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Тест по английскому языку личные местоимения. Тест — Английский язык: местоимения. Вставьте вместо пропусков подходящие по смыслу местоимения в нужной форме

Упражнение 1.

Вставьте вместо пропусков подходящие по смыслу местоимения в нужной форме.

1. Elisabeth really loves … garden. … used to work there every day. – Элизабет действительно любит свой сад. Она привыкла там работать каждый день.
2. Harry is sure that the bag belongs to … cousin. … saw … in … hands. – Гарри уверен, что эта сумка принадлежит его двоюродной сестре. Он видел ее (сумку) в ее руках.
3. This reference book is not … . It`s … . – Это не мой справочник. Он твой.
4. Robert is never ashamed of … . … is a very naughty boy. – Роберту никогда не бывает стыдно за себя. Он очень наглый парень.
5. Could … make supper for … tonight? – Вы не могли бы приготовить ужин для нас сегодня вечером?
6. Kevin is going to do it … . – Кевин намеревается сделать это сам.
7. The children were sitting in the corner and whispering among … . – Дети сидели в уголке и шушукались между собой.
8. Mary`s parents have built … a beautiful modern house. – Родители Мэри построили себе красивый современный дом.
9. … neighbors invited … to … party. – Наши соседи пригласили нас на свою вечеринку.
10. Put the book on the table! It is not … ! – Положи книгу на стол! Она не твоя!

Ответы. 1. Her, she. 2. His, he, her. 3. Mine, yours. 4. Himself, he. 5. You, us. 6. Himself. 7. Themselves. 8. Themselves. 9. Our, us, their. 10. Yours.

Упражнение 2.

Вставьте вместо пропусков соответствующие возвратные или усилительные местоимения, если это необходимо.

1. Jane had to carry the heavy bag … . – Джейн пришлось самой нести эту тяжелую сумку.
2. Barbara always cuts her daughter`s hair … . – Барбара всегда сама стрижет волосы своей дочери.
3. His guests already washed … . – Его гости уже умылись.
4. James takes the last look at … in the mirror and goes out. – Джеймс бросает на себя последний взгляд в зеркало и уходит.
5. I always type my articles … . – Я всегда печатаю свои статьи сам.
6. Sarah always worries about her husband because he can`t look after … . – Сара всегда беспокоится о своем муже, потому что он сам не может о себе позаботиться.
7. John`s wardrobe is almost empty. The only thing is a bluish shirt hanging … on a wooden hanger. – Платяной шкаф Джона почти пустой. Единственная вещь в нем – это голубоватая рубашка, сама по себе (= одиноко) болтающаяся на деревянных плечиках.
8. Have you spent your holiday with your wife? – No, I spent it … . – Ты провел отпуск со своей женой? – Нет, я провел его один (= самостоятельно).
9. Alice asked the children to help … to some drinks. – Элис предложила детям угоститься напитками (= выбрать самостоятельно).
10. They say John was going to kill … with a gun. – Говорят, Джон собирался застрелиться.

Ответы. 1. By herself. 2. Herself. 3. –. 4. Himself. 5. Myself. 6. Himself. 7. By itself. 8. By myself. 9. Themselves. 10. Himself.

В английском и хочешь испытать свои знания в деле, то добро пожаловать на эту страничку. Выполняй упражнения на английские местоимения разных видов или же все подряд, а потом проверяй себя с помощью ответов в конце.

Кто любит грамматику, разложенную по полочкам и с большим количеством интереснейших практических заданий? Если ты среди них, тогда онлайн курс от Lingualeo «Грамматика для начинающих » для тебя.

Во всех заданиях необходимо выбрать один верный ответ из двух-трех предложенных в скобках. Упражнения подойдут для детей 5-7 классов и всех, изучающих английский язык на различных этапах.


Личные местоимения (я, он, их, вас... )

  1. (He, she, it) is a flower.
  2. My granny lives in a country. I go to (her, she, them) on holidays.
  3. My parents are doctors. (He, they, them) work in a hospital.
  4. (She, I, he) love my mom.
  5. I have a brother. Sometimes I ask (her, he, him) to help me.
  6. (Them, they, it) are going to school at the moment.
  7. (He, she, you) study very well.

Притяжательные местоимения (наше, ваш, твой, мой... )

  1. My dad has a car. (Her, he, his) car is red.
  2. (Their, them, they) house is quite big.
  3. I have a boat. The boat is (my, mine, their).
  4. I like (your, him, it) answer more than (me, its, theirs).
  5. (My, mine, your) dog wails (his, her, its) tail when I come from school.
  6. We live in a small town. (Our, his, ours) town is very nice.
  7. She wears (their, her, his) dress to school every day.

Указательные местоимения (этот, те, эти... )

  1. (That, this) is our house and (that, this) is theirs.
  2. (This, these) are books.
  3. (This, these) is a red ball and (this, that) is a yellow ball.
  4. (That, these) is a cat and (those, this) are mice.
  5. I like (this, these) flowers!
  6. (That, those) pictures are very beautiful.
  7. They live in (these, this) country.

Возвратные местоимения (сам, сами, себя... )

  1. I do my homework all by (himself, herself, myself).
  2. They plan their vacation (ourselves, myself, themselves).
  3. We are going to the sea (themselves, himself, ourselves).
  4. My dad built this house (himself, herself, ourselves).
  5. This dog found (herself, himself, itself) a place under the bench.
  6. Yesterday she had a birthday. She bought (herself, itself, ourselves) earrings as a present.
  7. You should plan your life (yourself, himself, yourselves).

Микс (все в перемешку )

  1. (He, I, me) have got a friend. (Her, his, him) name is Pete.
  2. (We, he, I) love travelling to different countries (himself, ourselves, itself).
  3. (They, he, it) go to school. (Him, her, their) school is near (me, mine, myself).
  4. (These, this) is a box. (It, she, he) is (ourselves, mine, her) present.
  5. Where did (you, his, it) buy (that, this, those) shoes?
  6. (It, this, these) ball is (he, his, myself) and (they, these, this) are (theirs, her, its).
  7. (This, he, these) is (him, ours, our) house. (He, we, they) built (him, her, it) (them, ourselves, their)

Надеюсь, вы осилили задания и теперь сможете сказать: "I did it! "

Возможно, вы захотите пройти и по теме местоимений в английском. Проверьте себя еще раз!

Личные местоимения

  1. It is a flower.
  2. My granny lives in a country. I go to her on holidays.
  3. My parents are doctors. They work in a hospital.
  4. I love my mom.
  5. I have a brother. Sometimes I ask him to help me.
  6. They are going to school at the moment.
  7. You study very well.

Притяжательные местоимения

  1. My dad has a car. His car is red.
  2. Their house is quite big.
  3. I have a boat. The boat is mine.
  4. I like your answer more than theirs.
  5. My dog wails its tail when I come from school.
  6. We live in a small town. Our town is very nice.
  7. She wears her dress to school every day.

Указательные местоимения

  1. This is our house and that is theirs.
  2. These are books.
  3. This is a red ball and that is a yellow ball.
  4. That is a cat and those are mice.
  5. I like these flowers!
  6. Those pictures are very beautiful.
  7. They live in this country.

Возвратные местоимения

  1. I do my homework all by myself.
  2. They plan their vacation themselves.
  3. We are going to the sea ourselves.
  4. My dad built this house himself.
  5. This dog found itself a place under the bench.
  6. Yesterday she had a birthday. She bought herself earrings as a present.
  7. You should plan your life yourself.
  1. I have got a friend. His name is Pete.
  2. We love travelling to different countries ourselves.
  3. They go to school. Their school is near mine.
  4. This is a box. It is her present.
  5. Where did you buy those shoes?
  6. This ball is his and these are theirs.
  7. This is our house. We built it ourselves.