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Явление природы перевод на английский. Русско-английский перевод явление природы

По теме природных явлений и катастроф. Текст может стать основой для школьного сочинения или презентации

Natural disasters like earthquakes, tornado, tsunami and floods happen more frequently nowadays. There are many reasons why they occur, but the main one is related to human activity on Earth which often has a negative impact on our environment.

All kinds of disasters are usually very damaging. Many dwellings, roads and even whole streets and cities are ruined. The number of victims usually terrifies as hundreds or even thousands of people get injured or die in disasters. However, each disaster has a different nature.

For example, an earthquake is the result of the tectonic plates’ movement which leads to the shaking of a certain area on land. Earthquakes destroy buildings and people usually become victims because they get stuck or killed under the rubble.

Tornado is also a natural disaster which looks like an enormous column of the wind which lifts cars, bicycles, furniture and many other things. It is also called a twister and it can be very dangerous if touches the surface of the ground or water.

Flood in its turn happens when rivers burst their banks. Most extended floods damage cities and wash away whole populated places. Tsunami is another natural disaster which arises as a series of huge waves caused by underwater earthquakes.

Thus, there are many natural disasters which are dangerous for all of us. We should be careful and treat our planet better in order not to die with it.


Природные катаклизмы, такие как землетрясения, торнадо, цунами и наводнения, теперь случаются все чаще. Существует много причин, из-за которых они возникают, но основная причина связана с деятельностью человека, которая часто оказывает негативное воздействие на нашу окружающую среду.

Все виды природных катастроф обычно разрушительны. Разрушаются многие здания, дороги и даже целые улицы и города. Число жертв обычно приводит в ужас, так как сотни и даже тысячи людей получают ранения, или погибают в катастрофах. Однако у каждого катаклизма своя природа.

Например, землетрясение – результат движения тектонических плит, которое приводит к сотрясению определенной территории земли. Землетрясения разрушают здания, и люди обычно становятся жертвами из-за того, что застревают или погибают под обломками.

Торнадо – также относится к катастрофам природного характера, которая имеет вид огромного столба ветра, поднимающего над землей машины, велосипеды, мебель и многие другие вещи. Торнадо также зовут вихрем, и он может быть весьма опасным, если коснется поверхности земли или воды.

Наводнения, в свою очередь, происходят, когда реки выходят из берегов. Большинство обширных наводнений наносят вред городам и смывают целые населенные пункты. Цунами – еще один природный катаклизм, который возникает в виде нескольких огромных волн, спровоцированных подводными землетрясениями.

Таким образом, существует множество природных катаклизмов, которые опасны для всех нас. Нам следует быть осторожнее и лучше относиться к нашей планете, чтобы не погибнуть вместе с ней.


Natural disaster – природный катаклизм

Earthquake – землетрясение

Flood – наводнение

Environment – окружающая среда

Victim – жертва

To ruin/to destroy – разрушать

Under the rubble – подобломками

To burst the banks – выходить из берегов

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    Комментариев к статье: 4



    Germany v Sweden — 2018 protest save Nature: The world"s most destructive human intervention in nature: Stop oil production Sands. World to save natur: Help save mother Earth. Earthquake world Climate change and Environmental disasters in the world related to mining oil, gas, coal, salt, soil, gravel, sand, stone, ore and so on. Save the planet, to admire the beauty of nature and save the world from ecological disaster. All of the causes of environmental katostrofy happens all over the world from mining oil, coal, gas, iron ore, salt, diamonds, gold, sand, soil and so on. Environmental pollution around the world poses a serious threat to all worldwide. Live Earth be in great danger. There are many things that negatively affect the Earth: mining coal, oil, gas and so on, emissions from factories and exhaust gases, deforestation, poisoning of air and water pollution, depletion of the ozone layer and catastrophically global changes of climate all over the world. I, Nazar Pervobytnyi ask all people in the world, let"s live together according to the laws of Nature and save the Nature. Environmental pollution is one of the most acute problems of the world.

    monstrous the behavior of humanity is a catastrophe in the world. The tragic events around the world Save Nature Planet, please save Earth. Earthquakes, causes extraction of oil, gas, coal, iron ore, salt and so on. Conservationists held a series of protest actions against the extraction of oil, gas, coal and more. Residents from different parts of the world I urge all people to forever stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal . ore, oil, gas, and so on: let"s save the World from global environmental disaster. In the world of all diseases and cancer in particular related to from oil, gas, coal, landfill, sewage network and the whole industrialization and urbanization: It carries all the poisoning and destruction of the habitat of all living things in the world. Many countries in the world for the first time in many years, was severely damaged by hurricanes. Environmental disaster from urbanization and industrialization: global climate change around the world increases the risk of environmental disasters. Droughts, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis – all becomes more and more intense. The protection of nature in Russia, USA and all over the world: this is something that should engage everyone. People from international environmental organizations gathered for a rally in protest against mining coal, ore, oil, gas, soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt and so on. It is not too late for all of us and for all the world to recover to stop production of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. Mining salt, coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Tears and pain nivchem innocent — all living things in the world, it is impossible to live on, otherwise all life will perish from human activities. Mother — Earth, where the world we live in. Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, springs, forests, meadows, flora and fauna adorn the Planet. World to save natur: Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animals plants, there is no difference — we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution) . Exxon Valdez oil spill



    Help save the world from all mankind. I, Bandzhov Nazarali Holnazarovich live for the sake of Nature and the preservation of Nature and the world. I was convinced that the real defenders of Nature are very few in the whole world. The overwhelming majority of people pollute the Earth, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, mountains, forests, steppes and so on, became scary for the future of the whole world. Protect world stop mining coal, oil, gas and so on: Mining companies and mining industry have turned the whole world into a huge quarry and an underground void, this is a real hell for the whole world. Environment problems in Europe, USA, Russia, Asia, Africa, Middle East and around the world situation catastrophic: Air, water and soil it around the world is poisoned. Pollution surrounding wednesdays from mankind, around the world all diseases from oil, gas, coal, iron ore, sewage, garbage, cities, industry and transport. Global change climate around the world: Drought, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, a tsunami – all this occurs around the world. Save the planet, to admire the beauty of nature and save the world from ecological disaster. All of the causes of environmental catastrophe happens all over the world from mining oil, coal, gas, iron ore, salt, diamonds, gold, sand, soil and so on. Environmental pollution around the world poses a serious threat to all worldwide. Live Earth be in great danger. There are many things that negatively affect the Earth: mining coal, oil, gas and so on, emissions from factories and exhaust gases, deforestation, poisoning of air and water pollution, depletion of the ozone layer and catastrophically global changes of climate all over the world. Environmental pollution is one of the most acute problems of the world. monstrous the behavior of humanity is a catastrophe in the world. Tragic events around the world led to environmental disasters. World Save Nature Planet, please save Earth. Earthquakes, causes extraction of oil, gas, coal, iron ore, salt and so on. Conservationists held a series of protest actions against the extraction of oil, gas, coal and more. Residents from different parts of the world I urge all people to forever stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal . ore, oil, gas, and so on: let"s save the World from global environmental disaster. In the world of all diseases and cancer in particular related to from oil, gas, coal, landfill, sewage network and the whole industrialization and urbanization: It carries all the poisoning and destruction of the habitat of all living things in the world. Many countries in the world for the first time in many years, was severely damaged by hurricanes. Environmental disaster from urbanization and industrialization: global climate change around the world increases the risk of environmental disasters. Droughts, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis – all becomes more and more intense. The protection of nature in Russia, USA and all over the world: this is something that should engage everyone. People from international environmental organizations gathered for a rally in protest against mining coal, ore, oil, gas, soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt and so on. It is not too late for all of us and for all the world to recover to stop production of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. Mining salt, coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Tears and pain nivchem innocent — all living things in the world, it is impossible to live on, otherwise all life will perish from human activities. Mother — Earth, where the world we live in. Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, springs, forests, meadows, flora and fauna adorn the Planet. World to save natur: Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animals plants, there is no difference — we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution) www.youtube.com/watch?v=v..._-pu8&sns=tw . Exxon Valdez oil spill www.youtube.com/watch?v=d...vSh8o&sns=tw . Nature can to get rid of all ills, misfortune and razrusheny: www.youtube.com/watch?v=G...9YOC0&sns=tw . Profit Pollution and Deception BP and the Oil Spill BBC Documentary www.youtube.com/watch?v=8...MMO9w&sns=tw . Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray www.youtube.com/watch?v=k...zEo4k&sns=tw . Environmental problems of the Earth! www.youtube.com/watch?v=1...6J-uE&sns=fb . Tar Sands Oil Extraction — The Dirty Truth www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y...vP17A&sns=tw



    Water, land and air pollution in Germany, Netherlands and Europa. Catastrophe in Germany, Netherlands and in neighboring countries. Many containers of hazardous chemicals have fallen into the North Sea from the cargo ship MSC Zoe. And the containers were thrown in waves to the shores of the Dutch and German islands. For this reason, the coast guard urged local residents not to open the containers or touch their contents. Organic peroxides, chemicals that cause irritation on contact with skin and mucous membranes, are found in containers that have fallen into water. Many countries in the world for the first time in many years, was severely damaged by hurricanes. Environmental disaster from urbanization and industrialization: global climate change around the world increases the risk of environmental disasters. Droughts, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis – all becomes more and more intense. The protection of nature in Russia, USA and all over the world: this is something that should engage everyone. People from international environmental organizations gathered for a rally in protest against mining coal, ore, oil, gas, soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt and more. It is not too late for all of us and for all the world to recover to stop production of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. Mining salt, coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Tears and pain nivchem innocent — all living things in the world, it is impossible to live on, otherwise all life will perish from human activities. Mother — Earth, where the world we live in. Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, springs, forests, meadows, flora and fauna adorn the Planet. World to save natur: Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animals plants, there is no difference — we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution) www.youtube.com/watch?v=v..._-pu8&sns=tw . Nature can to get rid of all ills, misfortune and razrusheny: www.youtube.com/watch?v=G...9YOC0&sns=tw . Profit Pollution and Deception BP and the Oil Spill BBC Documentary www.youtube.com/watch?v=8...MMO9w&sns=tw . Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray www.youtube.com/watch?v=k...zEo4k&sns=tw . Environmental problems of the Earth! www.youtube.com/watch?v=1...6J-uE&sns=fb . Exxon Valdez oil spill www.youtube.com/watch?v=d...vSh8o&sns=tw .

Цели и задачи урока:

  • повторить изученные темы;
  • развивать навыки аудирования, говорения, чтения, перевода;
  • углублять межпредметные связи и знания учащихся по другим предметам, в частности географии.

Ход урока


Урок начинается с оргмомента , во время которого учитель сообщает учащимся тему (слайд 2) и говорит о тех задачах, которые предстоит решить в ходе урока.

“Hello, everybody. Glad to see you. Sit down, please. Today we are going to talk about extreme natural phenomena and we’ll learn a lot of interesting facts”.


“First comes warming-up. Let’s review two rhymes about the weather.”

Rainbow at night
Is the sailor’s delight.
Rainbow at morning,
Sailor, take warning!
Evening red and morning grey
Are the signs of a bonny day.
Evening grey and morning red
Bring down rain on the farmer’s head.


Далее учащиеся знакомятся с названиями некоторых экстремальных явлений природы по-английски (слайд 4). Если учащиеся затрудняются перевести то или иное слово, они, как всегда на уроке, могут воспользоваться словарем.

“Look at the blackboard /screen/. Let’s read and translate some extreme natural phenomena”.

  1. An eclipse.
  2. A tsunami.
  3. A typhoon.
  4. A hurricane.
  5. A tornado.
  6. An eruption.
  7. An earthquake.
  8. A flood.

После того как слова переведены и отработано их правильное произношение, учащимся предлагаются объяснения всех этих слов (слайд 4):

“And now you can see the definitions of these extreme natural phenomena. Read and match. Five minutes at your disposal.”

a. a violent storm with extremely strong winds and heavy rains.

b. a process when a volcano explodes inside and flames, rocks and lava come out of the top.

c. a large amount of water that covers an area that was dry before.

d. a short period when all or part of the Sun or Moon becomes dark because of the positions of the Sun, Moon and Earth in relation to each other.

e. a tropical storm with strong winds

f. a sudden shaking movement of the ground

g. a very strong wind that goes quickly round in a circle or funnel

h. a very large wave that causes a lot of damage when it hits the land

Учащиеся самостоятельно читают и переводят определение слов и соотносят слово с его определением, например 1-b, 2-g и т.д. Когда большинство учащихся справилось с заданием, учитель предлагает учащимся проверить себя, показав правильные варианты ответов:1-d, 2-h, 3-e,4-a,5-g,6-b, 7-f, 8-c (слайд 5).

После этого учащиеся по очереди читают получившиеся предложения (слайд 5).

“And now let’s read and translate these sentences.”

  1. An eclipse isa short period when all or part of the Sun or Moon becomes dark because of the positions of the Sun, Moon and Earth in relation to each other.
  2. A tsunami isa very large wave that causes a lot of damage when it hits the land.
  3. A typhoon is a tropical storm with strong winds.
  4. A hurricane isa violent storm with extremely strong winds and heavy rains.
  5. A tornado isa very strong wind that goes quickly round in a circle or funnel.
  6. An eruption isa process when a volcano explodes inside and flames, rocks and lava come out of the top.
  7. An earthquake isa sudden shaking movement of the ground.
  8. A flood isa large amount of water that covers an area that was dry before.

“Now let’s read and answer the questions.”

  1. What is …?
  2. Which of these natural phenomena is the most dangerous? Why?
  3. Have you ever seen anything like this yourself?
  4. Where do … often happen on the Earth?
  5. What famous volcanoes do you know? Where are they?
  6. Why do people give names to tornadoes? to typhoons? to hurricanes?

Данный вид работы проводится в нескольких режимах: ученик – ученик, класс - ученик, ученик – класс.


Следующий этап урока – работа с текстом “Volcanoes” (слайд 7).

“Next comes the text “Volcanoes”. Your task is to read and translate it. Try to understand as much as possible”.

There are a lot of volcanoes on the Earth. A volcano is a mountain that forces hot gas, rocks, ash and lava into the air through a hole at the top. Some volcanoes are not immediately dangerous because they are not active and have become dormant. Others will never be dangerous again because they are completely extinct. Active volcanoes can erupt. Some of them erupt slowly and quietly. This slow eruption can last for months or even years. Sometimes volcanoes erupt very quickly and noisily.

Under the surface of the earth it is very hot. The rocks are not hard and solid. They are thick and liquid. This liquid rock is called magma. Sometimes there is an opening in the rocks on the surface. Then magma can come up through this opening and the volcano erupts. Dust and pieces of rock are thrown up into the air. Red hot lava pours down the sides of the mountains. Later on, the lava cools and becomes hard rock.

Затем учащимся предлагается восстановить в предложениях правильный порядок слов (слайд 8).

“Your next task is to arrange these sentences in a proper way. Do it in written form.”

  1. into the air; a volcano; hot gas, rocks, ash and lava; that; is; forces; a mountain; through a hole at the top
  2. and; active volcanoes; on the Earth; there are; dormant volcanoes; extinct volcanoes
  3. on the surface; there is; an opening in the rocks; sometimes
  4. and; erupts; can come up; the magma; through this opening; the volcano
  5. into the air; are thrown up; hot gas, rocks, ash and lava
  6. down the sides of the mountains; pours; red hot lava
  7. cools; becomes; the lava; hard rock; and
  8. thick and liquid; under the surface of the earth; and; are; the rocks; are called magma; they

Когда учащиеся заканчивают выполнять данное задание, они сами проверяют себя.

“ Now look at the screen again and check yourselves.”

  1. A volcano is a mountain that forces hot gas, rocks, ash and lava into the air through a hole at the top.
  2. There are active volcanoes, dormant volcanoes and extinct volcanoes on the Earth.
  3. Sometimes there is an opening in the rocks on the surface.
  4. The magma can come up through this opening and the volcano erupts.
  5. Hot gas, rocks, ash and lava are thrown up into the air.
  6. Red hot lava pours down the sides of the mountains.
  7. The lava cools and becomes hard rock.
  8. Under the surface of the earth the rocks are thick and liquid and they are called magma.


На экране появляется анимированная картинка извержения вулкана. Учащиеся смотрят на нее и их задача – прокомментировать то, что происходит на экране, заполнив выноски (слайд 10).

“Look at the screen please. The volcano is erupting. Please comment what is happening.”

После этого задания, если позволяет время, можно предложить учащимся посмотреть небольшой видеофрагмент (правда, на русском языке) об извержении вулкана (видеофрагмент взят из электронной версии энциклопедии Кирилла и Мефодия).

После видеофрагмента один из учащихся по-английски рассказывает, как происходит извержение вулкана (слайд 12).


Следующий этап урока посвящен городу Помпеи. В течение пяти-семи минут учащиеся самостоятельно читают текст (слайд 13), а затем выполняют несколько заданий к этому тексту.

“Your next task is to read the text about the Italian town of Pompeii. While reading choose the best title for the text from your point of view.”

North of Pompeii there is a mountain called Mount Vesuvius. It is a volcano. The people who lived in Pompeii two thousand years ago were not afraid of the volcano. It had been quiet for eight hundred years.

Then in August one year strange things started to happen. People heard noises under the ground. The water in their wells disappeared. Birds flew away from the town. Animals were frightened. On August 24th Mount Vesuvius erupted. Hot dust and rock was thrown 20kilometres into the air. Red-hot lava and rock poured down the sides of the mountain. The wind was blowing towards Pompeii and the hot dust fell on the town. It made breathing difficult for people. Many people ran away but many people stayed there. They did not know that a wall of lava was coming towards the town at more than 1000 kilometres an hour. The next day the town of Pompeii was buried under four metres of lava. Everyone who had stayed in the town died. The town stayed buried until 1860. in that year archaeologists started to move the rock which covered the town. They found temples, theatres, shops and houses, paintings, jewelry and coins. They found the town just as it was nearly two thousand years ago when it disappeared under the lava from Mount Vesuvius.

Учащимся дается четыре названия текста, они выбирают лучшее с их точки зрения (слайд 13).

Следующее задание, которое учащиеся выполняют по тексту – это определить соответствует предложение тексту или нет (слайд 14) .

“Read these sentences and say whether they are true or false”.

  1. The people of Pompeii were frightened of Mount Vesuvius.
  2. Nothing unusual happened before the volcano erupted.
  3. It was a very big eruption.
  4. The lava moved slowly.
  5. When the volcano erupted, everybody left the town.
  6. The town was buried for nearly 2,000 years.

Следующее задание к тексту – это работа с числительными, которых в тексте довольно много (слайд 15). Сначала учащиеся вспоминают, как читаются по-английски количественные двухзначные, трехзначные, четырехзначные и порядковые числительные, затем они составляют минидиалоги (слайд 15):

Give me a number, please.

- (a sentence from the text)

Другой вариант этого же минидиалога:

Give me a number, please.


Следующее задание, предлагаемое учащимся, заключается в следующем. Учащимся дается информация про два известных вулкана – Везувий и Кракатау (слайд 17). Многие факты перепутаны. Задача учащихся – правильно распределить информацию на две группы.

“Now look at the screen again, please. You see some information about the two famous volcanoes. Some of these facts are mixed up. Please divide all this information into two groups correctly.”

  1. 2,000 years ago Pompeii was a busy town.
  2. There was a volcano on this island.
  3. The volcano had been quiet for 800 years.
  4. The volcano erupted on the 26th of August, 1883.
  5. The waves in the sea were 15 metres high.
  6. Hot dust and rock was thrown 20 kilometres into the air.
  7. About 36,000 people died.
  8. People heard the noise of the eruption 4,300 kilometres away from the island.
  9. The ash from the volcano covered the area of 800,000 km2.
  10. They found the town just as it was nearly two thousand years ago.
  1. It was a small beautiful island in Indonesia.
  2. North of the town there was a volcano.
  3. The volcano erupted on the 24th of August, 73.
  4. A wall of lava was coming towards the town at more than 100 kilometres an hour.
  5. The waves travelled 13,000 kilometres and destroyed houses and villages.
  6. The town was buried under 4 metres of lava.
  7. About 20,000 people died.
  8. In 1860 archeologists started to move the rock which covered the town.
  9. For three years people all over the world saw beautiful bright sunsets because of the dust from Krakatoa.
  10. The volcano erupted again in 1927 and in 1950.

После выполнения задания учащиеся снова получают возможность проверить себя сами (слайды 18 и 19).

И последнее задание учащихся – выбрать любой из двух вулканов и рассказать о нем. В качестве вступления к своему рассказу учащиеся могут использовать уже известную им информацию (слайды 4,7, 9).

“Now choose any volcano you like more and make a story about it. You can use all the information about volcanoes you know. You can begin with the definition of a volcano, how it erupts, etc”.


Домашнее задание учащихся носит творческий характер и включает несколько вариантов:

– подготовить презентацию про вулканы
- написать сочинение об извержении Везувия или Кракатау с точки зрения репортера - очевидца или жителя этого города/острова
- найти информацию о каком-нибудь другом известном вулкане


Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок.

“Our lesson is over. I hope you learnt a lot of new and interesting information. Your marks are … Thank you for your work. Good bye”.

Our amazing planet is mysterious and extraordinary. It is full of unique phenomena and mysteries. Every day nature pleases us with beautiful sunsets, autumn cobwebs, and a starry sky. Someone enjoys the morning dew, others breathe the frosty air while admiring the white canvas of hoarfrost. But often nature amazes and makes admire such phenomena that literally fascinate or, conversely, induce terrible fear.

You can observe various natural phenomena in different places on Earth. For example, aurora can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere. For the first time the northern lights saw the Scandinavian peoples, deciding that this is a manifestation of the wrath of the gods. In fact, the aurora has an electrical origin. Millions of charged particles collide in air molecules thereby forming a glow. Thanks to oxygen, light is reflected in yellow, green, red. Blue and purple are formed with nitrogen.

Rainbow is the most joyful and amazing phenomenon of nature. A rainbow can be observed immediately after a rain, in the form of reflection of sunlight in water droplets that remain in the air after a rain. The light is refracted and gives us seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple. Rainbow is also double.

The inhabitants of the earth very often can observe an amazing cosmic phenomenon - star rain or stargazing. If you look at the sky, we will see a lot of luminous points that fly from top to bottom towards our planet. During the flight, these points, like her small stars, leave behind a trail of luminous stripes. They do not reach the earth, and burn in the atmosphere in the form of a bright flash. In fact, as scientists explain, falling bodies are not stars, they are meteors. Meteor rain is formed annually during the collision of the Earth with the cosmic flow of meteor particles.

Наша удивительная планета загадочна и необычайна. Она полна уникальных явлений и загадок. Природа радует нас изо дня в день красивейшими закатами, осенней паутинкой, звездным небом. Кто-то наслаждается утренней росой, другие вдыхают морозный воздух любуясь белым полотном инея. Но нередко природа поражает и заставляет восхищаться такими явлениями, которые буквально очаровывают или наоборот, наводят жуткий страх.

Наблюдать разные природные явления можно в разных местах Земли. Например полярное сияние можно увидеть на территории Северного полушария. Впервые северное сияние увидели скандинавские народы, решив, что это проявление гнева богов. На самом деле полярное сияние имеет электрическое происхождение. Миллионы заряженных частиц сталкиваются в молекулами воздуха, тем самым образуя свечение. Благодаря кислороду свет отражается в желтом, зеленом, красном цветах. Синий и фиолетовые цвета образуется с помощью азота.

Радуга самое радостное и удивительное явление природы. Радугу можно наблюдать сразу после дождя, в виде отражения солнечного света в капельках воды, которые сохраняются в воздухе после дождя. Свет преломляется и дарит нам семь цветов: красный, оранжевый, жёлтый, зелёный, голубой, синий, фиолетовый. Радуга также бывает двойной.

Жители земли очень часто могут наблюдать удивительное космическое явление - звёздный дождь или звездопад. Если смотреть на небо, мы будем видеть множество светящихся точек, которые летят сверху вниз по направлению к нашей планете. Во время полета эти точки, похожие на маленькие звезды, оставляют за собой след светящихся полос. Они не долетают до земли, и сгорают в атмосфере в виде яркой вспышки. На самом деле, как объясняют учёные, падающие тела не являются звёздами, это метеоры. Метеорный дождь образуется ежегодно во время столкновения Земли с космическим потоком метеорных частиц.

Русско-английский перевод ЯВЛЕНИЕ ПРИРОДЫ

Еще значения слова и перевод ЯВЛЕНИЕ ПРИРОДЫ с английского на русский язык в англо-русских словарях.
Что такое и перевод ЯВЛЕНИЕ ПРИРОДЫ с русского на английский язык в русско-английских словарях.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for ЯВЛЕНИЕ ПРИРОДЫ in dictionaries.

  • ЯВЛЕНИЕ ПРИРОДЫ — natural phenomenon
  • ЯВЛЕНИЕ ПРИРОДЫ — natural phenomenon
  • ЯВЛЕНИЕ — n. appearance, occurrence, phenomenon, emergence; явление Гиббса, Gibbs phenomenon; явление захвата (захватывания), hunting phenomenon
    Russian-English Dictionary of the Mathematical Sciences
  • ЯВЛЕНИЕ — Phenomenon
    Русско-Американский Английский словарь
  • ЯВЛЕНИЕ — 1. appearance; phenomenon (pl . -na); (событие, случай) occurrence явление природы — natural phenomenon странное явление — …
  • ЯВЛЕНИЕ — с. 1. phenomenon (pl. -na); thing (событие) occurrence; ~ природы natural phenomenon; отрадное ~ encouraging symptom/phenomenon; редкое ~ unusual …
    Русско-Английский словарь общей тематики
  • ЯВЛЕНИЕ — The phenomenon
    Russian Learner"s Dictionary
  • ПРИРОДЫ — Nature
    Russian Learner"s Dictionary
  • ЯВЛЕНИЕ — phenomenon
    Russian Learner"s Dictionary
    Русско-Английский словарь
  • ЯВЛЕНИЕ — с. 1. appearance; phenomenon (pl . -na); (событие, случай) occurrence явление природы — natural phenomenon странное явление …
  • ПРИРОДЫ — Nature
    Russian-English Edic
  • ЯВЛЕНИЕ — ср. 1) appearance; phenomenon; event, occurrence (событие, случай) ; apparition (появление) явления общественной жизни — social …
    Русско-Английский краткий словарь по общей лексике
  • ЯВЛЕНИЕ — phenomenon, effect, event
    Русско-Английский словарь по строительству и новым строительным технологиям
  • ЯВЛЕНИЕ — development, event, fact, phenomenon
    Русско-Английский экономический словарь
  • ЯВЛЕНИЕ — с. 1. phenomenon (pl. -na); thing (событие) occurrence; ~ природы natural phenomenon; отрадное ~ encouraging symptom/phenomenon; редкое ~ unusual occurrence/phenomenon; странное ~ strange thing; 2. (появление) …
    Русско-Английский словарь - QD
  • ЯВЛЕНИЕ — . Liberation of chemical energy by combustion is an everyday occurrence (or event) of great importance in ... …
    Русско-Английский научно-технический словарь переводчика
  • ЯВЛЕНИЕ — Therefore it is preferable to employ in absorbers the effects of wetting and capillarity in porous hydrophilic elements.
    Русско-Английский словарь идиом по космонавтике
  • ЯВЛЕНИЕ — ср. 1) appearance phenomenon event, occurrence (событие, случай) apparition (появление) явления общественной жизни - social phenomena явление природы - natural …
    Большой Русско-Английский словарь
  • ЯВЛЕНИЕ — явление phenomena
    Русско-Английский словарь Сократ
  • THE — (полная форма); (редуцированная форма, употр. перед гласными), (редуцированная форма, употр. перед согласными) 1. определенный артикль 1) употребляется для указания на …
  • SWAN — сущ. 1) лебедь Syn: cob 2) (Swan) астр. созвездие Лебедя 3) бард, поэт Syn: bard, poet (зоология) лебедь …
    Большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • SCENE — сущ. 1) а) место действия (в пьесе, романе и т. п.) Syn: site б) место происшествия, события (в жизни, …
    Большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • PHENOMENON — сущ.; 1) событие, феномен, явление Snow is a phenomenon of winter. ≈ Снег - обычное явление зимой. 2) филос. объект …
    Большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • OCCURRENCE — сущ. 1) инцидент, происшествие, случай, эпизод everyday, daily, regular, common occurrence ≈ обычное явление strange, unusual occurrence ≈ странное происшествие …
    Большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • NATURE STUDY — изучение природы; наблюдение за явлениями природы; природоведение (предмет в школе) изучение природы; наблюдение за явлениями природы (школьное) природоведение
    Большой Англо-Русский словарь
    Большой Англо-Русский словарь
    Большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • LAP — I сущ. 1) подол; пола, фалда Syn: skirt, tail, flap 2) колени (верхняя часть ног у сидящего человека) The …
    Большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • FACT — сущ. 1) обстоятельство; факт; событие; случай, явление to ascertain, establish a fact ≈ выяснять обстоятельства to check, confirm, verify a …
    Большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • CONSERVATION — сущ. 1) охрана, сохранение; защита conservation of energy forest conservation soil conservation water conservation wild-life conservation conservation of natural resources …
    Большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • CONSERVANCY — сущ. 1) охрана природы forest conservancy ≈ охрана лесов; природоохранные мероприятия по сохранению лесов Syn: conservation 2) комитет/комиссия по …
    Большой Англо-Русский словарь
    Большой Англо-Русский словарь
    Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики - Сборник из лучших словарей
  • THE — the.ogg θi: (полная форма); ðı (редуциованная форма перед гласными); ðə,ð (редуцированные формы перед согласными) определённый член, артикль 1. 1> выделяет …
    Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики - Сборник из лучших словарей
  • PHENOMENON — phenomenon.ogg fıʹnɒmınən n (pl -mena) 1. 1> явление, феномен (тж. филос.) the phenomenon of nature - явление …
    Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики - Сборник из лучших словарей
  • NATURAL — natural.ogg 1. ʹnætʃ(ə)rəl n 1. кретин, идиот (от рождения) she is not quite a natural - она не …
    Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики - Сборник из лучших словарей
  • EPIPHENOMENON — (n) вторичное патологическое явление; вторичное явление; второстепенное явление; осложнение; сопутствующее явление; эпифеномен
    English-Russian Lingvistica"98 dictionary
  • PHENOMENON — n (pl -mena) 1. 1) явление, феномен (тж. филос.) the ~ of nature - явление природы common …
  • NATURAL — 1. [ʹnætʃ(ə)rəl] n 1. кретин, идиот (от рождения) she is not quite a ~ - она не круглая …
    Новый большой Англо-Русский словарь - Апресян, Медникова
  • PHENOMENON — n (pl -mena) 1. 1> явление, феномен (тж. филос.) the phenomenon of nature - явление природы common …
  • NATURAL — 1. ʹnætʃ(ə)rəl n 1. кретин, идиот (от рождения) she is not quite a natural - она не круглая …
    Большой новый Англо-Русский словарь
    Русско-Английский словарь
    Russian-English Smirnitsky abbreviations dictionary
  • ЮМ — (Hume, David) (1711-1776), шотландский философ, историк, экономист и литератор. Родился в Эдинбурге 7 мая 1711. Его отец, Джозеф Юм, был …
    Русский словарь Colier
  • ШАЛЛЕР — (Schaller, George Beals) (р. 1933), американский этолог и писатель. Родился 26 мая 1933 в Берлине. Когда мальчику было семь лет, …
    Русский словарь Colier
  • ФИХТЕ — (Fichte, Johann Gottlieb) (1762-1814), немецкий философ, основатель "абсолютного идеализма". Родился в селе Рамменау (Оберлаузиц, Саксония) 19 мая 1762 в крестьянской …
    Русский словарь Colier
  • ФИЗИКА — ФИЗИКА До эпохи Возрождения, последовавшей за тысячелетием застоя, большинство научных открытий было совершено в Древней Греции, хотя родиной многих открытий …
    Русский словарь Colier
  • УАЙТХЕД — (Whitehead, Alfred North) (1861-1947), английский математик и философ, родился в Рамсгите (графство Кент) 15 февраля 1861 в семье, члены которой …
    Русский словарь Colier
  • СИН — " природа" ("качесТво", "ХАрАКТер", "пОл"). КаТеГорИя ТрАДИЦиОНноЙ кИТайсКОй ФилосоФИИ И кУЛЬТуРы. ЭтиМолОГИЯ ИеРоГЛИфа "Син" (ЗНАки "сЕрДцЕ, ЦЕНТр" и "ЖиЗнЬ, РоЖдЕнИЕ") …
    Русский словарь Colier

КАРСТ (нем. Karst) (карстовые явления), явления, связанные с растворением природными водами горных пород (гипс (см. ГИПС), каменная соль (см. КАМЕННАЯ СОЛЬ)). Карст характеризуется комплексом подземных (пещеры (см. ПЕЩЕРЫ), полости, ходы,… … Энциклопедический словарь

ЯВЛЕНИЕ - см. в ст. Сущность и явление. Философский энциклопедический словарь. М.: Советская энциклопедия. Гл. редакция: Л. Ф. Ильичёв, П. Н. Федосеев, С. М. Ковалёв, В. Г. Панов. 1983. ЯВЛЕНИЕ … Философская энциклопедия

явление - я, с. 1) устар., книжн. Приход, прибытие кого л.; пришествие. Явление гения. Меж тем Онегина явленье у Лариных произвело на всех большое впечатленье (Пушкин). Синонимы: появле/ние Антонимы: исчезнове/ние … Популярный словарь русского языка

Явление (философия) - В этой статье не хватает ссылок на источники информации. Информация должна быть проверяема, иначе она может быть поставлена под сомнение и удалена. Вы можете … Википедия

явление - ▲ изменение прерывный явление качественное изменение состояния; смена состояний. феномен необычное явление (# природы). фантом причудливое явление. эффект (физический #). случай. случаи чего (# хищения). факт (# нарушения). ▼ событие, действие … Идеографический словарь русского языка

явление - явления, ср. 1. только ед. Действие по глаг. явить в 1 знач. и явиться во 2 знач. (книжн. устар., церк.). Явление Христа ученикам. Явление мощей (обнаружение). 2. Часть акта или действия, в к рой состав действующих лиц не меняется (лит., театр.) … Толковый словарь Ушакова

“ЯВЛЕНИЕ И СМЫСЛ” - “ЯВЛЕНИЕ И СМЫСЛ. Феноменология как основная наука и ее проблемы” работа Г. Г. Шпета, вышедшая в Москве в 1914 в издательстве “Гермес” (переиздание: Томск, 1996). Представляет собой первое в России обстоятельное рассмотрение феноменологии… … Философская энциклопедия

ЯВЛЕНИЕ - ЯВЛЕНИЕ, я, ср. 1. см. явиться. 2. В философии: проявление, выражение сущности, то, в чём она обнаруживается. Я. и сущность. 3. Вообще всякое обнаруживаемое проявление чего н. Физическое я. Явления природы. Социальные явления. 4. Событие, случай … Толковый словарь Ожегова

«ЯВЛЕНИЕ И СМЫСЛ - Феноменология как основная наука и ее проблемы» – работа Г.Г.Шпета, вышедшая в Москве в 1914 в издательстве «Гермес» (переиздание: Томск, 1996). Представляет собой первое в России обстоятельное рассмотрение феноменологии Гуссерля на материале 1 … Философская энциклопедия

явление - ЯВЛЕНИЕ, ЯВЛЕНЬЕ, я; ср. 1. к Явиться. Я. в народе гения. Я. на сцену главного героя. * Меж тем Онегина явленье У Лариных произвело На всех большое впечатленье (Пушкин). // Пришествие. Я. Христа. 2. Часть акта, действия (в пьесе), в которой… … Энциклопедический словарь

Явление - 1) в общеупотребит. значении это слово означает событие, воспринимаемое человеком. Но иногда под Я. подразумеваются такие процессы, к рые доступны только внутреннему зрению, как, напр., см. Сновидения или см. Видения (1Цар 3:5; Дан 8:1; Деян… … Библейская энциклопедия Брокгауза


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