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Round up 2 teacher"s book

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  1. 1. :... ... R,3:.:: =_: :: to s. >2 . . x ,. 1. . / ;Ill:,$ .J .N 2 .., . ,3 33..e ,g Q .c ..5 / . .. ~ I A__ .. v ,e i_.3. R Q ..3 . . x ._ J vW,c 1.J._. ... c 1:Tue 51 ._, _ ,r i.. . .. _ . G w . L . }Lon: .., _. .Z . ., .fl]| Q| IIf, SI . "-D H
  2. 2. Teachers Guide 2Virginia Evans
  3. 3. Pearson Education LlmltedEdinburgh Gate,HarlowEssex CM20 2JE Englandand Associated Companies throughout the world. www. Iongman.com 0 Virginia Pagoulalou-Vlachou 1992All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying.recording or otherwise,without the prior wntten permission ofthe copyright holder. PhotocopyingThe Publisher grants permission for the photocopying ol thosepages marked with a copyright line according to the following conditions.Individual purchasers may make copies for their own use or for use by classes they teach.School purchasers may make copies for use by their staff and students,but this permission does not ex tend to additional schools or branches.Under no circumstances may any part of this book be photocopied for resale. First published in 1992 by Virginia Evans. I-Irst published by Addison Wesley Longman Limited 1995. This edition published by Pearson Education Limited 2003, Fourth impression 2005Illustrated by Chris ZmertisPrinted in Spain by Mateu CromoISBN 0582 82340 4
  4. 4. ContentsA.Lesson guidelines 5 B.Key 1. Personal Pronouns /Be I Have (got) /Can 11 2. Plurals/ This-These/ ThatThose 11 3. Possessives 12 4. There is are a/ some/ any 12 5. Present Continuous 13 Revision Exercises I 13 6. Simple Present 14 7. The Imperative 15 8. Prepositions of Place 15 9. Prepositions of Time 15 10. How much /How many 15 Revision Exercises ll 16 11. Be going to 16 12. Love/ hate/ like/ don!like doing slh 16 13. Must /Mustn"t 17 14. Past Tense (Was Were) 17 15. Past Tense (Had) 17 Revision Exercises Ill 18 16. Simple Past (Regular Verbs) 18 17. Simple Past (Irregular Verbs) 19 18. Question Words 20 19. Comparisons 20 Revision Exercises lV 20 C.Tests 1. Test 1 22 2. Test 2 24 3. Test 3 25 4. Test 4 23 D.Test keys 30 E.Pre-Test keys 32F.Progress Test keys 36
  5. 5. Lesson guidelinesRound-up is a fun,practical English grammar practice book that supplements your coursebook.It is perfect for extra grammar practice at the end of a lesson or as homework. Round-up is straightforward and easy to use.It is designed to be used with students who are studying English in different situations.Levels 1-3 are for students at the early stages of English language learning. Roundup English Grammar Practice is divided into seventeen units.each of which focuses on one area of grammar.Within each unit there are clear and colourful grammar reference boxes and a series of straightforward.mainly write-in activities to practise the grammar.Every fifth or sixth unit there is a revision unit.which gives students the chance to consolidate what they have learned in the previous units.Throughout the book there are team games.which allow students to have fun while they learn English. This updated version provides Pre-Tests and Progress Tests.Use the Pre-Tests to help you and your students identify the grammar points that need further explanation and practice.You can use the Pre-Tests in two ways: 1. As a diagnostic test to help you identify grammar points that students have difficulty with.2. To help students identify the grammar points they need to revise and practice before they do the Revision at the end of each section.The Progress Tests provide a test for every two units. Your Teacher"s Guide has the answer key for the exercises in the Grammar Practice book and a set of four photocopiable tests with keys.Students will be well prepared for each test once they have successfully completed the appropriate revision unit. Level 2 of Round-up Grammar Practice is accompanied by a CD-ROMlSBN 0582344697.Fiound-up 2Using Round-upChoose exercises from the Grammar Practice book that practise or revise the language that you have (just) covered in your coursebook.You may want to use whole units from the Grammar Practice book or select parts of units that interest you and that you have time for.Do not feelthat you have to use all the exercises in a unit. The exercises can be done by simply following the instructions in the Grammar Practice book,with students writing in the answers.Or,when there is time in class,you can do them orally first - with the whole class.in pairs,or in groups. Oral practiceIt is a good idea to do the exercises orally first,then in writing.English spelling can be confusing.By starting with oral practice,students can hear how words sound and concentrate on the meaning before they have to be concerned with the written form. Whole classGive students some time to look at the exercises before they have to do them out loud.Then,select students at random.Remember that if students do not know who will be asked to speak next,they will have to pay closer attention.They need to listen to one another and concentrate on all the exercises in case they are chosen next- This whole class oral practice works well with many of the units,but is especially useful when practising language like countable and uncountable nouns (for example Exercises 27, 28 and 29) and the Present Continuous (for example Exercise37.)
  6. 6. Lesson guidelinesIn the case of Exercise 27. ask students to cover the sentences and just look at the picture.Tell them to think of all the words they know in that picture.To elicit these words start by drawing a quick Picture 0 3 flower on the board.This will of course produce flower.Write this on the board.As the correct forms of the other words are supplied,write them on the board,too.Then give students two or three minutes to complete the twelve sentences next to the picture with either There is or There are.Encourage them to do this in their heads.not in writing.Then nominate students at random to say the sentences out loud.if a student makes a mistake,ask another student to try the same sentence. PairworkMany of the exercises can easily be done by students in pairs.Pairwork is vital because it ensures that everyone gets the chance to speak.Like groupwork,it also allows you to spend time with students who might be having difficulties.There are several different ways to vary the painrvork.These are three variations. 1. The simplest way of doing the exercises in pairs is to get students to work together in closed pairs to complete the exercises orally first,then in writing.When most of the students have finished,check the answers in open pairs so that everyone in the class can hear.Try Exercises 19, 24 and 32 in this way. 2. Similarly,some of the exercises can be done as mini-dialogues.First students do the exercise in closed pairs:in turn,one student asks the questions and the other replies.Then they complete the exercise in writing.Finally,in open pairs,for each item choose one student to ask the question and one to reply. 6Round-up 2The chance to practise the minidialogues in closed pairs first helps the students gain confidence and allows you to wander round the classroom and monitor and correct their errors before they have to speak in front of the whole class. Exercises that suit this type of pairwork are 4, 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 29. 31. 36. 40. 43. 74. 87. 103.107 and 115.eg Exercise 31.Give students a few minutes to study the picture of the party in pairs.Encourage them to try to tell each other all the words they know in the picture:birthday cake.candles.bottles.balloons.etc.Then ask two students who are quite confident to model the example minidialogue so that the whole class can hear.Student A asks,Are there three children in the picture? Student B replies.No,there aren"t.There are five children. Then give students time to do the rest of the minidialogues in closed pairs - orally first then in writing.You will be free to wander round the classroom and help students who find the exercise difficult.Finally.check students work in open pairs. To vary the check phase.try dividing the class into two big groups.The groups take turns chanting the questions and answers.This can get noisy but it is great for building confidence and getting rid of excess energy! 3. When there are pairs of words,for example plurals (Exercise 17) or irregular verbs (Exercise 149),a very good way of helping students learn and remember the new forms is to play a concentration game in closed pairs.
  7. 7. Lesson guidelineseg Exercise 17.Students work on their own to complete this exercise,then they check their answers with a partner.When students have the correct answers they put the singular and plural forms in two lists on separate pieces of paper,one pair of lists per pair of students: radio radios banana bananas room rooms day days tomato tomatoes sandwich sandwiches bus buses class classes party parties story stories fly flieslady ladies wife wives knife knives leaf leavesNext they tear or cut the paper into pieces with one word on each slip.They then put all the slips face down on the desk and mix them up.Within their pairs,in turn,students turn over two slips.If they match (the singular plus the plural of a word) the student keeps that pair and has another turn.If they dont match,the slips are returned to exactly the same place,turned face down again and it is the partners turn.When all the words have been matched up,the student with the most pairs is the winner.Students get plenty of practice and will remember the new forms. After you and the students are used to this game,you"ll think of other language areas you can practise with it. Fiound-up 2GroupworkYou may want to give students extra practice by putting them into groups to do the exercises orally first and then in writing.When most of the groups have finished,select a few to feed back to the rest of the class.For groupwork,try to choose exercises that have several sentences and quite a few different language items,so that each student will have the chance to speak and to practise different words. Some of the exercises that work well in groups are 39, 57. 58,72, 73 and 108.eg Exercise 57.Put students into groups.Tell them to look at the table in Exercise 57. To check that they understand how the table works,you might want to ask two or three short concept questions such as Do Don and Alice study hard? or Does Bob swim very well? Give students a few minutes to talk about the things that the four people do or dont do using the first sentence as an example.Then ask them to complete the table with information about themselves and tell the rest of the group.Next ask them to complete the exercise in writing.Finally,choose students at random to feed back both the information in the book and information about the people in their group. Extra gamesFind someone whoThe verb can (Exercises 9 and 10) can be practised by doing a whole class activity with very simple grids.Tell students to write the words and phrases you dictate down the left hand side of a piece of paper.Use
  8. 8. Lesson guidelineswords and phrases that you have covered in class.For example: swimplay the guitar ride a horseplay tennismake an omelette play basketballskiCheck that the students know how to form the questions and answers they need for this activity.Choose students to model the first question by saying,Play the guitar? and,Ask me a question. to elicit,Can you play the guitar? Then elicit short answers:Yes,I can. and,No,I cant. " Drill the question form and the short answers once chorally so that students feel confident about using them. Students stand up and walk round the classroom asking each other whether they can do a particular thing and put the student"s name next to the activities he/ she can do.When most of the students have one name beside each word or phrase,stop the activity.If some students finish very quickly,give them a few more words or phrases (keep two or three in reserve).Students feed back to the whole class orally by making true sentences about each others abilities. Team gamesThere are several simple team games throughout Level 2. Additionally.you might like to try using some of the other exercises,such as Exercise 83, as team games. Divide the class into two teams and ask each team to give their team a name to add to their fun and involvement.Write these8Round-up 2names on the board and keep score so that everyone can see what it is. Write Uncountable and Countable on the board.Read out the nouns in Exercise 83 one at a time and ask teams in turn whether you should put them under Uncountable or Countable.For each correct answer award teams one point.The team with the most points wins. Another very useful team game format is Noughts and Crosses: As with all team games,give the students a chance to choose a name for their team in English!(As well as adding to student involvement,it helps recycle vocabulary.)Draw a simple grid on the board: l isometimes i nowi _ .3every day ,todayalwaysnever usually I every night at the moment Fill the grid with nine language items (such as the adverbs and adverbial phrases above.)Divide the class into two teams and assign noughts (O) to one group and crosses (X) to the other. Toss a coin to determine which team starts. in turn.teams choose a word or phrase from the grid and have 30 seconds to come up with a complete sentence using the word or phrase correctly.Make sure that the students are using the appropriate grammar structures (the Present Simple or the Present Continuous in this example) in good,natural sentences.
  9. 9. Lesson guidelinesWhen a team produces a correct sentence,write their symbol (O or X) over the word they have used. The first team to make a horizontal,vertical or diagonal row is the winner. Other language areas covered in Level 2that work well with the noughts and crosses format are: Prepositions of place (Unit 8)Prepositions of time (Unit 9) where you fill in the grid with words and phrases such as 9 o"clock.September 28th and winter. Simple Past - rogtilar and irregular verbs (Units 16 and 17) where you might fill in the grid with the base form of both regular and irregular verbs and learns have to put them into the correct simple past form in a natural sentence. Question words (Unit 18)BingoBingo cards are quick and easy to make with the class and also provide extra practice as you are making them.Ask students to take out a clean sheet of paper. Draw a grid like this on the board and ask them to copy it: l I I lNext,tell them to write down the words as you dictate them - eg base forms of verbs - putting one in each box and in any order.(The idea is that students will put the words in different places in the grid and will not allFiound-up 2call BINGO at the same time.)After you have given them sixteen words tell them that you are now going to call out a different form of each of the words - egthe past tense.As they hear the word thatcorresponds to the word on their card,they cross out their word. When they have crossed out four words in a horizontal or diagonal row they shoutBINGO.Check that the student who calls BINGO first has won by asking him/ her toread out the four words that form his/ her bingo line. Grammar boxes and tablesThe grammar boxes and tables sum up the key grammar points in each unit.Students can refer to these while they are doing the practice activities and later when they are revising.Encourage them to use the boxes and to reread them often. in addition to grammar reference,they also provide information on the spelling and pronunciation areas that can easily cause students problems. Guessing new wordsStudents should be encouraged to use their own language and words that they already know in English to guess the meaning of new vocabulary. In Level 2, with some support,students should be able to use context to help them guess the meanings of new words.When students come across a new word they should try to decide what part of speech it is:a verb,a noun,an adjective,etc.They can then look at the other words in the
  10. 10. Lesson guidelinessentence to determine what the word means. Working in pairs and groups helps studentsbuild their vocabulary because their classmates may know words that they havenot learned yet. Encourage students to keep a record of new words as they learn them.They shouldwrite down the correct spelling of the word.the word"s meaning and the word in asentence. 10Hound-up 2
  11. 11. KEY: * :_ , _Hound-up 2 Personal P (got)/ can ronouns/ Be/ Have 9,gan hf] talk,: ,)0_ he cam 1 2 he 4 the 6 it 4 C3: fh e cook" Yes" She Can A 3- 61- - -y _.h e 8. they .ey watch TV?No,they cam,I .sie 5. they /it 5. Can they swim?Yes,they can,r 6. Can he read?Yes,he can 2WI 5 he 8. you 11. he 7 Can it Ily?No,it can"t. shewe 9. she 12. it 8. Can they sleep?No,they cam,- it / . h ,10. they 9. Can they sing?Yes,they can,3 2 I I 8. am not."m not 10 2- Can Chris sing?No,he can"t.Can he "3 Vs.rt 9. is not,isn"t draw?Yes,he can.Can he dance?No he " v-W2. r:10. are not.aren"t Can"t.Can he play the guitar?Yes,he can,5 am,III I 1. is not.rent 80, Chris can draw and play the guitar but 0 iirr. -, re 12, are not aren"t he can"t sing or dance,3. Can Liz and Brian sing?Yes,they can.Can 4. ? tum./ ex,he I3 they draw?No.they can"t.Can they dance?I ti"v: ii"i,/r. -=r,I| |C"/are.Yes,they can.Can they play the guitar?No,"3: Iir. ~m",Ito.they: ireri"t They are they can"t.80, Liz and Brian can sing and , r.oIir, r.: rrir, -n dance but they can"t draw or play the guitar_i: ". Ito.Ii v, ni It in,;i riirrl 4. (Suggested answer) Can I sing?Yes,I tmni.llo.they: irr. -n"t They are apples,can.Can I draw?No.I can"t.Can I dance?it.ziiervil,tlo.ttiey arc, -rrt They are teeth.Yes,I can.Can I play the guitar?No,|can"i_ ",4 thr, -rut / ea,thr. -y rim So,I can sing and dance but I can"t draw or U i"l": ". ilo.the i": ,r. t She IS A singer.play the guitar.5_ _ / itrgy ; _1r. :_.zZ_ | :_ igni 5 Aye m not 11. He IS SIITIOFI FIOWET."2 Are.rirerr:5 Am.A-rent He IS British.He is a teacher.6 I.have got ye got He has got black hair and green eyes. "tmr~,got 2 got He can swim and drive.is ITEI/ "3 got. got (Suggested answer) 1 hzixe got.ve got I am Costas.5 have got.ve got I am Greek.6 have not got.haven"t got I am a student.7. has not got.hasn"t got I have got black hair and brown eyes.8. have not got.haven"t got I can swim and dance.9. has not got.hasn"t got 10- have not got haven"t got 2. Plurals /This - These /That Those 7. 2. What have Ted and Ann got?They have got 12" 2" b"d5 4" dmphms 6" smders some books,a parrot and a bicycle.They 3 Shoes 5" downs haven"t got a boat or a guitar.- 3. What has Robert got?He has got some 13"ggizunoesgfggsheis 6" wnches books,a boat and a bicycle.He hasn"t got a " " parrot or a guitar 14. 2. ladies 4. families 5. flies 4. (Suggested answer) I have got some 3_ babies 5 diaries books,a bicycle and a guitar.I haven"t got a boat or a parrot.15. 2. loaves 3. wolves 8. 2. Has he got a bag?No,he hasn"t.He"s got 16, 2, mice 4. teeth 6. policemen a guitar.3. fish 5. geese 3. Have they got dogs?Yes,they have.4. Has it got wings?No,it hasn"t.It"s got four 17_ legs/ a tail.5. Has the girl got a tomato?No,she hasn"t.ban-"35 "3. e: 5 She"s got a banana.""5 slan W:e 6. Have the boys got a ball?No,they haven"t.daY5 guassgse They"ve got books.7. Has the boy got an umbrella?Yes,he has.8. Has the dog got a bone?No,it hasn"t.It"sgot a ball.11
  12. 12. KEYRound-up 2 18. 2. buses 9- Spies 15- Classes 3. cowboys 10. pictures 17. tails _ 4, women 11. letters 18. disc jockeys 5. houses 12. shirts 19. sheep 6. fish 13. tables 20. zebras 7. teeth 14. children 8, keys 15. girls 19. 1. They are tall men. They are potatoes. .They are beautiful dresses. .The glasses are on the table. .They are teeth. .The babies are in the bedroom.. You are nice children. .They are housewives. .They are leaves. 10. They are monkeys. ([)Cl1Sl/ O8. When?17. How many. 9. Where?18. Where?170. 2. thinnest of 7. happier than 10. Where?19- Wh0597 3. most interesting 8. more careful than4. shorter than 9. worst in 152- 2- B 5" C 8" B 5. more difficult than 10. more beautiful tliaii 2-8 6. prettiest in 171. Free Completion 163. 2. When 9. Why 16. HOW much3. Whose 10. How many 17. Where .. . 4. How much tt_ whose t8_ wttete Revision Exercises IV5. Where 12. Where 19. How many 172. 2. We are students.5. They are good doctors.6. How many 13. When 20. What 3. Ttiey are women.6. Thosebig l3o~/ ns 7. How many 14. What time 4. Tiese are geese 8. Who 15. Why _173. 2. any 3. some 4. any 5. any 164. 2. When 5. When 8. Where 3. What 6. What 9. Who 174. 1. lh 5- in 9- lh 4. Who 7. What time 10. What:1 6- gtIN .t 7. n .n 19. Comparisons 4" O 8 "1 155- 2- thinner the thinnest 175. 2. works 5. makes 8. is laughing3- hea/ tie" the heaV_"951 3. likes 6. are eating 9. is telling4. funnier the funniest 4. gets 7 teaves5. older the oldest6. fatter the fattest 176. 2. Whose 4. Where 6. What time7. smaller the smallest 3, who 5. Why8. friendlier the friendliest 49. more interesting the most interesting 177. 2, in 5. above 8. behind 10. more careful the most careful 3. next to 6. between4. under 7. in front of 166. 2. Tommy is lazy.Terry is lazier than Tommy.Tony is the laziest of all.178. 2. How much 4. How much 3. Tony is funny.Tommy is funnier than Tony.3. How many 5. How many Terry is the funniest of all.t _ 4. Tony is good.Terry is better than Tony.179- 2- _ 5- "5 h0"d"1Q Tommy is the best of all.3- "5 5- 5. Tommy is friendly.Tony is friendlier than 4- - 7- Tommy.Terry is the friendliest of all.6. Tony is clever /more clever.Terry is 180" 2 dVe 6- "3" 10" "9 cleverer /more clever than Tony.Tommy is 3- 5"99 7- swam 11- Wen the cleverest /most clever of all.4- W3? 8- ale 13 had 7. Terry is careful.Tommy is more careful than 5 amved 9- 9"37 Terry.Tony is the most careful of all.181. 2_ Went 6. did you spend 10. came 157_ 2_ 0t 5_ 0t 8. of 3. did you stay 7. didn"t go 11. were3. than 6. than 9. of 4- Slaifed 8- was4_ in 7 than 5. had 9. stayed182. 1. am 5. am 9. are buying 2. ts 6. is 10. are playing 3. is working 7. are they 11. are you 4. is doing?doing?8. is shopping 12. am watching20
  13. 21. K E Y Fiound-up 2 3.him!No.he isn"t.He is a policeman.4.it!No,it isn"t.It is an umbrella. 184. 1.Those 2. This 3. That185. 2. The man is fatter.He has got a longer noseand a smaller hat. 3. The girl is happier.She has got a bigger doll. 4. The house is older.It has got more doors and windows. 5. The boy is thinner.He has got a smaller ball and bigger shoes /feet. 6. The garden is smaller.it has got fewer trees and plants. 7. The lady"s dress is longer.She has got a bigger hat and a smaller bag. 186. 2. works 9. lived /was 16. didn"t stay 3. is 10. worked 17. are 4. have it.were 18. were 5. go 12. didn"t go 6. are 13. had 7. stays 14. had 8. hasn"t got 15. was187. 2. C 5. C 8. A 3. A 6. C 9. C 4. B 7. B 10. B188. 2. is 7. are 12. doesn"t 3. mine 8. glasses of water 13. are 4. best 9. don"t 14. have 5. What 10. doesn"t 15. hers 6. Those 11. this189. 2. are 7. come 12. many 3. many 8. older 13. tallest 4. is having 9. doesn"t 14. some 5. has 10. on 15. Where 6. Where 11. go
  14. 22. DATE . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... CLASS . ... ... ... ... ... ... .....(TIME 50 lrJlll~lUTESiFill in with he,she".it".they".them".him" or her".1. LOOK at .. .. .. .. .. .. .1 2 lfilli at . ... ... ... .. . . is a singer..iiv- r. .i: i1"ir, -Ir._ PA 3. Look at . ... ... ... . . . ! - -.1 l_. -oi .2: r .iii-. .t ~- .* . -j . ... ... ... .. . . IS a parrot.r 1 9; i: .:iriir. ::ii"- - lChange to the plural. 5. It is a monkey... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . . 6. It is a dress... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ..7. That is a dolphin... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... .. .. .. .. .. ... 8. This is a mouse... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . .9. She is a lady... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....,. .. .. _ _ .. .. .. .. . _Fill in my,your.his.her","its".our"."your" or "their". 10. He"s got a camera.M 11. They"ve got cats." ; _ lts . ... ... ... .. . . camera. They are . ... ... ... .. . . cats.~ "9 12. She"s got a basket.-if A 13. We"ve got books.7 It"s . ... ... ... .. . . basket. ti 3. ii.They are . ... ... ... .. . . books. Fill in There is or There are.14. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . some eggs in the fridge. 15. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . some butter in the fridge. 16. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . some apples on the table. 17. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . a cat on the chair. 18. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . some milk in the bottle. 19. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . some children in the park. 22 Virginia Pagoulatou-Vlachou 1992. Published by Pearson Education Limited 2003.
  15. 23. _ _W _ Z T E_ST 1 Flound-up 2Fill in some" or any.i20. There isn"t . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . meat in the fridge. 21. There are . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . chairs in the room. 22. is there . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . butter in the fridge? 23. There is . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....coke in the bottle. 2/1. There are . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....boys in the garden. 25. Are there . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . oranges on the table? Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous. It is Siinrlay r; -vening.The family is in the living-room.Father and Mother2r._ .. . . _ . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (watch) TV.Grandmother2"/ . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (talk) on the phone.The children 2?-;_ .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . (play) with the cat.Grandfather 29 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (sleep) and the girls 30) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . (dance). Look at the pictures and write what they are doing.lit -31. She . ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . Ii _"T 33. He . ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... Write complete sentences about you. 35. Name:I . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . 36. Nationality:I . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . 37. Job:I . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . 38. Hair:I . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . 39. Eyes:I . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . 40. Abilities:l . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . .- " LI t d 2003. 23 Virginia Pagoulatou-Vlachou 1992. Published by Pearson Education rm e
  16. 24. Round-up 2 T E S T 2NAME . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . .DATE . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... CLASS . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . (TIME:50 MINUTES) Complete the questions and the short answers. 1. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . you like chocolate cakes?Yes,.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . . 2. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . he go to school?Yes... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . . 3. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . they watch TV in the morning?No... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . . 4. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . she go to the cinema every day?No... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . . 5. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . she cook dinner in the evening?Yes... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . .Put the verbs in brackets into the Simple Present. John 6) . ... ... ... .. . . (work) in a bank.He 7) . ... ... ... .. . . (like) his job very much.John 8) . ... ... . . . . ... ... ... .. . . (not/ work) on Saturdays or Sundays.I 9)(not. /work);I 10)(be) a student.I 11) . ... ... ... .. . . (go) to school every day except Saturdays and Sundays. Fill in the correct preposition. Chris gets up 12) . ... ... ... .. . . 7 o"clock 13) . ... ... ... .. . . the morning.He eats his breakfast and walks to school.14) . ... ... ... .. . . winter,when it is very cold.his father drives him to school.Chris doesnt go to school 15) . ... ... ... .. . . Saturdays or Sundays so he gets up late. Fill in How much or How many. 16. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . boys are there in your class? 17. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . sugar do you want in your coffee?18. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . milk is there in the fridge? 19. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . hats have you got? 20. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . money have you got? 21. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . glasses are there on the table? Change to the plural. 22. This is a donkey . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....23. That is a fish . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . 24. It is a hat... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . .25. She is a teacher... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... 24 0 Virginia Pagoulatou-Vlachou 1992. Published by Pearson Education Limited 2003.
  17. 25. T T E ST 2 Round-up 2Look at the picture and fill in:on,above,ing hes, -den ~oVe, ~ or llintor!Sam is Sid.and he is lying 26, .. _ .. .. .. .. .. .. . . bed 27) . ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . hospital.His friends Sue and Tom are / isiting him.Sue is sitting 28) . ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . the bed and Tom is standing 29) . ... ... ... ... ... .. . . the bed.There is a picture 30) . ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . Sam"s bed.Sam is putting his hands 31) . ... ... ... ... ... .....his mouth because he is coughing.A nurse is coming32) . ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . the room.its time for Tom and Sue to leave. Put the verbs into the Simple Present or Present Continuous. Sarah usually 33) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (go) swimming every Saturday but this Saturday it 34) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (be) her birthday.She 35) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (like) chocolate cake so her sister 36) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (make) one for her now.Her mother 37) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (cook) food at the moment and her father 38) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (do) the shopping. Sarah 39) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (want) everything to be nice for her party.They always40) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (have) a good time at parties. Q:Virginia Pagoulatou-Vlachou 1992. Published by Pearson Education Limited 2003. 25
  18. 26. TEST 3Round-up 2 NAME . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . DATE . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... CLASS . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . (TIME:50 MINUTES)Mother is telling her son what he must or mustn t do.Fill in the blanks with must or mustn1. You . ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . do your homework.2. You . ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . be late for school.3. You . ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . eat in class.4. You . ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . listen to the teacher.5. You . ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . talk in class.Write questions and answers... i__. ci-e2uqr (5. , l 4.i V iii:UtiI .. (*2 V,"- K: -_l " "" 6. the children /go to the circus.7. Father clean the car.(like) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (like) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (Yes,like) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (No.not like) . ... ... ... ... ... .. . .Complete the sentences using be going to or Present Continuous. *_.8 (eat) 9. (eat) :2 . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . .j . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . _2~l1_ $343,. _ 2 "K:V I I _: v". .- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ..> .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...;. ~": . ~"" -~I"-" F,.AI-7 -_J /7 . .. A,1 . _rV__. , . __ _ Fill in the blanks with is,are or were It 12) . ... ... ... .. . . midnight.The children 13) . ... ... ... .. . . in bed now.They 14) . ... ... ... .. . . in theliving-room three hours ago. 25 "9 Virginia Pagoulatou-Vlachou 1992. Published by Pearson Education Limited 2003.
  19. 27. TEST. II. , 15: (the DOV /3 bemanaiIi 16. (the boy /a banana) _.., ")" myl"m? - ;) ", ",. ;_A. .r4_,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . -3" N , _" _"i,.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... -9: . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . ."1 ML. .17.(she/ anewcar) 18 (h / It:4 . .. se anewcar) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . - riT3:= -. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . - TV r ., _ .. . . I .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . p: u. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .., .,. ,., _,_, Fill in I doiil gr. to school 19) . ... ... . . . summer.School starts 20) . ... ... . . . September and finisheson"" or in". 21) . ... .....(June.I get up 22) . ... ... . . . 10 o"clock and go swimming.I come back 23) . ... ... . . .nr. -on.21:1) . ... ... . . . Sunrlays I dont go swimming.I stay at home and read books. Put the verbs in brackets into the Simple Present or Present Continuous. 25. Father always . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....(drive) to work. 26. Today Father . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....(go) to work by train. 27. l~/ Iother usually . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....(cook) dinner in the evening.28. At present she . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....(make) a cake. 29. I . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....(help) mother in the kitchen now. 30. We usually . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....(watch) TV in the evening. Fill in the right word from the box. i Their theirs yours his hers31. This car is . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (you and Helen). 32. That red dress is . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (Jane). 33. When is . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . birthday?(Father)34. Are these shoes . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . ?(the children) 35. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . car is black (Jack and Joan). Fill in ls,Are,Do or Does. 36. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . you like oranges? 37. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . you hungry? 38. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . you coming to the party tonight?39. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . he work in a bank? 40. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . he late for school? (2) Virginia Pagoulatou-Vlachou 1992. Published by Pearson Education Limited 2003.Flound-up 227
  20. 28. Flound-up 2 T E S T 4NAME . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . DATE . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... CLASS . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . (TIME:50 MINUTES)Fill in Where,Who,What time,Why or Whose. 1. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....are you leaving?12:30 p. m.2. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....is my bicycle?In the garage. 3. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....did you leave the party?Because I was bored.4. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....lives in this house?Mrs Brown. 5. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....coat is this?David"s. Choose the correct item. 6. Michael . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . his car yesterday.A) sold b) selling c) sells 7. The cat . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . her kittens at the moment.A) washes B) washed C) is washing 8. We . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . to the beach yesterday.A) are going B) went C) go 9. Tomorrow I . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . basketball at school.A) play B) played C) am going to play 10. I . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . with my cousin next Saturday.A) stay B am going to stay C) stayed 11. Last year I . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . on holiday to Spain.A) go B) am going C) went 12. The man . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . his flowers at the moment.A) watered B) is watering C) is going to water 13. I . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....a fish yesterday.A) catch B) am catching C) caught 14. Last Christmas they . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . the Bahamas.A) visited B) visit C) are visiting 15. Now,I . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . for my exams. A) am studying B) study C) studiedFill in the gaps with some" or any". 16. I want . ... ... ... .. . . cheese. 17. Have you got . ... ... ... .. . . carrots? 18. There is . ... ... ... .. . . sugar in the bowl. 19. We dont have . ... ... ... .. . . chocolate. 20. There aren"t . ... ... ... .. . . dogs in the house. 28(3 Virginia Pagoulatou-Vlachou 1992. Published by Pearson Education Limited 2003.
  21. 29. TEST 4 Flound-up 2 Complete the sentences.g A _ George __ Tim Bob I Age:13 19 21T He. i;C iid m I res m 1.70 m5, WeighttgW50 kg_,l 60 kgs 62 kgsHouse: Sgrooms H l 3 rooms 2 rooms21. (old) Bob is the . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . all. 22. (short) Tim is . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....Bob. 23. lheai/ y)Tim is ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . George. 2:1. (yourig) George is the . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . all. 25. (small) Tim"s house is . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . George"s. Locik at the picture and complete the sentences with the correct preposition from the list:3? i{" J I "-" . :". / ~/ /1. t._ir_ "1 ;_(; ~v: ;i Look at this pet shop!There"s a goldfish bowl 26) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . the table.There"s a goldfish 27) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . the bowl.The cat is 28) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . the bowl.The dog is 29) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . the table.30) . ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . the goldfish bowl there is a bird in a cage.Fill in with Simple Past. Last Sunday we went (go) on a picnic in the country.My mother 31) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (drive) the car.My father 32) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (sleep) all the way there because he33) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (be) tired.When we 34) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (arrive) we35) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (run) straight to the river.We 36) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (swim) for a long time and then we 37) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (eat) our lunch.After lunch my father and I38) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (play) football.We 39) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (leave) at six o"clock.We all40) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . (have) a lovely time. Virginia Pagoulatou-Vlachou 1992. Published by Pearson Education Limited 2003. 29
  22. 30. Flound-up 2TEST1 KEY1. her,She 2. them,They 3. it,It 4. him,He5. They are monkeys.7. Those are dolphins 9. They are ladies. 6. They are dresses.8. These are mice. 10. his 11. their 12. her 13. our14. There are 16. There are 18. There is15. There is 17. There is 19. There are20 any 21. some 22. any 23. some 24. some 25. any26. are watching 27. is talking 28. are playing 29. is sleeping 30. are dancing 31. is sitting 32. are cooking 33. is sleeping 34. is opening the window. 35.-40. Free completionTEST2 KEY1. Do,I do 3. Do,they dont 5. Does,she does 2. Does,he does 4. Does,she doesn"t6. works 7. likes 8. doesn"t work 9. don"t work 10. am 11. go 12. at 13.in 14.ln 15. on16. How many 18. How much 20. How much 17. How much 19. How many 21. How many22. These are donkeys.24. They are hats.23. Those are fish.25. They are teachers. 26. in 27. in 28. on 29. beside 30. above 31. over 32. into33. goes 35. likes 37. is cooking 39. wants 34. is 36. is making 38. is doing 40. haveMarking Scheme for Tests 1 and 2 5 points each item.40 items x 5 points =200
  23. 31. Round-up 21. must 2. mustn"t 3. mustn"t 4. must 5. mustn"t6. Do the children like going to the circus?Yes,they like going to the circus.7. Does Father like cleaning the car?No.he doesn"t like cleaning the car. 8. They are going to eat 10. She is going to listen to the record. 9. They are o; ilinr).11. She is listening to the record. 12. is 13. are 14. were15. "iliey bay has got a baiiaria 17. She has got a new car. it. The boy ii,.cl a bariaria.18. She had a new car. 19. Ill 20. in 21. in 22. at 23. at 24_ on 25. riri res 26 (S gaing 27. cooks 28. is making 29. am helping 30. watch31. yours .32. hers 33. his 34. theirs 35. Their 36. Do 37. Are 38. Are 39. Does 40. IsTEST 4 KEY1. What time 2. Where 3. Why 4. Who 5. Whose6.A 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.8 11.C 12.8 13.C 14.A 15.A16. some 17. any 18. some 19. any 20. any21. oldest of 22. shorter than 23. heavier than 24. youngest of 25. smaller than26. on 27. in 28. near 29. under 30. Over31. drove 33. was 35. ran 37. ate 39. left 32. slept 34. arrived 36. swam 38. played 40. hadMarking Scheme for Tests 3 and 4 5 points each item.40 items x 5 points =20031
  24. 32. Round-up 2 1 ,Pre-Testl KEY 7 i if (M i i1. them,They 3. it,It 5. them,They 7. it,It 2. him,He 4. her,She 6. him,He 8. her,She B,9. They are deer.13. They are nurses.17. These are bicycles.10. They are birds.14. Those are teeth.18. They are magicians.11. Those are knives.15. They are singers.12. These are monkeys.16. They are guitars.C.19. his 21. her 23. your 25. my 20. his 22. our 24. its 26. their D.27. There are 30. There is 33. There are 36. There is 28. There is 31. There is 34. There is 37. There are29. There are 32. There is 35. There are 38. There isE.39. some 41. any 43. any 45. any 47. any 49. some 40. any 42. some 44. any 46. some 48. some 50. any F.51. is watching 53. is looking at 55. are having 52. is eating 54. are sitting G.56. is shining 58. is running 60. is walking 57. is playing 59. is sitting H.61. is writing (a letter).65. is watching TV.62. are writing/ doing their homework.66. is dancing.63. is drinking milk.67. are eating. /are having dinner/ lunch.64. is reading a newspaper.68. is playing. I.(Suggested answers)69.am George Papadopoulos.75.is Helen Brown. 70.am Greek.76.is English. 71.am a student.77.is a student. 72.have got brown hair.78.has got blonde hair. 73.have got brown eyes.79.has got blue eyes. 74.can sing and speak French.80.can speak English and ride a bicycle. ________________________________Score 1 point for each correct answer. 32
  25. 33. Round-up 2Pre-Test2 KEY A.1. Do.I do 4. Does.she doesn"t 7. Do,I don"t to.Do,they gem 2. Does,he does 5. Does,she does 8. Do,I don"t 3. Do,they don"t 6. Does,he does 9. Does,she doesB.11. works 12. teaches 13. goes 14. likes 15. is 16, loveC.17. rides 18. doesn"t ride 19. is 20. goes 21. has 22. isD.23. On 24. at 25. In 26. inE.27. at 28. at 29. in 30. InF 31. How much 34. How many 37. How much 40. How many 32. How many 35. How much 38. How much 41. How many 33. How much 36. How many 39. How many 42. How muchG.43. These are monkeys.46. They are nurses.49. They are churches.44. Those are sheep.47. Those are teeth.50. These are geese.45. They are records.48. They are policemen. H.51. in 53. above 55. on 57. into 52. in 54. beside 56. overI.58. at 60. on 62. behind 64. on 59. over 61. on 63. NearJ.65. goes 67. likes 69. is playing 71. is helping 66. is 68. is cooking 70. is watching 72. haveK.73. is washing 75. doesn"t want 77. make 79. am 90mg 74. plays 76. is cooking 78. am going out 80. visitScore 1 point for each correct answer.
  26. 34. Round-up 2Pre-Test 3 KEYA.1. mustn"t 3. mustn"t 5. must 7. must 9. must 2. must 4. mustn"t 6. mustn"t 8. mustn"t 10. mustB.11. Does the boy like going to the dentist?No,he hates going to the dentist.3412. 13. 14.15. 16. 17. 18.23.26. "29. 30. 31. 50. 51.61. 62.71. 72.Does Annie like doing the housework?No,she doesn"t like doing the housework.Do the children like playing with their toys?Yes,they love playing with their toys.Do the girls like going to the beach?Yes.they like going to the beach. They are going to play football.They are playing football. She is going to clean the windows.She is cleaning the windows. 19. She is going to make a cake.20. She is making a cake.21. He is going to feed the baby.22. He is feeding the baby. is 24. are 25. were is 27. are 28. were He has got a balloon.33. The girl has got a glass of milk. 34. 35.He had a balloon.She has got a bag. The girl had a glass of milk.The dog has got a bone. She had a bag.36. The dog had a bone. on 38. at 39. in 40. at 41. in 42. On at 44. On 45. At 46. in 47. on 48. in is washing 52. does 55. goes 58. is writingis eating 53. is tidying 56. is going 59. godo 54. go 57. sleeps 60. wake uphis 63. mine 65. ours 67. Her 69. yoursyour 64. Their 66. hers 68. its 70. theirsDo 73. Are 75. Is 77. Are 79. IsAre 74. Does 76. Do 78. Does 80. DoScore 1 point for each correct answer.
  27. 35. Round-up 2Pre-Test4 KEYA.1. What time 3. Where W 5. Whose 7. Why 9, who 2. Whose 4. Who 6. Where 8. What time 10. WhyB.11. A 14. C 17. C 20. A 23. A 26. B 29. B12. c 15. B 18. B 21. A 24. A 27. A 30. B 13. B 16. c 19. B 22. c 25. A 28. cC.31. some 33. any 35. some 37. any 39. any 33 any 34. any 36. some 38. some 40. some D.41. oldest of 43. heavier than 45. smaller than42. shorter than 44. youngest ofE.46. youngest of 48. taller than 50. longer than 47. bigger than 49. shorter than F.51. on 52. in 53. near 54. under 55. Near G.56. On 57. between 58. in 59. under 60. in front of H.61. went 64. had 67. was 70. looked after 62. did you stay 65. did you go 68. stayed 63. stayed 66. didn"t go 69. told I.71. drove 74. arrived 77. ate 80. had 72. listened 75. sat 78. played 73. sang 76. made 79. leftScore 1 point for each correct answer.
  28. 36. Round-up 2Progress Test 1 (Units 1 2) KEY A_ 1, he 2. they 3. she 4. it B.5. is 7. Are,aren"t 9. Are,am not 6. Are,are 8. Is,isn"t 10. Is,isC.11. No,he hasn"t.He has got some balls. 12. Yes,she has.13. No,they haven"t.They have got hats. 14. Yes,it has. D.15. No,they can"t.16. No,he can"t.17. Yes.she can.18. Yes,they can. E.19. teeth 21. children 28. potatoes 25. spies 20. sheep 22. disc jockeys 24. leaves 26. men F.27. Those 28. That 29. This 30. These -T-LScore 1 point for each correct answer. Progress Test 2 (Units 3 - 4) KEY A.1. the children"s teacher.4. the girls dresses.2. Tony"s ball.5. Sue"s flowers.3. Father"s car.6. Bill"s guitar.B.7. theirs 8. his 9. hers 10. theirs 11. oursC.12. There are 14. There are 16. There is 18. There is 13. There is 15. There are 17. There areD.19. any 20. any 21. some 22. any 23. any 24. anyE.25. Is there 27. There is 29. Are there 26. Are there 28. Is there 30. There areScore 1 point for each correct answer. 36
  29. 37. Progress Test 3 (Units 5 - 6)A.1 B.7 8C.13 D 19 20.E 25.he is.is singing 9. is swimming .are playing 10. are eating.Does 14. are 15. Do.Do/ ldoDoes /she doesn"t.A 26. B 27.KEYRound-up 221. Do /they do 22. Does /she does2. she isn"t 3. they are 4. she isn"t 5. lam11. is sleeping 12. are watching16. am 17. is28. CScore 1 point for each correct answer. Progress Test 4 (Units 7 - 9)A.l.2.3.4.B.9 C.15. 16.D.23. 24.Please help me! Close the window,please!Don"t eat in the classroom!Let"s make a cake.. behind 10. on 11. upon 17. inin 18. atA 25. AA 26. BKEY6. he is18. is23. Does/it doesn"t 24. Do /they do5. Have a bath! 6. Let"s watch TV.7. Brush your teeth!8. Be quiet,please! 12. on 13. between19. at 20. in27. A 28. A14. behind21. in 22. on29. B 30. A Score 1 point for each correct answer. 37
  30. 38. F ooRound-up 2Progress Test 5 (Units 10 11) KEYHow much coffee is there?Not much.How many oranges are there?Not many.How much bread is there?Not much.How much jam is there?Not much. How many camels are there?Not many.How many rabbits are there?Not many.How many buses are there?Not many. A. . ".$""F$-! -How much /200 grams.11. How many /2. 14. How many /3. How much /2 loaves.12. How many /2. 10. How much /1 kilogram.13. How many /2.59 . C.15. are going to watch TV.19. are going to eat dinner. 16. are going to visit the circus.20. is going to have a bath.17. is going to wash the car.21. is going to walk the dog.18. is going to ride the/ a bicycle. D.22. Is Sue going to be a singer?23. Are Tom and Bill going to be teachers? 24. Is Pete going to be a policeman?25. Is Anna going to be a doctor? E.26. they aren"t.27. he is.28. they are.29. he isn"t.30. I am. Score 1 point for each correct answer.
  31. 39. Round-up 2Progress Test 6 (Units 12 13)KEYA.1 2.3.4.B.8 9C.17 D 23 24. .John loves being a nurse. 5. Father doesn"t like doing the washing up,6. Mother hates cooking dinner. 7. They dont like digging in the garden. Mary hates washing the floor.Laura likes reading the newspaper.The dog likes playing with a ball. .must 10. mustn"t 12. mustn"t 14. must 16. mustn"t .mustn"t 11. must 13. must 15. mustnt D 18. F 19. E 20. B 21. C 22. A .mustn"t 25. mustn"t 27. must 29. must mustn"t 26. mustn"t 28. must 30. mustW Score 1 point for each correct answer. Progress Test 7 (Units 14 15) KEY A.1. is /are /were 2. is /is /was 3. is /are /were 4. is /are /were B.5. she wasn"t 6. they were 7. he was 8. they weren"t C.9. is 11. are 13. was 15. were10. are 12. is 14. was 16. am D.17. He had a rabbit.20. He didnt have a dog.23. He didn"t have a car. 18. He had a bike.21. He had a bird.24. He had a ball. 19. He had a bike.22. He didn"t have a basket.25. He didn"t have a boat.E.26. Did Bob have any ice cream?Yes,he did. 27. 28. 29. 30.Did Tim have any jam?Yes,he did. Did Sue have any cake?No,she didnt.Did Pam have any apples?No,she didnt.Did Sam have any bread?Yes,he/ she did.Score 1 point for each correct answer.
  32. 40. Round-up 2Progress Test 8 (Units 16 - 17) KEYA.1. On Tuesday.she cleaned the floor.2. On Wednesday she played tennis.3. On Thursday she went shopping.4. On Friday she washed the car.5. On Saturday she watched TV. B.6. visited 8. watched 10. danced 12. had 7. talked 9. listened 11. played C.13. sent 14. cut 15. read 16. fed 17. broke 18. rode D.19. didn"t eat 21. bought 23. swam 25. came 20. went 22. saw 24. didn"t drive E.26. last year 28. at the moment 30. yesterday 27. tomorrow 29. every morning _Score 1 point for each correct answer. Progress Test 9 (Units 18 19) KEY A.1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A B.7. C 8. E 9. A 10. F 11. B 12. DC.13. longer,longest 15. taller,tallest 17. happier,happiest 14. stronger,strongest 16. bigger,biggest 18. more beautiful,the most beautifulD.19. thinner21. happier 23. older 20. cleverer 22. the prettiest E.24. than 26. in 28. than 30. than 25. than 27. of 29. in________________________________Score 1 point for each correct answer.40
  33. 41. ""7:It. iGl. ES-3"B O C} it. - A C ROUMD-UP i. ia. "dng grammar practice fun for young learnersEO1.? t~: DUP is a 7-"-eve!series for young learners from beginner to upper-intermediate.It oorri-i? r.-is games and fun mt:systematic practice of Ergfish grammar. - Cooz. :rfuI baxes and tabfes present language clearly - L. -tey. exercises and games make piadtioe fun and eecveo Pre-Tests Identify stu: lems"driwies - Rs afar Revision sei: *.ions and Pro; -rss Tests oonscrzdate language teaming- CD43.-2"15 prcf:3e more grammar practice and games - Tead"ser"s GU13 ? ncI: .=des ans-. *.-er keys and extra phcmocpiabie testsUse ROUND-UP . .. -or revision We reccrrrrerd Per; "."n Readers Easystarts - Level 5 for 1m with the ROUND-UP series ":" gm-f: r1.c4;~m-. ,v,
В каждом уровне Вы найдете:
- Учебник - Student"s Book
- Книга для учителя со всеми ответами и тестами - Teacher"s Guide with full answer keys

С уровня Starter и до уровня 4 учебники укомплектованы компьютерными дисками для самостоятельных упражнений, своеобразный грамматический тренажер.

New Round-Up Russian Edition - серия пособий по грамматике для школьников 7-и уровней сложности, сочетающих игры с системным изучением грамматики. Великолепно иллюстрированные упражнения и игры превращают изучение грамматики в увлекательное занятие. Тренировочные тесты выявляют индивидуальные трудности учащихся. New Round-Up Russian Edition разработан с учетом возрастных особенностей учащихся, а также различных стилей обучения. Разделы "Повторение" и "Мой шаг вперед" обобщают и закрепляют полученные знания. CD-ROM содержат дополнительные упражнения и игры.
Уроки английского языка к учебнику Round-Up - предлагаемое издание поможет облегчить занятия с известным учебным пособием Round Up, а также расширить и закрепить полученные знания. Подробное и доступное объяснение грамматических тем на русском языке сопровождается наглядными примерами, ко всем упражнениям даются подробные комментарии. Дополнительно даются упражнения на закрепление пройденного материала и словарь новых слов в конце каждого урока. В конце книги дается общий полный словарь и ключи, которые дадут возможность проверить себя и не допустить досадных ошибок.
Книга предназначена преподавателям английского языка, школьникам и студентам, а также всем, кто хочет самостоятельно выучить иностранный язык или повысить его уровень.

Round-Up is a 7-level series for young learners from beginner to upper-intermediate. It combines games and fun with systematic practice of English grammar.
Students see grammar points clearly presented in colorful boxes and tables. They practice grammar through lively, highly illustrated games and activities.
Round-up is especially designed for different students studying English in different ways.
It can be used:
- in class with a coursEbook. Students do both oral work - in pairs and in groups - and written work in Round-up.
- after class. The "write-in" activities are ideal for homework. Students can practice what they have learned in the classroom.
- in the holidays for revision. Round-up has clear instructions and simple grammar boxes, so students can study at home without a teacher.

Round-up Grammar Practice combines games and fun with serious, systematic grammar practice. It is ideal for pre-intermediate students of English.
Students see grammar points clearly presented in colourful boxes and tables. They practise grammar through lively, highly illustrated games and activities.

This series balances the need for thorough, comprehensive grammar practice with exercises and illustrations. The series is designed for beginning and intermediate level English language students. Each book contains clear grammar explanations, regular revision units and recycled grammar practice. The books are highly illustrated and should appeal to young learners from 10-16. They can be used in class to back-up the coursEbook, for homework or in the holidays. The teacher"s book at each level has an answer key and tests.

The Round-up Teacher"s Guide includes a full answer key and four tests plus answer keys.

Round-Up 2 (Практическая грамматика английского языка) сочетает в себе увлекательные игры с серьезными грамматическими упражнениями. Это идеальное учебное пособие для тех, кто только начинает изучать английский язык.
Основные правила представлены в учебнике в виде красочных таблиц. Учащиеся осваивают грамматику при помощи занимательных, прекрасно иллюстрированных игр и письменных заданий.

Прочитай вопросы и дай на них свои ответы.
1 Can you stamp your feet?
2 Can you make a sandwich?
3 Can your grandfather climb a tree?
4 Can you jump over tall trees?
5 Can you stand on one leg?
6 Can you walk like a monkey?
7 Can your grandma make a banana cake?

Найди ошибки и исправь их.
1 How many sugar do you want?
2 “Who is Bill?” “In the kitchen.”
3 "When is the weather like?” “It’s hot.”
4 “Where is your birthday?" “In May."
5 “Who bike is this?” “Mine.”
6 “Who are you late?” “Because I couldn’t find a taxi.”

Бесплатно скачать электронную книгу в удобном формате, смотреть и читать:
Скачать книгу New Round-Up 2, Грамматика английского языка, Students` Book, Evans Virginia, Dooley Jenny, Kondrasheva Irina - fileskachat.com, быстрое и бесплатное скачивание.

  • Грамматика английского языка, Книга для родителей, 4 класс, Барашкова Е.А., 2019 - Данное пособие полностью соответствует федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту (второго поколения) для начальной школы. Оно представляет собой третий компонент учебного комплекта, … Книги по английскому языку
  • Грамматика английского языка, Учебник, Бархударов Л.С.,Штелинг Д.А., 2013 - В настоящем учебнике излагается систематический курс грамматики английского языка, включающий морфологию и синтаксис. В курсе нормативные сведения объединены с теорией … Книги по английскому языку
  • Keynote Intermediate, Workbook, Lansford L., 2016 - Фрагмент из книги: MARK BEZOS got a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in advertising and public relations from Texas Christian … Книги по английскому языку

Следующие учебники и книги:

  • Забыли английский? Продолжаем вспоминать, Коноваленко Ж.Ф., 2007 - Пособие адресовано тем, кто хочет восстановить знания английского языка после некоторого перерыва в практике, чтобы продолжить его изучение в профессиональное … Книги по английскому языку
  • Кирилл и Мефодий-учим английские слова, Аудиокурс MP3 - child ребенок aunt тетя uncle дядя nephew племянник niece племянница cousin двоюродная сестра cousin двоюродный брат household домашние (семья). Книги по английскому языку
  • Практикум по английскому языку для специальности «Юриспруденция», Хан Г.О., Ушакова Е.Б., 2005 - Фрагмент из книги. Unit 2. SOMEONE HAD TAKEN IT ГОпе day a few years ago a very funny thing happened … Книги по английскому языку
  • Учим английский в игровой форме, 10 тем - В гостях у Красной Шапочки. Знакомство с приветственными словами: Hello,hi, good morning, good bye., И гра Тук-Тук (дети выходят за … Книги по английскому языку

Предыдущие статьи:

  • Лексикология современного английского языка, Арнольд И.В., 1986 - Учебник посвящен слову как основной единице языка, его семантической и морфологической структуре, особенностям английского словообразования и фразеологии. Английская лексика рассматривается … Книги по английскому языку
  • Научный английский язык, Выпуск 8, Международный телефонный этикет, Андреева Т.Я., 2003 - Развитие той или иной отрасли знаний невозможно, если она не будет пополняться новой информацией. Значительный вклад в ее развитие принадлежит … Книги по английскому языку
  • Научный английский язык, Выпуск 3, На пути к речи, Андреева Т.Я., 2001 - Практическое пособие На пути к речи является выпуском 3 Настольной библиотеки аспиранта Научный английский язык. Содержащийся в нем материал … Книги по английскому языку
  • Научный английский язык, Выпуск 2, Речевые образцы, Андреева Т.Я., Корлыханова З.А., 2000 - Пособие представляет собой второй выпуск серии Настольная библиотека аспиранта. Целью пособия является развитие навыков устной и письменной научной речи, … Книги по английскому языку

New Round-Up 2 – это уровень для тех, кто уже имеет определенную базу в знании английского языка и готов продолжить свое приключение! Изучив основы грамматических форм и произношения английских звуков , каждый из вас перейдет к более сложным правилам и упражнениям.

В этом уровне вы рассмотрите такие темы как: present continuous, present simple, past simple , вопросительные слова и многое другое. Программа удачно комбинирует в себе строгое выполнение всех поставленных программой задач и игровую подачи информации, что позволит изучать английский язык с легкостью.

Год: 2010
Издательство: Longman
Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley
Формат: pdf, mp3, exe

Архив содержит:

Student’s book
Teacher’s book

Pre-Intermediate уровень для тех, кто уже имеет определенную базу в знании английского языка!

Round Up — серия пособий по грамматике для школьников 7 уровней сложности (от начального до высокого уровня — beginner — upper-intermediate ), сочетающий игры с системным изучением грамматики. Красочные рамки и таблицы четко представляют основные грамматические правила. Великолепно иллюстрированные упражнения и игры превращают изучение грамматики в увлекательное занятие. Тренировочные тесты выявляют индивидуальные трудности учащихся.

Разделы «Повторение» и «Мой шаг вперед » обобщают и закрепляют полученные знания. CD-ROM ы содержат дополнительные упражнения и игры. В Книге для учителя помещены ключи к упражнениям и дополнительные тесты. Обновленный грамматический учебник — замечательное дополнение ко всем школьным учебникам.

Изучив основы грамматических форм и произношения английских звуков

Его можно использовать для работы в классе, дома, для подготовки к ГИА (ДПА), тестов или повторение пройденного материала. Яркие иллюстрации, таблички и понятные объяснения сделали этот справочник одним из самых популярных в Украине.

Усвоение грамматических конструкций происходит с помощью тренировочных упражнений в игровой форме; Песни, диалоги, тексты на прослушивание улучшают произношение и побуждают учащихся к групповой работе;

Present continuous, present simple, past simple, вопросительные слова

Students will find grammar practice enjoyable with New Round-Up . Clear, grammar tables and explanations combined with lots of practice make understanding the language easy for young learners. Lessons in New Round-Up contain a variety of games and written exercises. Each Students’ Book now comes with an interactive student CD-ROM containing additional practice activities, games and listening exercises.

This unique 7 level program provides age appropriate grammar instruction for Primary through Secondary students and can be used in class, for homework and for revision. You can either install the program to your computer or run it directly from the CD-ROM.