaska; D. Florida.

10. Допишите правило поведения в школе.

You: be late for school.

A. can; B. can`t; C. should; D. must.

Выберите правильный ответ .

11. The first jeans: by Levi Strauss.

A. was made; B. were made; C. be made; D. made.

12. The name "jeans" : to them after sailors from Genoa.

A. give; B. given; C. was given; B. were given.

13. Many US cars are made in: .

A. Chicago; B. Detroit; C. New York; D. Los Angeles.

14. The: river is the greatest river in the USA.

A. Neva; B. Mississippi; C. Avon; D. Colorado.

15. Дайте совет другу .

You: do regular exercise..

A. must; B. should; C. can`t; D. can.

Грамматический практикум

Подготовила Ермолова Светлана Фаильевна, учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 12 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов города Сургута, ХМАО-ЮРГЫ

Пояснительная записка


Данный курс рассчитан на учащихся 9-11-х классов, проявляющих интерес к английскому языку и желающих углубить и расширить знания по предмету.

Данный курс может быть полезен и интересен для учащихся как гуманитарного, так и физико-математического профилей, поскольку является дополнением к учебной программе и ставит своей задачей систематизацию, обобщение и дальнейшее закрепление изученного ранее материала.

Курс включает новые для учащихся знания по английскому языку, не содержащиеся в базовой программе и являющиеся ценными для учащихся, планирующих сдачу английского языка в формате ЕГЭ и в ГИА.

Практическая значимость курса определяется формированием у учащихся грамматических и лексических навыков устной речи. Курс рассчитан на 35 учебных часа (из расчета 1 час в неделю в течение учебного года)

ЦЕЛЬ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ КУРСА – систематизировать, углубить и расширить знания учащихся по грамматике английского языка.

Для достижения данной цели ставятся задачи:

    закрепить грамматические и лексические модели английского языка

    учить строить собственное высказывание, используя более широкий набор грамматических структур и конструкций

    способствовать, формированию у учащихся умений осмысленно использовать в речи сложные грамматические структуры.


Для достижения положительных результатов обучения важное значение имеют методы и приемы, организационные формы учебного процесса. Цели и задачи курса определяют своеобразие применения методов и приемов, используемых на занятиях курса “Грамматический практикум”.

Так как основная цель курса систематизация, углубление и расширение знаний учащихся по грамматике английского языка в старших классах, то считаем целесообразным использовать дедуктивный метод , поскольку

    уровень языковой грамотности, академических умений уже достаточно высок и позволяет эффективно использовать специальную справочную литературу, как в классе, так и при самостоятельной работе;

    грамматические структуры, изучаемые на продвинутом уровне, достаточны сложны, и их вряд ли можно понять самостоятельно, а если и возможно, то временные затраты будут непозволительно велики;

    в старшей школе акцент делается на дальнейшее развитие автономности учащихся, формирование умений самостоятельно преодолевать возникающие трудности, проводить самооценку и коррекцию полученных знаний и умений.

Структурный метод, предполагающий длительную и специальную отработку грамматической структуры, а так же формирование динамического стереотипа, то есть готовности и способности автоматизировано употреблять готовую грамматическую структуру. Но поскольку обучение грамматике не является самоцелью, основным методом обучения будет являться коммуникативный метод , который дает возможность тренировать заданную языковую форму в естественных речевых условиях.

Приемы для создания учебно-речевых ситуаций при семантизации грамматических явлений:

    использование реальных предметов и физических действий для раскрытия сущности явления;

    привлечение воображаемых действий для передачи значения того или иного явления;

    использование переводных языковых средств семантизации грамматических структур в виде перевода – толкования, объяснения, сравнения.


В процессе обучения по данному курсу учащиеся систематизируют, углубляют и расширяют знания по грамматике английского языка.

В результате работы над курсом учащиеся будут знать : теоретические основы английской грамматики на более высоком уровне. Будут уметь : строить собственное высказывание, используя широкий набор грамматических структур; осмысленно использовать в речи сложные грамматические структуры.


Измерителями учебных достижений учащихся являются:

    результаты тестирования после каждой изученной грамматической темы;

    умение решить сложную коммуникативную задачу на продуктивном уровне.

Формы текущего контроля могут быть:

    устный опрос по изученной грамматической теме;

    мини – тесты;

    работа в парах, группах по решению заданных речевых задач с использованием изученных грамматических структур.

Формой итогового контроля будет являться итоговый тест по всем изученным темам.


В процессе реализации данного курса используются следующие технологии:

    обучение в сотрудничестве;

    личностно - ориентированный подход;



Раздел I. Морфология включает 22 занятия.

Раздел II. Синтаксис включает 13 занятий.

Раздел I знакомит учащихся с языковой системой языка, объединяющий грамматические классы слов, а также принадлежащие этим классам грамматические категории и формы слов.

Раздел II знакомит учащихся со способами соединения слов (и их форм) в словосочетания и предложения, соединение предложений в сложные предложения, способы создания высказываний.


Имя существительное

Число имен существительных. Образование множественного числа имен существительных. Случаи отклонения от правила образования множественного числа существительных. Притяжательный падеж.

Неопределенный артикль. Особые случаи употребления неопределенного артикля. Определенный артикль. Особые случаи употребления определенного артикля.

Имя прилагательное

Имя числительное

Образование количественных и порядковых числительных. Чтение хронологических дат и обозначение времени.


Разряды местоимений. Личные местоимения.

Притяжательные местоимения. Возвратные местоимения. Неопределенные местоимения.

Времена группы Simple

Образование Present Simple. Употребление Present Simple. Образование Past Simple. Употребление Past Simple. Образование Future Simple. Употребление Future Simple.

Времена группы Continuous

Образование Present Continuous. Употребление Present Continuous. Образование Past Continuous.

Употребление Past Continuous. Образование Future Continuous.

Времена группы Perfect

Образование Present Perfect. Употребление Present Perfect. Образование Past Perfect. Употребление Past Perfect. Образование и употребление Future Perfect.

Времена группы Perfect Continuous

Образование и употребление Present Perfect Continuous. Образование и употребление Past Perfect Continuous. Образование и употребление Future Perfect Continuous.

Пассивный залог

Особенности употребления страдательного залога в английском языке. Формы Simple Passive. Формы Continuous Passive. Формы Perfect Passive.

Модальные глаголы

Модальные глаголы: can, must, may, should, ought, need.

Согласование времен

Правила согласования времен в английском языке.

Неличные формы глагола.


Общее понятие об инфинитиве. Образование и употребление форм инфинитива.


Общее понятие о герундии. Образование и употребление герундия. Функции герундия в предложении и способы перевода герундия на русский язык.


Общее понятие о причастии. Образование форм причастия. Participle I. Participle II. Функции причастий в предложении.


Утвердительное предложение

Главные члены предложения. Подлежащее. Формальное подлежащее. Сказуемое. Согласование сказуемого с подлежащим. Второстепенные члены предложения. Порядок слов в утвердительном предложении

Вопросительное предложение

Общие вопросы. Специальные вопросы. Вопросы к подлежащему. Альтернативные вопросы. Разделительные вопросы.

Повелительное предложение.

Восклицательное предложение

Образование и употребление повелительных


Образование и употребление восклицательных предложений.

Сложное дополнение

Общее понятие о сложном дополнении. Сложное дополнение с глаголами физического восприятия и ощущений. Сложное дополнение с модальными глаголами.

Условные придаточные предложения I типа.

Условные придаточные предложения II типа.

Условные придаточные предложения III типа.

Прямая и косвенная речь

Правила изменения прямой речи в косвенную.

Вопросы в косвенной речи. Повелительные предложения в косвенной речи.


Образование слов при помощи суффиксов и префиксов. Наиболее употребительные суффиксы и префиксы и их значение. Конверсия.



Тема раздела

Тема занятия


Имя существительное

Множественное число

существительных. Притяжательный падеж существительных

Неопределенный артикль. Определённый артикль.

Имя прилагательное

Степени сравнения прилагательных

Имя числительное

Образование порядко-

вых и количественных



Разряды местоимений

Present, Past и Future

Present, Past и Future

Present, Past и Future

Present, Past и Future

Simple, Continuous,

Модальные глаголы

can, must, ought, may,

Правила согласования

Неличные формы глагола

Образование и употре-

бление инфинитива

Образование и употре-

бление герундия

Образование и употре-

бление причастия







Отрицательное предложение

Повелительное предложение.

Восклицательное предложение

Сложное дополнение

Условные придаточные предложения

Условные придаточные предложения

Условные придаточные предложения

Прямая и косвен-

Правила изменения прямой речи в косвенную


Способы словообразования в английском языке

Итоговый тест

Контроль грамматических навыков


1. Беляева М.А. Грамматика английского языка. – М.:

Высшая школа, 1975.

2. Дубровин М. Путеводитель по английской грамматике. – М.:

Начала – Пресс, 1992

3. Новицкая Т.М., Кучин Н.Д. Практическая грамматика английского

языка. – М.: Высшая школа, 1983.

4. Пассов Е.И. Основы коммуникативной методики. – М.: Русский

5. Рогова Т.В., Верещагина И.Н. Методика обучения английскому

языку на начальном этапе. – М.: Просвещение, 1998

6. Рязанова Н.К., Смолина М.И. Времена английского глагола. – М.:

Просвещение, 1983

7. Соловова Е.Н. Методика обучения иностранным языкам. Базовый

курс лекции. – М.: Просвещение, 2002


1.Грамматические справочники

2.Дидактический раздаточный материал

4. Грамматические таблицы

5. Таблица неправильных глаголов

Современный английский: практикум по грамматике. Миловидов В.А. — Универсальный сборник упражнений поможет в кратчайшие сроки освоить основные темы английского языка, а также закрепить на практике полученные навыки общения и построения грамотных английских фраз и выражений.

Год: 2017
Издательство: АСТ
Миловидов В.А.
Формат: pdf

Размер: 19 Мб.

Навыки общения и построения грамотных английских фраз и выражений

Все упражнения распределены по разделам: существительное, глагол, предлоги, артикль и т.п. Вы сможете работать последовательно, продвигаясь от простого к более сложному, или выбрать необходимую для вас тему.

Сборник рассчитан на любой уровень владения языком. Все ответы к упражнениям даются в ключах. Практикум будет полезен для всех, кто изучает английский язык в школах, вузах, на курсах, а также самостоятельно.

Communication and building skills of competent English phrases and expressions

All exercises are organized into sections: noun, verb, prepositions, articles, etc. You can work sequentially, moving from simple to more complex, or to choose the required topic for you.

The collection is designed for any level of language proficiency. All answers to the exercises are given in keys. The workshop will be useful for all those who study English in schools, universities, courses, as well as independently.

Универсальный сборник упражнений

Постройте конструкцию с притяжательным падежом, используя знак апостроф (’):
1. my (nephew) dog; 2. (Julie) new boyfriend; 3. the (men) room; 4. my (sister-in-law) husband; 5. the (women) leader; 6. the (officers) residence; 7. for (goodness) sake; 8. (Jesus) resurrection; 9. the (prince) palace; 10. my (brother-in-law) new automobile; 11. (Clinton) saxophone; 12. the (children) toys; 13. a (three-hour) drive; 14. the (labourers) union; 15. (Burns) employees; 16. (Beethoven) 9th symphony; 17. (Aristotle) yacht; 18. (Aristotle) works; 19. (Bush) daughter; 20. (Andy) girlfriend.

Переведите на английский язык:
1. Дай мне другой карандаш. Я сломал этот. 2. Какие-то другие люди пришли и купили этот дом. 3. Покажи мне другую руку. 4. Мы пошли вдоль Пятой Авеню, остальные пошли вдоль Шестой. 5. Один из моих друзей плавает в реке, другой читает книгу.


1.Write the verbs in the past forms.

a) to dream - dreamed

to marry

to travel

to visit

to decide

to phone

b) to make

to become

to spend

to speak

to dream

to drink

c) to know

to leave

to steal

2.Write general questions to the following sentences.

1. They made a wonderful cake yesterday.

Did they make a wonderful cake yesterday?

2. Billy came home early in the evening.

3. My parents flew to Canada last summer.

4. Her friend wrote for the school newspaper last year.

5. Len learnt Italian at the university 2 years ago.

6. You swam in the sea when you were in Spain.

7. Tim spoke on the phone in the morning.

8. Ann sat on the sofa and read a book in the afternoon.

9. Dick spent his holidays in France last year.

10. My granny grew roses in the garden last spring.

Mary got up at 8 in the morning yesterday.

4.Make the sentences negative and write them down.

1 . Tom drove to the sea yesterday.

Tom didn"t drive to the sea yesterday.

2. Sarah flew to Glasgow 2 days ago.

4. They learnt to play the piano 3 years ago.

5. We stayed with my uncle yesterday.

6. Len spent a wonderful time in the country.

7. Nina rang her parents three times last week.

8. I got up late on Sunday.

9. They sang an English song at the last lesson,

10. A strong wind blew yesterday.

5.Use the necessary forms of the verbs in the brackets.

1. Last summer a lot of people________(leave) left the city when it was hot.

2. Some people__________(steal) Mike’s car last week.

3. My granny __________________(make)a lemon cake.

4. When I was in Spain,___________(swim) I in the sea a lot.

5. My mother____________(speak) on the phone in the evening.

6. A strong wind__________(blow) yesterday.

7. Aunt Ann_____________(grow) roses in her garden last summer.

8. When Tim___________(come) home, he__________(ring)

the doorbell as he didn’t have a key.

9. Dan _________(dream) to be a banker when he was four.

10 Last week Rose __________(hear) a new song and _________(sing) it.

6.Use the necessary forms of the verbs in the brackets to complete the story.

Yesterday Don (1get) got up at 6 o’clock in the morning.

Don (2 ride) his bike in the park. He (3drink) a cup of black coffee and (4 eat) a ham sandwich. He (5leave) home for school at 8 o’clock. He (6 stay) at school till late afternoon.

At 4 o’clock he(7 go) back home, where he (8 feed) his dog and (9 take) it out for a walk.

After that Don (10 do) his homework. He (11 spend) evening with his friends.

Don (12 enjoy) his day a lot.

7.Use the necessary forms of the verbs in the brackets to complete the story.

Lulu Green (1 be) was born in Glasgow. She was the daughter of a businessman and

a dressmaker. She (2 grow) up near the sea. After school Lulu 99 go) to Glassgow University: she (4 want) be a journalist. Lulu (5 have) a talent for writing.

8.Write who-questions to the following sentences.

1. My cousin was born in Scotland.

Who was born in Scotland?

2.1 am interested in sports.

3. We were in Moscow Zoo yesterday.

4. They are good pupils.

5. Olga was born in February.

6. Kate and Don are in Rome now.

7. Bob and Tim were in Glasgow last week.

  • Richard and Mary are in the hotel now.
  • My parents were in Ottawa last winter.
  • Tim was interested in dancing when he was 10.

9. Write who-questions to the following sentences.

1. My sister fed the dog in the morning.

Who fed the dog in the morning?

2. Liz sang very well at the party yesterday.

3. We had a good time in the country on Saturday.

4. They left London for Moscow last week.

5. The teacher said it to us at the lesson yesterday.

6. Dan spoke a lot on the phone last night.

7. Bob and Tim heard that last Friday.

8. Richard made a nice present for his sister.

9. My parents flew to Kiev last month.

10. Bob came home late at night.

10A. Write true answers to the questions about your family.

1. Who usually makes breakfast for you? - My mom does.

2. Who plays computer games?

3. Who drinks tea in the morning?

4. Who usually goes to the shops?

5. Who washes up?

10 B. Look at the pictures and write the answers to the following questions.

  • Who sang yesterday? Bob and Mary did.
  • Who spoke on the phone yesterday?
  • Who walked to school yesterday?
  • Who rode the bike in the park in summer?
  • Who knew the answer to the question at the lesson yesterday?

11. Write 10 things you could/couldn"t do when you were 7 years old.

  • I could swim when I was 7 years old.
  • ____________________________
  • ____________________________
  • ____________________________
  • ____________________________
  • ____________________________
  • ____________________________
  • ____________________________
  • ____________________________
  • ____________________________

12 A. Write who-questions to the following sentences.

1. Ben could sing songs when a child.

Who could sing songs when a child?

2. Bess could read books when she was 6.

3. Don could ride a bike when he was 4.

5. Ted and Tim could ride a horse when they were at school.

6. Mr Green could drive a car when he was 22.

  • Who could cook when she was 17? Mary could.
  • Who could dance well when she was five?
  • . Who could speak French when they were 12?
  • Who could fly a plane when he was 33 ?
  • Who could do sums when she was 10?
  • Who could drive a car when he was 18?

13.Make the sentences negative and write them down.

1. Bob could run fast when he was at school.

Bob couldn"t run fast when he was at school.

2. Sue could read books when she was 5 years old.

4. They could play computer games when they were 3.

5. Sam could play the piano well when he was 11.

  • Nina could sing nice songs when she was small.
  • I could swim when I was 5
  • They could go to the country at the weekend.
  • Pete could dance very well when he was 15 years old.

14. Write the ordinal numerals.

1. one - (the) first

8 eighteen -

2. two -

9. four -

3. eight -

4. seven -

10. six -

11.nineteen -

5. thirteen -

6. three -

12.eleven -

13.twenty -

7. five -

14.ten -

15.twelve -

15. Write when the people were born using ordinal numerals.

1. Peter was born on the (1st) first of December.

2. Tim and Bess were born on the (22nd) of October.

3. Linda was born on the (11th) of March.

4. My mother was born on the (5th) of November.

5. Her teacher was born on the (23nd) of April.

6. Sally was born on the (8th) of

7. Dick was born on the (4th) of

9. Sam was born on the (9th) of May.

10. My dad was born on the (16th) of September.

16. Use the where necessary.

1. …London is the capital of … Great Britain.

2 …John lives in …Glasgow. After school he wants to go to … Glasgow University.

3. We want to see …Lake District and … Scotland very much.

4. … Dvortsovaya Square is the most beautiful

square in… St Petersburg.

5 …Alexandrovsky Garden is near … Red

6. … Russian Museum is a famous museum of … Russia.

7. … Alexander Pushkin is a Russian poet.

8. … Jim’s Spanish is better than his …French.

9. … Washington, D.C. is the capital of… USA.

10. We saw ... Moscow Zoo and … Pushkin

Museum last Friday.

16.Use a, an or the where necessary.

1. I take … Bus 10 to go to …school.

2. D is … fourth letter of … English alphabet.

3. … Room 44 is on … second floor of

4. …text is on … page 2 of … book.

5. … third story in … book is funnier than

6. There is …. interesting text in … Step 4.

7. .. singer was . .. third child in … family.

8. … journalist is .. person who works in

… magazine or … newspaper.

9 … Mr Black is … good father and …

10. Dan wanted to become … doctor when he was … child.

17.Match the pictures to their names

2.the Summer Garden

3. Nevsky Prospect

4. Tverskaya Street

5. the Pushkin Museum

6. Dvortsovaya Square

8. Alexandrovsky Garden

9. the Russian Museum

10. St Petersburg .

18.Complete the sentences using the new words from the box.

journalist, uncle, life, interest, address, dream, university, newspaper, medicine, country, stayed

1.Denis wants to be a doctor. He goes to university and does __________there.

2.Ben is a __________and he writes interesting stories

3There was no _____________ in the letter.

5. Her ________________ is to become a famous singer.

6.James has a strong ____________ in farming.

7._______________ in a city is easier than in the _______ .

8. Lily ______________ with her grandparents yesterday.

about, at, by, for, in, of, on, to, up, with

1. They left __ Glasgow for London yesterday.

2. My parents went ___ the sea ___ train and I drove there __ my car.

3.__ 7 o’clock Peter usually comes__ home.

4. What’s your address? - I live___15 Green

Street, __Leeds.

5. You’ll visit a lot of places___ interest___

Washington, D.C.

19.Use the prepositions from the box where necessary to complete the sentences. about, at, by, for, in, of, on, to, up, with

7. What are you dreaming ______ ? - I want to make a career______medicine.

8. Room 132 is ______the fourth floor ______ the hotel.

9. When Ron went______Glasgow, he never stayed

a hotel, he stayed ______ his grandparents.

10. Some children don’t want to get___and go

School______Monday mornings.

11. Bob spent a lot of time doing sums and reading books when he went_____university.

12. Ted was born ______ the fifth September___

20.What are the capitals of the following countries?

Washington, D.C., Ottawa

1. Rome is the capital of Italy.

2. _______ is the capital of Great Britain.

3.__________ is the capital of Finland.

4.________ is the capital of Spain.

Helsinki, Kiev, Moscow, Rome, Madrid, London, Paris, Washington, D.C., Ottawa Helsinki, Kiev, Moscow, Rome, Madrid, London, Paris, Washington, D.C., Ottawa

5. ____ is the capital of Russia.

  • ____ is the capital of France.

7.______ is the capital of Ukraine.

  • _____is the capital of the USA.
  • ______is the capital of Canada.

21. Write who these people are.

1. Your father’s daughter is your sister.

  • Your father’s sister is your _______.
  • Your father’s father is your _________.
  • Your mother’s mother and father are your________.
  • Your mother’s son is your _________.

6. Your mother and father are your ___.

7. Your aunt’s daughter is your___.

8. Your father’s mother is your ____.

9. Your uncle’s son is your____.

10. Your mother’s brother is your ____.

22.Write when and where these people were born.


Sally was born in Paris in August.

2.Wendy and Peter/Glasgow/March


5.Olga and Natasha/Novgorod/February

6. Kate and Ann/St.Petersburg/January

7. Steven/Washington, D.C./October

8. Rob/Helsinki/May

  • Nick/Rome/April
  • Tom and John/Leeds/September
  • Mike/Ottawa/June

  • 50+22= Fifty and twenty two is seventy two
  • 28+7=
  • 33+34=
  • 77+13=
  • 45+6=
  • 11+18=
  • 92+8=
  • 14+52=
  • 30+50=
  • 66+9=
  • 73+7=

24.Write the years in words.

1. 1945 Nineteen forty-five

  • 1903

3. 1812

5. 1147

10. 1973

11. 1961

25.Write 5-7 true sentences about your family.

My father

is interested in

26. Write what their jobs are.

1.Sue and Bob work on the farm.

They are farmers.

  • Mary teaches music at school.

3.Denis cooks food.

5.Tom works in a shop.

6. David flies planes.

7. Bess and Kate write books.

8. Liz sings songs.

9. Boris and Alex work in a hospital

10. Dan works in a bank.

11. Susan makes bread .

27.Match the words to make the names of some jobs and write them down.

1. dress

d) maker

  • I live at 22 Tverskaya Street, Moscow.
  • I live at 10 High Street, London.
  • I live at 15 Apple Street, Leeds.
  • I live at 22 Green Street, Glasgow.
  • I live at 1 Central Park, Sochi.
  • I live at 14Nevsky Prospect, St. Petersburg.