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True. False. Not Given – советы IELTS. Чтение на огэ

В этой статье я хочу разобрать, куда бежать в разделе “Чтение” на ОГЭ, и как не допустить ошибок на экзамене.

Общая информация

В разделе “Чтение” всего два задания – 9 (где нужно понять основную мысль прочитанного) и 10-17 (где нужно вникнуть в детали).

Максимум, что ученик сможет набрать – 15 баллов, а рекомендуемое время на выполнение всего раздела – 30 минут.

Задание 9: основная мысль

Здесь представлены 7 отрывков и 8 заглавий к ним. Задача – подобрать правильный заголовок, один будет лишним.

Как это сделать?

  1. Внимательно прочитать заголовки, выделить для себя ключевые слова в каждом.
  2. Начать читать тексты и искать синонимы этих ключевых слов в.
    Сначала нужно выбирать ответ, в котором точно уверен, а остальные – по остаточному принципу.
  3. Прочитать еще раз и проверить .

Делая это задание, советую избегать следующих ошибок:

  1. Если в тексте присутствуют незнакомые слова , не паниковать – наверняка в остальном отрывке достаточно информации, чтобы понять все написанное. Если незнакомое слово стоит в заголовке, то тут надо действовать методом исключения – читать остальные отрывки и оставлять за бортом те, которые точно не подходят
    Например, заголовок 4. Some tips (в примере ниже). Вряд ли ученик знает это слово, догадаться можно лишь вычеркнув все, в чем ты точно уверен и подумав над соответствиями оставшихся текстов и заголовков.
  2. Иногда в отрывках стоят те же самые слова , что и в заголовке. И это может быть правильный отрывок, а может, вас просто хотят запутать (обратите внимание на слово shape в примере, которое появляется в абзацах B и D). Если видите такое – лучше перепроверьте несколько раз.


Разберем задание из демо-версии. Для наглядности ключевое слово в заголовке и синонимичные в соответствующем отрывке выделяю курсивом :

  1. The scientific explanation
    B. A rainbow is an optical phenomenon that is seen in the atmosphere. It appears in the sky when the sun’s light is reflected by the raindrops. A rainbow always appears during or immediately after showers when the sun is shining and the air contains raindrops. As a result, a spectrum of colours is seen in the sky. It takes the shape of a multicoloured arc.
  2. The real shape
    D. We all believe that the rainbow is arch-shaped . The funny thing is that it’s
    actually a circle . The reason we don’t see the other half of the rainbow is
    because we cannot see below the horizon. However, the higher we are above
    the ground, the more of the rainbow’s circle we can see. That is why, from an
    airplane in flight, a rainbow will appear as a complete circle with the shadow of
    the airplane in the centre.

    A lucky sign
    E. In many cultures there is a belief that seeing a rainbow is good . Legends say that if you dig at the end of a rainbow, you’ll find a pot of gold. Rainbows are also seen after a storm, showing that the weather is getting better , and there is hope after the storm. This is why they are associated with rescue and good fortune . If people happen to get married on such a day, it is said that they will enjoy a very happy life together.

    Some tips
    G. To see a rainbow you have to remember some points . First, you should be
    standing with the sun behind you. Secondly, the rain should be in front of you.
    The most impressive rainbows appear when half of the sky is still dark with
    clouds and the other half is clear. The best time to see a rainbow is on a warm
    day in the early morning after sunrise or late afternoon before sunset. Rainbows are often seen near waterfalls and fountains.

    Places without rainbows

    A personal vision
    A. Two people never see the same rainbow. Each person sees a different one . It happens because the raindrops are constantly moving so the rainbow is always changing too. Each time you see a rainbow it is unique and it will never be the same! In addition, everyone sees colours differently according to the light and how their eyes interpret it.

    A bridge between worlds
    C. Many cultures see the rainbow as a road , a connection between earth and
    heaven (the place where God lives). Legends say that it goes below the earth at the horizon and then comes back up again. In this way it makes a permanent link between what is above and below, between life and death. In some myths the rainbow is compared to a staircase connecting earth to heaven.

    Impossible to catch

F. You can never reach the end of a rainbow. A rainbow is all light and water. It is always in front of you while your back is to the sun. As you move, the rainbow that your eye sees moves as well and it will always ‘move away ’ at the same speed that you are moving. No matter how hard you try, a rainbow will always be as far away from you as it was before you started to move towards it.

Задания 10 – 17: внимание к деталям

Здесь мы должны понять детали прочитанного текста, выбрав правильное утверждение: 1- True, 2 – False, 3 – Not stated.

В ЕГЭ аналогичного задания в разделе “Чтение” нет, похожее есть только в блоке “Аудирование”.

Как это сделать?

  1. Я советую своим ученикам не читать весь текст для понимания общего смысла, чтобы не терять время, а сразу перейти к вопросам и поиску соответствий .
    Ответы на вопросы в таких текстах идут один за другим, так что можно не искать в панике, где ответ на нужный вопрос, а просто посмотреть, в каком месте текста он должен стоять.
  2. Проверить , если осталось время.

У большинства учеников в этом задании главная проблема – определить, что является правдивым (true), что – нет (false), а о чем в тексте не сказано (not stated).

Продемонстрирую разницу на примере текста из демо-версии.


Курсивом выделяю синонимичные выражения и в задании, и в абзаце текста.

  1. The Australian Tourism Office employs a new caretaker twice a year .

Слово employ 9-классник знать просто обязан (тема Jobs пройдена), поэтому из задания ясно, что сaretaker (это ученик вряд ли поймет, как переводится) нанимается twice a year. А в тексте написано, что организация нуждалась в нем for half a year. То есть, в тексте ничего не сказано о том, как часто нанимают этих самых caretaker. Ответ not stated .

Допустим, ваш ученик все-таки не в курсе, что такое employed. Тогда можно обратить внимание на разницу времен employs и needed. Исходя из этого, тоже можно догадаться, что речь идет о разных действиях.

Have you ever heard of the Great Barrier Reef? It is the world’s largest coral
reef system along the eastern coast of Australia. In February 2009 an extraordinary position was advertised by the Australian Tourism Office. The advertisement ran that the Great Barrier Reef needed a caretaker for half a year . It was for a special person who would look after the Reef.

  1. There was no Internet on the islands of the Great Barrier Reef.
    1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Сопоставив эти 2 предложения со словом Internet, которое показывает, где ответ на наш вопрос, видим, что в задании no Internet, а в тексте работник должен вести Internet blog. То есть информация в задании не верна, поэтому правильным ответом будет False .

The job’s duties were pretty simple. You could only dream of such
requirements. First, the person had to speak English and swim well. Second, on the island his responsibility included writing a weekly Internet blog . That’s right, weekly, not even daily! The job description also required the successful applicant to explore the islands of the Great Barrier Reef, swim, make friends with the locals and generally enjoy the tropical climate and lifestyle. A real dream!

  1. People from different countries applied for the job.
    1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Задания с правильным ответом true самые простые – достаточно лишь найти синоним в тексте (реже там будет стоять то же выражение, что и в задании).

Within the first 2 days of the contest, the tourism office received more than
seven thousand online applications. All told, 34,000 people of all different
nationalities applied. Each made and presented a 60-second video resume. They had to be creative and they were. In the end 16 people were chosen, who flew to Australia for the final selection. The candidates were interviewed and the winner was Ben Southall from the UK.

Часто ученики путают ответы False и Not stated. Избежать этой путаницы поможет только четкое разграничение, что про False в тексте говорится, но говорится неправильно. А про not stated вообще речи не идет (хотя и в тексте, и в задании могут быть одинаковые слова, их туда ставят, чтобы ученик не отвечал “вслепую”, а вник в смысл).


Пособий, направленных именно на отработку раздела “Чтения”, я не нашла, поэтому беру тексты или с
А также:

В этой статье вы найдёте несколько советов как отвечать на вопросы типа «Правда/Ложь/Не дано» (True / False / Not Given) в модуле Reading теста IELTS.

Есть два основных момента, на которые необходимо обращать внимание, когда вы отвечаете на вопрос: во-первых, думать о смысле вообще, а не просто о значении и, во-вторых, концентрироваться на вопросе так же, как и на самом тексте. После этой статьи предоставляется тестовое задание с подробными объяснениями.

Совет № 1: Подчеркните часть текста, которая отображает ответ

Необходимо научиться навыку интенсивного чтения при поиске ответа. Забудьте о "ключевых словах" - они лишь указывают на часть, где находиться ответ. После того, как вы нашли правильную часть текста, очень внимательно читайте – найдите то, что бы:

  • совпадало с информацией, которая есть в вопросе – Правда;
  • противоречило информации в вопросе – Ложь;

Вы должны найти то, что можно было бы подчеркнуть. Если вы не можете найти в тексте ничего конкретного, чтобы подчеркнуть, то, скорее всего, ответ на вопрос – Не дано.

Совет № 2: ещё раз перечитайте вопрос целиком и подумайте о его значении

Модуль Чтение в тестировании IELTS предназначен для того, чтобы увидеть насколько хорошо вы понимаете суть отрывков, которые читаете. Это означает, что вам необходимо всегда быть сосредоточенным на смысле, когда вы ищете ответ. После того как вы нашли правильную часть текста, не обращайте внимание на ключевые слова. Вполне возможно, что вы найдёте слова в тексте, которые соответствуют словам в вопросе, но в целом смысл может оставаться совсем другим. Вернитесь к вопросу и тщательно его перечитайте, сконцентрировавшись также на небольших словах (some, never, generally, и т.д.), они могут совершенно изменить значение вопросов. Спросите себя: «То, что я ищу – это абсолютная правда или то, что квалифицируется положительным ответом?» Перечитайте текст ещё раз. Идея и значение текста совпадает с вопросом? Убедитесь в том, что текст и вопрос не противоречат друг другу - что они имеют в виду одно и то же.

Пример задания

Определите ответы на вопросы: Правда (True) - информация в тексте совпадает с авторским мнением; Ложь (False) - информация в тексте и мнение автора не совпадают; Не дано (Not Given) - в тексте не хватает информации, чтобы сказать о том, правда это или ложь.

The majority of professional players on the ATP and the WTA tours now use polyester strings made by Luxilon, a company that specialised in the past in manufacturing fibres for female undergarments. The trend was started by the then little-known Brazilian player Gustavo Kuerten who more or less by chance discovered that this string was almost completely “dead” – meaning that the players are able to swing much harder at the ball and impart much more spin on it without it flying off uncontrollably as it would do with a traditional gut string. Kuerten of course went on to achieve much success and, in the clay court game at least, is regarded as one of the modern greats. His most lasting legacy though may not be his titles, rather it may be that his use of a material primarily made for women’s bras allowed him and successive champions to change how the tennis ball flew. Players were able to find completely new angles on the court because, in the hands of a master, a shot hit with a luxilon string that might look as if it were heading way out of court would suddenly drop like a stone, describing an almost perfect parabola. This technological innovation has revolutionised the way in which the game is now played. For example, Roger Federer, a man who many regard as the greatest player of all time, may have begun his career as an attacking all-court player, but in latter years he has been forced become a much more defensively orientated player who chooses his time to attack more carefully. Indeed, he is on record as saying that new string technology has changed the face of the game and that he has had to adapt his game to counter players who stand behind the baseline and produce winning shots from almost nowhere.

Roger Federer uses luxilon to string his tennis racket.

B. False

C. Not given

Объяснение: Мы знаем, что «большинство профессиональных игроков Международной ассоциации профессиональных теннисистов (АТР) и турниров Международной ассоциации женщин-теннисисток (WTA) сегодня используют полиэфирные струны для ракеток, сделанные компанией «Luxilon» и что Федерер считает, что «новая технология струн изменила лицо игры». Поэтому можно предположить, что он сам использует именно такие струны. Тем не менее, никакой информации в тексте о том, какие именно струны использует Федерер, нет. Он может быть частью большинства, но также он может быть частью меньшинства, но мы этого просто не знаем. Поэтому правильный ответ C.

The use of luxilon allowed players to hit new types of shots.

B. False

C. Not given

Объяснение: Ответ на второй вопрос мы находим в предложениях: «игроки могут замахнуться и ударить по мячу гораздо сильнее, и тогда этот мяч закрутится, но при этом он не будет отклоняться от траектории полёта» и в «Игроки сумели найти совершенно новые углы на площадке, потому что в руках мастера удар с помочью струн фирмы Luxilon может выглядеть почти как идеальная парабола». Поэтому правильный ответ A.

Roger Federer has always played an attacking game of tennis.

B. False

C. Not given

Объяснение: У нас есть достаточно информации в тексте: «Роджер Федерер, человек, которого многие считают величайшим игроком всех времен, начал свою карьеру в качестве атакующего все-полевого игрока, но в последние годы он был вынужден стать на обороне». Это «вопрос с подвохом» - если вы посмотрите только на слова «Федерер» и «атакующий», тогда вы скажете, что это - Правда (True), но если вы прочитаете весь вопрос целиком и обратите внимание на слово «всегда» (always), то вашим ответом станет – Ложь (False). Идея в том, что Федерер изменил свой стиль игры на более оборонительный. Поэтому правильный ответ B.

Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку для средней школы

1 ступень 2-4 классы

2 ступень 5-9 классы

3 ступень 10-11 классы

Задания для каждого класса состоят из 2 частей:

1 часть – лексико-грамматическое задание типа“Multiple choice”.

2 часть – задание на чтение типа “Fill in the gaps” , “Find the right answer”, “True –false”.

Ключи с ответами к каждому классу после задания на чтение.

Олимпиада 2 класс

Part 1

Circle the correct answer

e. g. This ….my house

Is B are C are

1. Hello! My name …….. Alex.

A is B am C are

2. My parents ……from Australia.

A am B are C are

3. ……. is this? It’s a robot.

A Who B Where C What

4. …… is she? She is my sister.

A What B Who C How

5. A cat ……. fly and sing songs.

A can B is C can’t

6. In the summer the weather is usually …. .

A frosty B hot C cold

Part 2 Reading

Read the email and mark the sentences T (true), F (false)

Hi! My name is Pierre. I’m French and I’m from Paris. I’m 19 years old. I’m short and have got dark hair and brown eyes. My favourite colour is blue. My favourite food is pizza.

What about you?

Your e-mail friend,


e.g. Pierre is from London. false

1. Pierre is French. ………

2. He is eighteen. ………

3. Pierre’s favourite colour is blue. ………

4. He likes fish and chips. .........

5. Pierre has got blue eyes. ……..

Keys Part 2 1True 2False 3True 4True 5 False 6 False

Part 1 1A 2B 3C 4B 5C 6B

Олимпиада 3 класс

Part 1

Circle the correct answer

e.g. This animal likes to swim and can’t talk

Fish B frog C bird

1. This animal is green and small and can jump.

A mouse B frog C snake

2. I can fly and sing songs. Who am I?

A fly B bird C butterfly

3. I like to eat grass and give people milk.

A horse B sheep C cow

4. This animal can crawl and people are afraid of it.

A mouse B crocodile C snake

5. This animal is very big and grey. It lives in India and in Africa.

A zebra B elephant C giraffe

6. This animal is very funny, lives in the jungle, can climb the trees and jump

A bear B rabbit C monkey

Part 2 Reading

Read the text and mark the sentences T(true) or F(false)

“My favourite day” by Tina

My favourite day is Sunday. I get up at nine o’clock. I have breakfast and go to my friend’s house. We go to the park and play basketball all morning!

In the afternoon, I watch TV or play computer games with my little sister.

In the evening, I have supper, then I listen to music. At nine o’clock I go to bed. Sundays are happy days for me.

e.g. Tina’s favourite day is Sunday True

1. Tina gets up at eight o’clock. .......

2. Tina goes to the park with her friend and plays basketball. ........

3. Tina doesn’t watch TV in the afternoon. ........

4. Tina plays games with her little sister in the afternoon. ......

5. Tina listens to music in the afternoon. .........

6. She goes to bed at 9 a.m. .........

Keys Part 1 1B 2B 3C 4C 5B 6C

Part 2 1False 2True 3False 4True 5 False 6 False

Олимпиада 4 класс

Part 1

Circle the correct answer

E.g. We didn’t ….. a film last night.

A watched B watch C watches

1 .Gary is the …… singer.

A better B good C best

2. Cindy ….. the race and she was very happy.

A win B won C wins

3. You ……wear a uniform at school.

A have to B has to C can

4. How …… butter do you need?

A some B many C much

5 . ….. I play outside, please?

A Must B Should C May

6. You ….. clean your teeth three times a day.

A must B mustn’t C can

7. He ….. shopping every Sunday.

A went B is going C goes

8. Larry came home two hours ….. .

A last B ago C later

Part 2 Reading

Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false)

Sarah and her Mum are on holiday in France! Read and write T(true),


Dear Sue,

My Mum and I are having a great time here in France. The weather is hot and sunny.

Yesterday we went to the museum. Then we ate lunch in a café next to the river. I love French food! In the afternoon we went shopping and I bought a T-shirt with a picture of the Eiffel Tower on it.

Tomorrow we’re going to walk in the park. Then we’re going to see the Eiffel Tower and Mum is going to take some photos of me. I can’t wait!

Anyway, bye for now.

Lots of love,


1. Sarah and her Mum are in France. ……

2. It’s raining in France. ……

3. They went to the park yesterday. ……

4. Sarah bought a T-shirt. ……

5. They are going to see the Eiffel Tower tomorrow. ……

Keys Part 1 1C 2B 3A 4C 5C 6A 7C 8B

Part 2 1True 2 False 3 False 4 True 5 True

Олимпиада 5 класс

Part 1

Circle the correct answer

1. Students…………talk and eat in the class

A can B must C mustn’t

2. He enjoys listening ……….music

A of B at C to

3. There is …….sugar on the floor

A some B a C many

4……. is your birthday?

A What B When C How

5……..you like a glass of lemonade?

A Would B Do C Can

6. Look! The star…….from the sky!

A is falling B falls C fall

7. She always …… a cake for the birthday party but now she is making a pudding

A is baking B bakes C are baking

Fill in the gaps with a/an/the

If you to Edinburgh, you must visit 1)…..museum unlike any other, 2)……Museum of Childhood! 3)…….museum has got 4)……..interesting collection of children’s toys and games!

You and your children can play with 5)…….toys and have a great time!

In 6)…….museum, there is also 7)…….shop. In 8)……shop, you can buy gifts and other toys. Don’t miss it!

Part 2 Reading.

Read the text and mark the sentences T(true), F(false) or DS(doesn’t say)

A man was walking in the park on a beautiful spring day and he saw a penguin. He did not know what to do. He took him to a policeman and said, "I"ve found this pen- guin, what should I do?"
The policeman replied, "Take him to the Zoo."
The next day the policeman was walking in the same park when he saw the same man with the penguin. He walked up to him and said, "Didn"t I tell you to take the penguin to the Zoo?"
"Yes," answered the man, "that"s what I did yesterday and today I am taking him to the cinema."
1. A man found a penguin in the park.
2. He knew what to do with it.
3. The man didn"t want to take the penguin to the Zoo.
4. They met the policeman in the cinema the next day.
5. The man was taking the penguin to the cinema.

Keys Part 1 1C 2C 3A 4B 5A 6A 7B

Part2 1 a 2the 3 The 4 an 5 - 6the 7 a 8the

Олимпиада 6 класс

Choose the correct item

A at B in C on

2.There is ………food in the cupboard

A any B a C some

3. Does Ann……….history at school?

A teachers B teach C teaching

4. On Christmas Day, we all……….gifts

A transfer B exchange C change

5. How………..some pizza?

A like B many C about

6. They often ……….camping at the weekend

A do B play C go

7. They were afraid to swim in the…………river

A polluted B deserted C clean

8. She………at the door but no one answered

A knocked B hit C rang

9. They met ten years ……..

A gone B ago C past

10. What are the ………of the game?

A laws B rules C guides

Part 2


Read the email and mark the sentences T(true), F(false) or DS(doesn’t say)

From: Sharon


Dear Helen,

Thanks for the birthday card! I’m really looking forward to the weekend. I,m going to have a party on Saturday night.

Mum and I are going to go shopping on Saturday morning. We want to buy some food and decorations for the party. Mum’s going to make her special pizza and a birthday cake. I am going to make sandwiches. In the afternoon, my brother is going to help me decorate the house with streamers. Then, I’m going to help my mum clean-up

Well, I think it’s going to be a great party. How are you going to spend your weekend? Write soon.



e.g. Sharon got a birthday card from Helen T

1. Sharon’s birthday is on Saturday . …….

2. They’re going to go buy a birthday cake. ……..

3. Sharon is going to decorate the house in the afternoon …….

4. Sharon doesn’t like the rock music ……..

5. The party is going to finish on Sunday morning …….

Keys Part 1 1 C 2C 3B 4B 5 C 6C 7A 8 A 9B 10B

Part 2 1T 2F 3T 4DS 5DS

Олимпиада 7 класс

Choose the correct item

1. I…..there before. It’s a very nice museum!

A ‘ve gone B ‘ve been C be

2. The film is quite ……..

A bored B boring C bore

3. Rosy took the video game….. to the shop because it wasn’t working.

A off B back C away

4. I……..a new digital camera. I’m sure we’ll take nice pictures!

A have bought B have been buying C haven’t bought

5. If people continue to pollute the environment, many endangered species ………extinct.

A will become B become C are becoming

6. I went to Paris three years ………

A since B before C ago

7. You haven’t finished the milk, ……….?

A did you B haven’t you C have you

8. I can do it………, thank you.

A myself B herself C yourself

Part 2 Reading

Read the story about two friends and their camping trip and mark the sentences T(true) or F(false)

The trip of Lifetime

This summer holiday, my friend Irvin and I wanted to do something different. Instead of wasting our time staying at home watching TV and playing computer games as usual, we decided to go camping.

After getting permission from our parents, we began planning our trip. We made a list of all the food and supplies we would need and spent an entire afternoon searching for the best place to buy our camping equipment. In the end, our tent, our tent, stove and sleeping bags cost a lot of money, but it was worth it.

When the day finally arrived, my Uncle Bob was kind enough to drive us to the campsite after he got off his work. We knew it would take us a couple of hours to get there and Irvin and I grew more and more excited as we got closer to where we were going. It was dark by the time we arrived, but we didn’t care. We waved happily at Uncle Bob as he drove away. Then, after a bit of trouble and a lot of laughter, Irvin and I set up the tent and lit the cooking stove. As we sat having our first meal at the camp –tinned spaghetti –we both agreed it was the best food we had ever eaten. A short time later, warm and comfortable in our sleeping bags, we quickly fell asleep and dreamed about what our great adventure would bring.

e.g . The boys were out of school when they came up with their plan T

1. The boys normally spent their summer inside ……

2. They asked their mothers and fathers to let them go camping ……..

3. Their parents helped them plan what to buy ………

4. It took the boys a long time to find the supplies they needed ………..

5. Their camping equipment was expensive. ……….

6. Irvin’s uncle took them to the camping . ………

7. The boys had left home in the evening. ………..

8. The boys had some problems getting their campsite ready. ……….

9. They had fresh food for their supper. ………

10. The boys с stayed awake late into the night. …….. ……...

Keys Part 1 1B 2B 3B 4A 5A 6C 7C 8A

Part 2 1T 2T 3F 4T 5T 6F 7T 8T 9F 10F

Олимпиада 8 класс

Choose the correct item

1. There was thick black …..coming out of the burning building.

A fog B smoke C smog

2. Ben said that he ……a great time in Paris the previous summer.

A had had B would have C have had

3. What time does the train ………Liverpool?

A arrive B get C reach

4. The burning of fossil fuels has a bad ………. on our environment.

A drawback B impact C fault

5. This picture ……..at the beginning of the century.

A was painted B had painted C painted

6. We ……..half the rubbish on the beach by the time Jeff arrived.

A have cleaned B had cleaned up C had been cleaning up

7. It …..like the bus is running late. Let’s catch a taxi.

A is looking B has looked C looks

8……….Bob gets paid soon, he will not be able to pay his bills.

A If B Unless C When

9. Jane …….have cooked this delicious meal. She doesn’t even know how to boil an egg!

A mustn’t B shouldn’t C can’t

10. Brian asked his new classmate where……….from.

A did he come B he came C does he come

Part2 Reading

Read the text and answer the following questions

A Carl Lewis was born on July 1. 1961 in Birmingham, Alabama. Introduced to track and field by his athletic parents, Lewis first broke the long jump record while in high school. In 1984, he returned home with 4 gold medals after his first Olympics. Later, participating in the Summer Olympics of 1988, 1992 and 1996, he won another 5 gold medals and a silver one. He was also named ‘ athlete of the year’ 3 years in a row by Track and Field magazine and ‘sportsman of the century’ by the International Olympic Committee.

B Born October 14, 1952 in Vladimir, Nikolai Adrianov first signed up for gymnastic classes at the age of 11. Having difficulty balancing gymnastics and all that homework his teachers gave him, he almost quit, but Tolkachov, his coach, encouraged and helped him to go on trying. Between 1971 and 1980, he was at the top pf many international gymnastics competitions, including the World Championships. He participated in the 1972, 1976 and the 1980 Olympic Games in which he won 15 medals, the most a man has won in Olympic competition. In 2001 he was introduced into the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame.

C Oksana Baiul was born in Ukraine on February 26, 1977. She began skating at the age of four and although orphaned at 13, she was cared for by her coach. When he left the country, she lived with her new coach, Galina Zmievskaya. At 15, Oksana won the World Figure Skating Championship and a couple of years later, participated in the 1994 Winter Olympics. She almost missed one of the competitions due to a warm-up accident. However, she was not severely injured and went on to win an Olympic gold medal.

D Michael Gross was born as the best swimmer between the 1981 and 1988. Born in Frankfurt on June 17, 1964, people referred to him as “The Albatross” because of his extremely long arms. At the age of 19, Gross set his first world record, then set 4 world records in four different events over the next three years. He also won two world titles and four European titles. He competed in the Summer Olympics of 1984 and 1988 in which he won six medals. During the 1984 Olympics, his freestyle relay team was defeated by the Americans, earning the American tem the title of “Grossbusters”

Which of the athletes (A ,B, C or D)……..

e.g. has a nickname? D

1. got first place in an Olympic event even after being hurt? ……..

2. was honoured by a publication and an athletic organization? ……..

3. had a problem managing their schedule? ……..

4 was pushed by their coach to continue their effort? ……..

5. and their team lost to a US team? ………

6. has won the most medals in Olympic history? ………

Keys Part1 1B 2A 3C 4B 5A 6B 7C 8B 9C 10B

Part2 1C 2A 3B 4B 5D 6B

Олимпиада 9 класс

Part 1

Choose the correct item

1. Make sure you include ……. in your daily diet.

A too protein B protein enough C enough protein

2. Sue asked the police officer where ……. her stolen car.

A they had found B did they find C had they found

3. Tom is really afraid of dogs, and every time he sees one he just ….. .

A freezes B embarrasses C teases

4. Don’t forget to call Mr. Smithers when you ….. to the office.

A get B will get C are getting

5. After Barney …. his chores, he had some rest.

A had been doing B was doing C had done

6. If only I …… so much homework to do! I’d love to go out with my friends.

A wouldn’t have B hadn’t had C didn’t have

7. Since there is ….. gravity in space, astronauts have to strap everything down so it doesn’t float away.

A vacuum B airless C zero

8. Do you think that robots will ever be able to …. more complicated tasks such as driving or flying a plane?

A exist B overcome C perform

9. By the time Linda gets there, we ……. for her for more than an hour.

A have been waiting B will have been waiting C are going to wait

10. Sally is …… person I’ve ever met; she hardly talks to anyone.

A a most shy B the shyer C the shyest

Part 2 Reading

Read the story about two friends and their camping trip and mark the sentences T(true), F(false) or NS (not stated)

Alexander Vereinov

History has proven time and time again that there are people who can rise above difficulties and face great challenges in a way that is inspiring to all. Many people with serious disabilities often manage to not only look past their condition, but even go on to achieve greatness. Two shining examples of this are Ludwig van Beethoven and Helen Keller.

Another brilliant case is that of Alexander Vereinov, a famous Russian artist. Born in 1956, Vereinov suffers from cerebral palsy, a condition which seriously affects body and muscle movement. His first attempts at painting began at a special hospital for children suffering from cerebral palsy, where he spent his childhood. Since he had no control of his hands, Verienov used his mouth to hold his pain brushes. The problem was that the people at the hospital were afraid he would hurt himself, so he wasn’t allowed to paint; which is why he did all his work of art at night, in a secret.

Today, Alexander Verienov is an internationally recognized mouth artist, who has produced many stunning originals as well as reproductions of other well-known paintings are nearly impossible to tell from the original.

However, Verienov’c activity does not end here. Together with Maxim Goubanov, a Russian philanthropist, he works towards raising money for Alexander Verienov Disabled Russian Citizens Fund. This is an organization that aims to provide wheelchairs, medicine, food and other necessities to disabled people who do not have enough means to support themselves. Indeed, Alexander Vereinov is an inspirational example of being able to use your inner strength and determination to become successful and then use this success to help others.

1. Beethoven and Keller were born disabled. …….

2. Vereinov started painted at an early age. …….

3. Vereinov only painted at night because they didn’t let him paint

During the day …….

4. Vereinov’s copies of famous works of art are extremely accurate. ……

5. Vereinov gives part of his money to charities for the disabled. ……

Keys Part1 1C 2A 3A 4A 5C 6C 7C 8C 9B 10C

Part2 1NS 2T 3F 4T 5NS

Олимпиада 10 класс

Part 1

Choose the correct item

1. Linda, ……is a very keen on computers, is studying to be a graphic designer.

A who B that C which

2. When Helen got to the station, the train …….. .

A just left B had just left C has just left

3.You ……. see a dentist about that toothache of yours.

A better B should C ought

4. Emma’s friend lives very close to her, so she always goes to her house …. foot.

A by B on C with

5. Our teacher made the whole class … .back after school.

A to stay B stay C staying

6. How long ……about this?

A are you knowing B do you know C have you known

7. Someone’s left the front door open; I …….. it immediately.

A ‘m closing B ‘ll close C ‘ll be closing

8. It’s no use crying over split …… there’s nothing we can do now.

A water B tea C milk

9. The parcel ……….. to you as we speak.

A is being delivered B is delivering C has been delivering

10. Drinks that contain ……… additives are not good for your health.

A fake B creative C artificial

11. Mark ……..at the company for seven years before he started his own business.

A has been working B was working C had been working

12. The performance ……… at 9.30, so we have plenty of time to go somewhere for an early dinner before this.

A is starting B will start C starts

13. Can you, please, look …..my plants while I’m away?

A after B out C up

14. Now that Samantha’s lost all that weight, she’s giving all her old clothes …. to her friends.

A away B up C out

Part 2 Reading

Thanks to new technology, going to school these days can be a pleasant experience. No longer having to rely on ‘chalk and talk’, teachers can give pupils the opportunity to play a more active role in their own learning. This makes learning a more individual experience and students with different learning styles can take in knowledge more easily. This can motivate students 1 ____________.

Nowadays students can learn individually or in groups to improve their skills. Using technology is said to develop students’ critical thinking, cooperative learning 2 __________ . Students can also learn at their own place with the use of computers.

However, not all schools are taking full advantage of these opportunities. Sometimes schools cannot afford to buy the equipment 3 _____________.

In other cases, schools have the resources 4 __________. Schools need to decide which types of technology can improve teaching to make learning 5 ________. In addition, teachers need to become familiar with new products, software and on-line resources 6 __________.

Only in this way will schools be able to function effectively in future.

A but lack clear goals

B more attractive and valuable to students

C and communication skills

D and discuss them with their colleagues

E or teachers are insufficiently trained to use it in their classes

F although it makes them feel more comfortable using technology

G especially as most students enjoy using computers

Keys Part 1 1A 2B 3B 4B 5B 6C 7B 8C 9A 10C 11C 12C 13A 14A

Part2 1G 2C 3E 4A 5B 6D

Олимпиада 11 класс

Part1 Use of English

For gaps 1-7, choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

The secret of Success

Have you ever wondered why some people are successful and others not? Successful people are passionate. They believe 1) …… themselves when no one else will. They set goals and turn their dreams into realities. But what exactly is about successful people that makes them so successful? First, successful people know exactly what it is they want. They have a(n) 2) …… Goal and they stick to it. Second, successful people don’t just think ; they act. They understand that goals 3) ……are meaningless without the action to back them up. Third, successful people think positively. They know setback and failures are simply a part of the 4) …… to success and view them in a positive light. Fourth, successful people are persistent. They keep tying no 5) ………. How many times they fail until they have achieved their goals. Fifth, successful people are curious and are not afraid to experiment or make mistakes. Finally, they are passionate about what they do . They have a positive attitude , 6 ……. 100% effort into everything they do, and they won’t 7) ……..for anything but the best. So, now you know the keys to success, what are you going to do with them?

1 A for B to C in D by

2 A detailed B specific C specialized D exclusive

3 A purely B simply C only D alone

4 A street B road C way D avenue

5 A worry B count C matter D question

6 A put B give C set D fix

7 A agree B settle C deal D fix

Part 2 Reading

Read the text and match items A-G with gaps 1 -6. There is one item you do not need to use. Write your answers in the table below.


Seldom is so much consequence witnessed in one lifetime, and possibly never before did diligent record keeping, hard work and honest practical management have such consequences. Certainly Pepys could A ____________ his work was, but as his famous diaries prove, he certainly understood and appreciated that he lived in extraordinary times. The nine years covered by his dairy were B ________ in the history of Great Britain.

When he made his first entry in 1966 he lived in a republic. But Cromwell was already dead and Pepys reported the C _________of the king. In the end Pepys was a D _________ that took place he saw the King, soon to Charles 2, arrive from exile. He attended the coronation. He was also E _________ Great Plague of 1665 and The Great Fire of London in 1666. He described ever thing and everyone in the most entertaining and sometimes moving manner. Without doubt, he was

F _____ reformers, designers and architects who were to rebuild London and together laid the foundation stones of Empire. The Navy that Pepys reformed went on “to rules the waves” throughout an Empire” “on which the sun never sets”

1. “front seat’ witness to all

2. among and equal to the great

3. never have guessed how important

4. underestimate his efforts and

5. a witness to the

6. among the most momentous

7. steady rumours of the return

Keys Part1 1C 2B 3C 4C 5B 6A 7A

Part2 A3 B6 C7 D1 E5 F2

Yesterday was an important day for Thomas Burns from Portsmouth. He retired after 45 years as a bus driver in the city. Here he writes about the changes he has seen over the years.

‘Over the years a lot of things have changed in Portsmouth and I think it’s more difficult to be a bus driver today than before. There are more cars, more cyclists, more traffic jams and more people in a hurry! I’ve seen a lot of changes in the town centre too. When I started you could drive along the High Street. Now you can’t. It’s for people on foot! There are lots of roads you can’t drive along.

Another change is that 40 years ago we had conductors. Conductors were people who worked on the bus too and they walked up and down the bus and sold the tickets. Today the driver has to sell tickets. Also, the conductors watched the passengers for any trouble. Today we have CCTV cameras instead! But a CCTV camera can’t tell a teenager to get off the bus!

The passengers haven’t changed a lot. I’ve met some really nice people and some very rude people too. But that’s life, isn’t it?’

Если вы считаете, что ничего нового про True/False из этой статьи вы не узнаете — пройдите мимо. Потому как статья эта для молодых коллег, которые, впрочем, порой знают больше опытных педагогов.

Представьте себя в роли среднего или слабого ученика. Вам предстоит выполнить задание на определение верных/неверных утверждений после прочитанного или услышанного. Вероятно, вы будете искать похожие предложения в тексте, вспоминать, так ли они звучали в записи. Если увидите или припомните нечто подобное, ваш выбор падёт на True. Одно-два слова, которые не совпадут с изначальным предложением, вас не остановят. А ведь именно на это несовпадение и нужно обратить внимание.

Теперь вы — учитель. Ваша задача — проверить, как усвоен лексический материал с выходом в чтение или аудирование.

Подбираем тематический текст, в котором по максимуму встречаются изученные слова. Именно с этими словами составляем предложения на True/False, акцентируя внимание на синонимы, синонимические фразы или наоборот, антонимы. Такой вид упражнений имеет целью проконтролировать понимание прочитанного/услышанного через изученные лексические единицы. Предполагаем, что ученики употребят их, выполняя упражнение (выход в устную речь).

Возьмём для примера тему Famous people из 10 класса. Текст возьмём из Википедии.

Marie Tussaud, Anna Maria Grosholtz (1761–1850), was born in Strasbourg, France. Her mother worked as a housekeeper for Dr. Philippe Curtius in Bern, Switzerland, who was a physician skilled in wax modelling. Curtius taught Tussaud the art of wax modelling.
Tussaud created her first wax figure of Voltaire in 1777. Other famous people she modelled at that time include Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Benjamin Franklin. During the French Revolution she modelled many prominent victims. In her memoirs she claims that she would search through corpses to find the decapitated heads of executed citizens, from which she would make death masks. Her death masks were held up as revolutionary flags and paraded through the streets of Paris. Following the doctor’s death in 1794, she inherited his vast collection of wax models and spent the next 33 years travelling around Europe. Her marriage to Fran?ois Tussaud in 1795 lent a new name to the show: Madame Tussaud’s. In 1802, she went to London having accepted an invitation from Paul Philidor, a magic lantern and phantasmagoria pioneer, to exhibit her work alongside his show at the Lyceum Theatre, London. She did not fare particularly well financially, with Philidor taking half of her profits. As a result of the Franco-British war, she was unable to return to France, so she travelled throughout Great Britain and Ireland exhibiting her collection… etc.

Выражение to be skilled in из текста я заменю на to be good at . Слово сorpses поменяю на dead bodies и так далее. И одно-два предложение для умных учеников перефразирую. Конечно, в этом тексте я не могу следовать только изученным единицам. Значит, возьмём что-то из повторения или заменим новое известным.


  1. Curtius was good at wax modeling. T
  2. During the French Revolution Marie Tussaud created wax figures of many notorious criminals. F
  3. Marie looked for her models among dead beheaded bodies . T
  4. Her husband’s collection was not very big. F
  5. Marie didn’t get much money from her exhibitions in London because she had to share her profits with Philidor. T
  6. The Franco-British war made it impossible for Madam Tussaud to return to France. T

Дети часто спрашивают, идут ли предложения по порядку их следования в тексте. Да, именно по порядку. Это стоит помнить и пояснить ученикам.