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Принцесса радуги — фанфик по фэндому «Мой маленький пони: Дружба — это магия. My Little Pony, полный список персонажей

Сегодня стоял просто чудесный день. Небо над Понивиллем чисто-синее, без единого облачка.
"И всё благодаря тому, что Рейнбоу встала пораньше и решила очистить небо во время тренировок!" - догадалась фиолетовый аликорн, неуклюже летя по Клаудсдейлу. Пегаска обещала, что научит Твайлайт летать как подобает принцессе, и она направлялась к воздушному замку, который сама построила Дэш. Но подлетая, Твайлайт услышала вопли своей подруги:
- Мой элемент пропал! Где он?! Его похитили?!
Услышав это, Спаркл прибавила скорости и быстро взлетела в дом Дэш. Там стоял ужасный беспорядок. Радужногривая пегаска подлетела к подруге.
- Рейнбоу Дэш, что здесь произошло? Почему такой разгром? Ты ведь очень чистоплотная пони! - сказала с упреком аликорн.
Дэш покраснела и принялась за дело, облетев дом несколько раз, благодаря чему поднявшийся вихрь быстро привёл всё в порядок.
- Вот, - удовлетворённо кивнула Твайлайт. - А теперь скажи мне - что произошло?!
- Твайлайт у меня ужасная проблема... М-мой элемент э... - пробормотала Рейнбоу Дэш и снова покраснела.
- Что? Что с элементом верности? - спросила Твайлайт, глядя в сиреневые глаза Дэш.
- О-он п-пропал! - выпулила Рейнбоу Дэш и взлетела на потолок повыше, чтобы она ее не поколотила. Во всяком случае, на мордочке Твайлайт появилось такое выражение, будто она действительно могла сделать это..
- Как ты могла потерять свой элемент?! Я... я уверенна что это твоя вина, и это все потому что ты не думаешь своей бестолковой головой!!! - срываясь на крик, высказалась Твайлайт.
С помощью магии она сдёрнула испуганную Дэш вниз и продолжая держать, она потащила пегаску в Кантерлот к Селестии. Происшествие с элементом действительно очень разозлило Твайлайт - ведь это уже не в первый раз!
Увидев свою злую ученицу и испуганную элемент верности, Тия от удивления встала с трона. Твайлайт сказала с гневом в голосе, ткнула копытом в свою подругу:
- Принцесса Селестия, моя подруга Рейнбоу Дэш потеряла свой элемент верности и мы не знаем что делать! -
Тия с упреком глядя на грустную мордочку радужногривой пегаски со вздохом ответила ей.
- Я думала что ты и вправду верная ко мне и своим друзьям, Рейнбоу, и я очень разочарована твоими поступками. Теперь Эквестрия лишена защиты элементов гармонии...
- Но принцесса Селестия! - не выдержала Дэш. - Вечером я убирала дом и положила свой элемент на тумбочку и пошла спать, а на утро я заметила что он исчез, я думаю, его украли!
- Ты в этом уверенна? - спросила Тия подняв бровь.
- Да! Клянусь вам своей крутостью! - воскликнула Рейнбоу.
- Тогда нам нужно вызвать Рэрити, Флаттершай, Эпплджек и Пинки Пай! Спайк пиши! - скомандовала Твайлайт (разумеется, она и сама могла отправить письмо, только вот дракончик не вовремя подвернулся под копыто). Дорогие друзья! Над всей Эквестрией нависла большая опасность, потому что элемент верности похитил... Эмм, неизвестный нам еще враг, я и Рейнбоу Дэш с нетерпением ждем вас во дворце Кантерлота! Ваша принцесса и подруга Твайлайт Спаркл! написал Спайк от имени Твайлайт и послал подругам оставшихся в Пониввиле и пошёл к себе в комнату. Селестия тоже на время отошла.
Уже через час в зале стояли белоснежная единорожка, жёлтая пегаска, оранжевая и розовая земные пони.
Твайлайт вкратце рассказала им ситуацию.
- Как это элемент верности пропал, где Дэш? - взволнованно спросила Эпплджек. Рейнбоу Дэш, свернувшись в калачик, прошептала:
- Мне конец, принцесса Селестия отправит меня жить в вечно дикий лес, я больше никогда не увижу своих друзей... если они сейчас вообще считают меня подругой...
Совершенно неожиданно Дэш прервала Флаттершай, взяв и поставила подругу на копыта. Пай потерлась о щеку пегаски.
- Все хорошо, Дэши-Вэши, мы вместе найдем вора! - пегасочка вздохнула и улыбнулась.
Вернувшаяся принцесса солнца села вновь на трон возле ученицы и объявила:
- Я сумела узнать кто похитил элемент верности, и где он!
- Кто?! - вскрикнула Дэш, пристукнув об пол копытцем.
- Это принцесса снега и холода Сноу Стар, она очень злая и сильная. Она поработила Рейнбоу Лэнд и почти всех радужных пони! Даже я и Луна не смогли ей противостоять...
- Радужные пони? - удивлённо спросила радужновгривая пегаска взглянув на свою кьютимарку и гриву.
- Это долгая история, Дэш... скажу только - ты и еще несколько пони единственные, кого смогли спасти и доставили сюда, в Эквестрию. Вот почему именно тебя никто не знает, вот почему твоя грива всех цветов радуги а твои глаза такого яркого окраса! - с болью в голосе ответила Селестия. - Но я была уверена, что в будущем ты встретишься с Сноу Стар, - она подняла на обомлевшую пегаску свои глаза, в глубине которых сверкали какие-то искры. - Ты сможешь остановить её.
- Радужные пони?! У всех радужные гривы? У всех такие яркие глаза? Я обязана сделать, новую радужную коллекцию радуги! Это будет просто великолепно! - сказала Рэрити с восторгом представляя что она в прекрасном радужном платье и радужными локонами в гриве.
- Эмм...Рэрити? - прервала ее мечты Флаттершай которая в это время обнимала Рейнбоу.
- Ой! Я слишком завелась... - виновато улыбнулась Рэрити покраснев.
- Эй сахарок? Все норм? - спросила Эпплджек Рейнбоу Дэш которая часто дышала.
- Но принцесса... я все время была уверена что Эквестрия, Клаудсдейл - моя родина! - сказала с недоумением пегаска.
- Но я думала это старая легенда... радужное государство всегда было самым холодным и темным в Эквестрии... - сказала Твайлайт Спаркл показав пони картинку большого города покрытым льдом и снегом, виделись поникшие пони, можно было даже не заметить что у них радужные гривы.
- Они не очень, весело выглядят! - сказала Пинки уткнувшись в книгу.
- Мы обязаны спасти радужных пони и мою родину! - выдала Дэш с заметным шоком в голосе но и уверенностью.
- Вам нужны все элементы гармонии чтобы растопить сердце Сноу Стар, а вместе с ним и весь Рейнбоу Лэнд... Если вы готовы, - пони усиленно закивали. - Я желаю вам удачи, девочки! - Селестия грустно улыбнулась.
- Вы можете доверять нам принцесса! - уверенно заявила Твайлайт.
Рог Тии вспыхнул и на пони появились их элементы. На всех кроме Рейнбоу Дэш, которая обиженно вздохнула.
- Не беспокойся, сахарок, еще найдем мы твою красную молнию! - дружелюбно улыбнулась оранжевая пони и подмигнула лучшей подружке. - В путь!
Дэш тоже улыбнулась ей в ответ и взлетела. Ну как же эта пегасочка любит приключения!
- Ладно, поезд уже через несколько минут, идем девочки! - позвала Твайлайт и все побежали на станцию Кантерлота.
Дэш спокойно прилетела и села в поезд с друзьями, рядом с аквамариновой пегаской с волнистой радужной гривой которая красиво блестела как у принцессы Луны и Селестии, у нее были очень большие крылья как у Твайлайт, а может и больше а на голове посередине была брошка в виде кристального радужного сердца напоминавшего ее метку с четырьмя маленькими радужными сердечками. Дэш явно удивилась что ее грива тоже радужная но не показала это на себе а вот та что сидела возле изумленно посмотрела на Рейнбоу Дэш своими большими полу голубыми и полу зелеными глазами и нежно прошептала:
- Дэши... - но радужногривая не слышала ее добрый и нежный голос, потому что смотрела на большие хлопья снега и метель. Поезд вез ее и ее друзей в холодную и заброшенную долину, которая когда-то была радужным раем на земле...

My Little Pony, полный список персонажей

Мой маленький пони, список пони

Главные герои

Пинки Пай, Рарити, Радуга, Сумеречная Искорка (обычно называют просто Искорка), Эпплджек и Флаттершай. Их шестеро , именно они - главные герои сериала, поэтому именно с них лучше всего начинать коллекцию. А дополнить желательно принцессами Селестией и Луной (только вот в мини-варианте их найти очень непросто!).


Искорка (Twilight Sparkle ; Твайлайт Спаркл).

Сумеречная Искорка , или просто Искорка (Twilight Sparkle ; Твайлайт Спаркл) - единорог, а с 13 серии 3-го сезона - , светло-фиолетовый цвет тела, грива и хвост синие, имеют фиолетовую и розовую полоски.

Искорка - лучшая ученица Принцессы Селестии. Обожает науку, магию, читает книги

Искорка воплощает элемент магии .

Отличительный знак - темно-розовая шестиконечная звезда, которая прикрывает белую шестиконечную звезду с пятью белыми звёздочками вокруг.


Эпплджек (Applejack ).

Эпплджек (Applejack ) - оранжевая земная пони с зелёными глазами и жёлтой гривой, есть веснушки. Очень добрая, внимательная и надёжная лошадка, на неё можно положиться.

На голове Эпплджек - ковбойская шляпа. Её большая семья Эппл живёт на ферме Яблочная аллея (Sweet Apple Acres ) на окраине Понивилля и занимается в основном выращиванием яблок, их продажей и выпечкой вкусных яблочных сладостей.

Эпплджек воплощает элемент честности .

Отличительный знак - три красных яблока.

Радуга, Рэйнбоу Дэш

Радуга Дэш (Rainbow Dash), Рэйнбоу Дэш.

Радуга Дэш (Rainbow Dash), Рэйнбоу Дэш - небесно-голубой пегас, с ярко-розовыми глазами и радужной гривой с хвостом.

Радуга - пони очень храбрая и смелая, её работа - разгонять тучи, летает очень быстро. Мечтает вступить в знаменитую команду лучших летунов Эквестрии - Чудомолний.

Радуга воплощает элемент верности .

Отличительный знак - красно-желто-синяя молния под небольшим облаком.


Рарити (Rarity) - Рэрити.

Рарити (Rarity) - Рэрити - единорог-модельер, она работает в собственном бутике Карусель. Фиолетовая красиво уложенная грива и белое тело. Любит шить, ей нравятся чистота и порядок.

Рэрити воплощает элемент щедрости .

Отличительный знак - три голубых кристалла.

Lotus Blossom - голубая пони с розовыми хвостом и гривой, на голове белая повязка.

Алоэ - наоборот, розовая с голубыми гривой и хвостом. Такая же повязка на голову белого цвета, белое украшение на шее, точно как у Лотус Блоссом. Значок - цветок лотоса.

Apple Sprout

Среди мягких игрушек-малышей Пони можно встретить игрушку Эппл Спраут: My Little Pony So Soft Newborn Apple Sprout. Она есть в продаже и в России.

Малышка пони Эпл Спраут очень ласковая и добрая. Игрушка умеет разговаривать, поёт 3 песенки, смеётся. Высота пони: 22 см. Высота бутылочки: 7,5 см.

Полный список персонажей
Мой маленький пони. My Little Pony

Applejack - Эпплджек
Pinkie Pie - Пинки Пай
Fluttershy - Флаттершай
Rainbow Dash - Радуга
Rarity - Рэрити
Twilight Sparkle - Искорка
Apple Bloom - Эппл Блум
Scootaloo - Скуталу
Sweetie Belle - Свити Белль
Big McIntosh - Большой Макинтош
Granny Smith - бабуля Смит
Cheerilee - Черили
Silver Spoon - Силвер Спун
Snails - Снейлс
Snips - Снипс
Twist - Твист
Hoity Toity
Photo Finish
Derpy Hooves
Lightning Dust
Flam и Flim, братья
Soarin - Соарин
Babs Seed
Diamond Tiara - Тиара

Princess Cadance - принцесса Каденс
Princess Celestia - принцесса Селестия
Princess Luna - принцесса Луна
King Sombra - король Сомбра
Shining Armor

Мистер и Миссис Кейк - владельцы Sugarcube, работодатели Пинки Пай. Mr. and Mrs. Cake are the owners of Sugarcube Corner and Pinkie Pie"s employers and landlords, as they rent the loft above the shop to her.

Описание пони по списку выше смотрите в начале статьи. Описания и картинки пони, перечисленных ниже, смотрите в каталоге под статьёй.

Caramel - Карамель, второе имя - Chance-A-Lot. ВНИМАНИЕ! Chance-A-Lot - это на самом деле пони Карамель, просто в некоторых сериях является под этим именем. He is called Chance-A-Lot in some merchandise.

Mr. Carrot Cake - мистер Морковный пирог
Mrs. Cup Cake - миссис Морковный пирог
Filthy Rich
Ms. Harshwhinny
Mayor Mare - мэр Понивилля
Ms. Peachbottom
Sapphire Shores
Daring Do
Pegasus royal guards - охранники принцессы Селестии и Луны, пегасы
Spitfire - капитан команды Wonderbolts (воздушные акробаты)
Fancy Pants - важный единорог, знак - три короны
Joe - кондитер, знак - пончик
Prince Blueblood - принц Голубая Кровь
The Great and Powerful Trixie - Трикси
Unicorn royal guards - единороги-охранники
Featherweight - школьник, пегас
Pipsqueak, коротко просто Пип
Pound Cake и Pumpkin Cake - близнецы-жеребята, детишки Mr. and Mrs. Cake"s, мальчик пегас, девочка - единорог
Aunt Orange - тётя Орандж (апельсин), знак - три дольки апельсина
Uncle Orange - дядя Орандж
Pinkie"s dad - папа Пинки
Clyde - Клайд
Pinkie"s mom - мама Пинки
Sue - Сью
Granny Smith"s father - папа бабули Смит
Granny Smith"s mother - мама бабули Смит
Pokey Oaks - это одна из трёх песен The Best Night Ever
Sew "n Sow
Stinkin" Rich

Семья Эппл.

Apple Bumpkin
Apple Cider
Apple Cinnamon
Apple Cobbler
Apple Dumpling
Apple Fritter
Apple Leaves
Apple Pie
Apple Rose
Apple Split
Apple Strudel
Apple Tarty
Apple Top

Apple Bud
Apple Crumble
Apple Flora
Apple Mint
Apple Squash

Auntie Applesauce
Barber Groomsby
Candy Apples
Caramel Apple
Curly Cobbler
Golden Delicious
Half Baked Apple
Happy Trails
Hayseed Turnip Truck
Marmalade Jalapeno Popette
Peachy Sweet
Pink Lady
Prairie Tune
Red Delicious
Magnet Bolt
Red Gala

Golden Delicious, 3 серия 2012, My Little Pony.

Violet Fritter
Twilight"s dad - отец Искорки
Night Light
Twilight"s mom - мама Искорки
Twilight Velvet
Rarity"s dad - отец Рэрити
Magnum - Магнум
Rarity"s mom - мама Рэрити
Pearl - Перл (жемчужина)
Pinkie"s sister - сестра Пинки
Blinkie Pie
Inkie Pie
Liberty Belle
Red June
Sweet Tooth - Сладкоежка
All Aboard
Apple Bottom
Apple Bread
Apple Munchies
Apple Slice
Apricot Bow
Beauty Brass
Bell Perin
Belle Star
Berry Dreams
Berry Frost
Berry Icicle
Berry Punch
Big Wig
Bill Neigh
Black Stone
Blue Bonnet
Blue Harvest
Mr. Breezy
Brindle Young
Bruce Mane
Burnt Oak
Candy Mane
Candy Twirl
Charcoal Bakes
Charlie Coal
Chelsea Porcelain
Cherry Berry
Cherry Fizzy
Cherry Jubilee
Cherry Strudel
Cherry Spices
Chilly Puddle
Classy Clover
Clip Clop
Creme Brulee

Пони Daisy - Дейзи.

Dainty Dove
Dosie Dough
Elphaba Trot
Emerald Beacon
Evening Star
Film Reel
Forest Spirit
Frederic Horseshoepin
Fuzzy Slippers
G. Raff
Ginger Gold
Golden Harvest
Grape Crush
Mr. Greenhooves
Flashy Pony
Hairy Tipper
Hard Knocks
Harpo Parish Nadermane
Harry Trotter
Hay Fever
The Headless Horse
High Style
Dr. Hooves
Horse, MD
Horte Cuisine
Hugh Jelly
Icy Drop
Jeff "The Dude" Letrotski
Jesús Pezuña
Jim Beam
John Bull
Knit Knot
Lemon Chiffon
Lilac Links
Lily Valley
Linked Hearts
Little Po
Lotus Blossom
Lucky Clover
Lyrica Lilac
Mane Goodall
Mango Juice
Maroon Carrot
Meadow Song
Midnight Fun
Mint Swirl
Morton Saltworthy
Nurse Coldheart
Nurse Redheart
Nurse Sweetheart
Nurse Tenderheart
Oakey Doke
Octavia Melody
The Olden Pony
Oregon Trail
Paisley Pastel
Pampered Pearl
Peachy Cream
Picture Perfect
Pine Breeze
Pipe Down
Pish Posh
Pitch Perfect
Play Write
Post Haste
Powder Rouge
Pretty Vision
Tan coat blond mane green suit pony
Purple Haze
Purple Wave
Raggedy Doctor
Reflective Rock
Regal Candent
Regal Candent
Rick Shaw
Royal Riff
Salt Lick
Sandy Soles
Screw Loose
Sheriff Silverstar
Snappy Scoop
Soigne Folio
Spring Water
Squeaky Clean
Star Gazer
Strawberry Cream
Sun Streak
Sunset Bliss
Swan Dive
Sweetie Drops
Swift Justice
Theodore Donald "Donny" Kerabatsos
Tourist Trap
Tree Sap
Tropical Spring
Twilight Sky
Uncle Wing
Vanilla Sweets
Wacky Hair Day and Spray
Mr. Waddle
Bowling Pony
Wildwood Flower
William Wright
Winter Withers
Yooess Dee
Yooess Dee
Mr. Zippy
Amber Waves
Arctic Lily
Autumn Gem
Berry Splash
Check Mate
Chocolate Haze
Crystal Arrow
Dandy Brush
Fleur de Verre
Golden Glitter
Honey Tone
Long Jump
Night Knight
Purple Polish
Rapid Rush
Rose Quartz
Sapphire Rose
Sugar Glass
Sunshine Splash
Mosely Orange
Winnow Wind
Glass Slipper
Opal Bloom
Fire Streak
High Winds
Lightning Streak
Misty Fly
Silver Lining
Wave Chill
Crescent Pony
Crescent Moon
April Showers
Blue October / Blueberry Muffin
Blue Skies
Blueberry Cloud
Bluebird Happiness
Bon Voyage
Candy Floss
Cappuccino / Luke
Chocolate Blueberry
Cinnamon Swirl
Cloud Break
Cloud Kicker
Cloud Showers
Crafty Crate
Cream Tangerine
Deep Blue
Diamond Rose
Dizzy Twister
Dollar / Cashier / Money Shot
Dust Devil
Electric Blue
Endless Clouds
Flash Bulb
Golden Delicious
Golden Glory
Graceful Falls
Grape Soda
Great Scott
Green Gem
Jack Hammer
Juicy Fruit
Lavender Skies
Lightning Bolt
Lime Jelly
Lucy Packard
Merry May
Midnight Strike
Milky Way
Nana Knits
Northern Lights
Opal Water
Orange Blossom
Orange Box
Peppermint Crunch
Pink Cloud

Rainbow Wishes, 3 серия 2012, My Little Pony.

Prism Strider

Pumpkin Tart
Q. T. Prism
Rain Dance
Rainbow Drop
Rainbow Wishes
Silver Script
Snow Flight
Special Delivery
Spring Skies
Star Hunter
Starsong / Sugar Apple
Strawberry Sunrise

Sunny Ray, 3 серия 2012, My Little Pony, her coat color changing from pink to yellow. Цвет меняется с розового до жёлтого, знак - три солнца. У неё много идей, умная. Sunny Rays "has a lot of bright ideas to share." Her cutie mark is three suns.


Sunny Rays
The Tenth Doctor / Doctor Whooves #3
Tiger Lily
Tin Tailor
Tracy Flash / Shutterfly
Under D. Weather / Tropical Storm
Vanilla Skies
Wild Fire
Cadet #2
Wild Flower
Wing Wishes
Yo-Yo / Gumdrop
Allie Way
Amethyst Star
Apple Polish
Apple Stars
Banana Fluff
Black Marble
Blue Belle
Brass Blare
Bright Idea
Chocolate Sun
Chocolate Tail

Diamond Rose, 3 серия 2012, My Little Pony. Любит дарить друзьям подарки. Diamond Rose loves to get special gifts for each of her friends when she goes on vacation!

Cold Front
Comet Tail
Crystal Clear
Diamond Mint
DJ Pon-3
Doctor Stable
Earl Grey
Flank Sinatra
Fleur Dis Lee
Fly Wishes
Gold Slipper
Holly Dash
Hors D"oeuvre
The Inquisitor
Jet Set
Lemon Hearts
Lemony Gem
Lyra Heartstrings
Marey Fetlock
Maxie / Madmax
Monochrome Sunset
Neon Lights

Breezie, 3 серия 2012, My Little Pony. His cutie mark is a four-bladed fan. Знак - вентилятор с 4 лопастями.

Noble Laureate
North Pole
Ocean Breeze
Orchid Dew
Perry Pierce
Doctor Whoof -3
Pokey Pierce
Quick Fix
Raty / Polly
Rhythm / Night Shade
Rosewood Brook
Rosie Tyler
Royal Ribbon
Sea Spray
Sea Swirl
South Pole
Spring Fresh
Star Bright
Star Dream / Sky Dream
Strawberry Lime
Sweet Dreams
Top Notch
Upper Crust
Vance Van Vendington
Violet Velvet
Written Script
Amethyst Beat
Apple Bytes
Bee Bop
Berry Pinch
Blueberry Cake
Brown Sugar
Caramel Coffee
Checkered Flag
Chip Mint
Cotton Cloudy
Cotton Top
Cream Puff
Cyan Skies
Dinky Doo
Little Pony
Ginger Snap
Grace Lightning
Green Daze
High Score
Honey Drop
Hot Wheels
Key Lime
Lemon Daze

Lemon Scratch

Lickety Split
Lily Dache
Mango Dash
Nursery Rhyme
Peachy Petal
Peachy Pie
Piña Colada
Pinkie Feather
Princess Erroria
Purpletastic / Purpleskies
Rainy Feather

Piña Colada, пони Пина Колада, нежно-розового цвета, глаза зелёные. Piña Colada has a pale pink coat color, a pink mane and green eyes.

Shady Daze
Shining Star
Sugar Plum
Sun Glimmer
Sunny Daze
Sweet Pop
Sweet Tart
Tootsie Flute
Tornado Bolt
Teacher"s Pet
Truffle Shuffle
Crafty Crate
Crescent Moon
Green Gem
Jack Hammer
Lyra Heartstrings
Star Hunter
The Tenth Doctor / Doctor Whooves
Tin Tailor
Meadow Song
Twilight Sky

Princess Erroria, принцесса Эррория, ванильного цвета, фиолетовые грива-хвост. Princess Erroria is a female filly with a vanilla coat, wisteria mane and tail, and blue irises, and appears on the show as four different kinds of pony, including as an alicorn in the episode Lesson Zero.

Horte Cuisine

Lucy Packard
Red Gala
Swan Dive
Liberty Belle
Princess Erroria
Red June
Tornado Bolt
Prince Blue Dream
Chancellor Puddinghead
Smart Cookie
Commander Hurricane
Ditzy Doo
Private Pansy
Princess Golden Dream
Clover the Clever
Princess Platinum
Star Swirl the Bearded
Unicorn King
Apple Brioche

Tornado Bolt, Торнадо Болт. Светло-серая пони-девочка, пегас.

Apple Brown Betty

Apple Cinnamon Crisp
Apple Tart
Babs Seed"s big sis
Baked Apples
Calamity Mane
Crystal Queen
Granny Pie
Mr. Kingpin
Nana Pinkie
Wild Bull Hickok

Список Мой маленький пони, картинки и описания

Прозрачная серия Soarin - Соарин

Peachy Sweet, 1 серия 2013, My Little Pony, её знак - пирог. Her cutie mark is a pie.

Chance-A-Lot, 1 серия 2013, My Little Pony. ВНИМАНИЕ! Ченс-э-лот - это на самом деле пони Карамель, просто в некоторых сериях является под этим именем. He is called Chance-A-Lot in some merchandise.

Magnet Bolt, 1 серия 2013, My Little Pony

Sassaflash, 1 серия 2013, My Little Pony, пегас, знак - две молнии. Sassaflash is a female Pegasus pony with a pale turquoise coat, vanilla mane and tail, carrot orange eyes, and a cutie mark of two lightning bolts.

Twilight Sky, 1 серия 2013, My Little Pony. Twilight Sky Over Canterlot . The nature of magic and how it may be fueled by hope, dreams, friendship and love is broached several times.

Cherry Spices II, 1 серия 2013, My Little Pony

Merry May, 1 серия 2013, My Little Pony. Знак - три солнца, пегас. Merry May is a female Pegasus pony with a spring bud coat, plum mane and tail with a lavender pink streak, amaranth pink eyes, and a cutie mark of three suns.

Mosely Orange, 1 серия 2013, My Little Pony

Roseluck, 1 серия 2013, My Little Pony. Значок - роза. Roseluck is a yellow colored background pony. Roseluck has a two-tone pink tail, moderate green eyes, and her cutie mark is a rose.

Minuette, 1 серия 2013, My Little Pony. Девочка-единорог, сине-голубая, знак - песочные часы. Minuette is a female unicorn pony with a Maya blue coat, periwinkle mane and tail with a pigment blue streak, steel blue eyes, and a cutie mark of an hourglass.

Braeburn - земной пони, кузен Эпплджэк, вкус бабули Смит.

Braeburn is an Earth pony from Appleloosa and is Applejack, Big McIntosh, and Apple Bloom"s cousin, and Granny Smith"s grandson.

Карамель - земной пони второго плана (не главный герой). Светло-коричневый, с коричневыми хвостом и гривой.

Caramel is a background male Earth pony in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic . He has a light brown coat with a darker brown mane.

Филфи Рич - земной пони, отец Тиары . Имя - filthy rich - означает, что он очень богат.

Filthy Rich is an Earth pony and Diamond Tiara"s father. His name is based on the phrase filthy rich , referring to someone very wealthy.

Мисс Харшвинни - надзиратель за играми в Эквестрии.

Ms. Harshwhinny appears in the episode Games Ponies Play. She is the real Equestria games inspector and was originally confused with Ms. Peachbottom.

Мэр Маре, она мэр города Понивиль, земная пони. Часто произносит в мультике разные речи.

Mayor Mare , the mayor of Ponyville, is a tan Earth pony. She is frequently depicted giving speeches.

Мисс Пичботтом, появляется в эпизоде Games Ponies Play.

Пони Sapphire Shores. Имя переводится как сапфировые берега .

Daring Do - основной персонаж книжной серии Daring Do. Имя означает дерзкая, смелая, деятельная .

Daring Do is the main character of the Daring Do book series.

Дерпи Хувз - серый пегас, пони косоглазая.

Derpy Hooves is a gray Pegasus pony whose name was given by the show"s internet following due to her having a cross-eyed "derpy" expression in the first episode.

Королевская охрана - группа белых и тёмно-серых пегасов, единорогов, земных пони, в золотистом облачении охраны, охраняют принцессу Селестию и Луну.

The royal guards are a group of white and dark gray Pegasus, unicorn, and Earth pony stallions clad in gold-colored armor, who serve Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

Great and Powerful Trixie. Трикси, великая и могущественная.

Fancy Pants, один из самых важных пони в Canterlot: его окружение часто меняет своё мнение и соглашается с
Fancy Pants. Единорог, рог очень длинный. Значок - три короны с драгоценными камнями.

Джо (Joe ) - пони-единорог, кондитер. Его знак - пончик.

Prince Blueblood - принц Голубая Кровь. Единорог, живёт в Canterlot. Представляет английскую знать, высокородность. Знак - две 4-х конечные звезды, жёлтая поверх голубой.

Unicorn royal guards - единороги-охранники.

Featherweight is a school-age Pegasus colt and a friend of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Пони-школьник, пегас. Featherweight (перевод - полулёгкий) говорит о его худобе, это название самого лёгкого веса в боксе.

Pipsqueak - Пипсквик. Коротко - просто Пип (Pip), молодой земной пони. Одет как пират на вечеринке Луны. Имя означает, что он меньше других пони. Pipsqueak or Pip is a young Earth pony from Trottingham. Похож на Пипа Чарльза Диккенса.

Pound Cake и Pumpkin Cake - близнецы-жеребята, детишки Mr. and Mrs. Cake"s. Здесь - Pound Cake. Он пегас, мальчик.

А здесь - Pumpkin Cake, вторая близняшка. Она единорог, девочка.

Aunt Orange - тётя Орандж (апельсин), знак - три дольки апельсина.

  • My little Pony - Roseluck (пони Розочка)
  • Инопланетные мини-пони
  • Наборы с тремя пони My little Pony, список
  • Кристаллические и металлический пони
  • Мини-пони, 1 серия 2013, 4 фигурки
  • Новые пони My Little Pony
  • My little Pony, 3 серия 2013 - неоновые пони
  • Пони - Радуга и Принцесса Каденс, фигурки
  • My Little Pony: кристаллический Lulamoon
  • My Little Pony свадьба. Пони подружки невесты
  • Присмотр за малышами (Cake Family Babysitting), My Little Pony

Everything was ready.

The guests had all arrived, the decorations were in place and the royal courtyard was immaculate. There was no turning back now. With her dress ready and the whole of Equestria waiting, backing out was no longer an option. Rainbow Dash was an hour away from becoming the Princess of Equestria.

She was alone in her royal make up chamber, in front of the mirror with her face being the only reflection, the lonely mirror. She was not a fan of the make up stuff and that girly princess dress was grinning at her with incredible smugness. There was no way she was going to wear that, not in a million years. So she settled for a more assertive look.

She had golden horseshoes that covered most of her hoof and were encrusted with small gems that reflected a circle of divine colour around her hooves whenever she took a step. Her wings had decorated armor sleeves, as light as the air but as strong as deepest crust of the earth. Lastly, her element hung around her neck, proud and strong. Looking back at the dress, Rainbow could see that the smugness had disappeared, replaced with a feeling of inferiority.

In what would be her last rebellious act before princess-hood, she used her fairly recent magic and placed the dress exactly where it belonged, the trash can. It was a little difficult for Rainbow to accomplish that, she was still struggling with her magic. Thinking about her new horn brought memories of the day when she was told of her destiny as she stared at the lonely mirror, it started like any normal day but that day was as far away from normal as it could get.

“Wha…what did you just say?”

Twilights library was colder than usually, cold brought by the heavy news of Princess Celestia with Rainbow"s five close friends beside her. Each one of them were shocked by the decision and a slight glint of jealously could been seen in the corners of a certain unicorns eye.

Princess Celestia smiled and repeated “You, Rainbow Dash, are the new princess”. Rainbow was still having trouble deciphering what was said to her, was she really the right material for a princess?

Princess Celestia retained her regal persona “We must leave immediately to begin the Alicorn change” she said calmly “I will leave you alone for a while with your friends” and with that, she left the girls to themselves.

After a few long seconds of silence, Rainbow decided that it was her job to break the silence. After opening her mouth for a split moment of a second, the sound of a pink mares Party Cannon stole the show.

“DASHIE CONGRATULATIONS!!” screamed Pinkie Pie, her scream was so load that the dragons atop their mountains miles away were woken up.

“WE GOTTA HAVE A HUMONGOUS PARTY FOR YOU DASHIE! WE"LL INVITE EVERYPONY IN TOWN AND-”. Pinkie’s ecstatic behavior stopped when she the faces of her friends were confused than exited.

“I don’t understand…?”

Applejack knew she had to let Pinkie down, gently of course.

“Ya see Pinks, while this is a huge achievement for Dash, we need to think about the changes that could happen.”

Pinkie lips were quivering at what she meant “What changes?”

Finding the right words was more difficult than Applejack thought, “Well…urm…Dash has a big responsibility now…do you really think she can do it here?” Realization was a storm cloud on Pinkies head, “You mean…she has to go away?” Applejack simply nodded.

It was the time where everything was in the air. How they reacted could spell doom for their friendship forever but everyone of them had to show their feelings.

Fluttershy was the first to go as she pulled Rainbow into a tight hug which Rainbow gladly returned.

As they separated, Fluttershy looked Rainbow in the eye, “Promise you’ll never forget us?” Rainbow smiled, “Not a chance”. Rainbow looked outside where her carriage was waiting for her and decided to move the goodbyes outside.

When they walked outside, Rainbow was surrounded in a semi-circle of her friends each one of them hugged and cried for her. However, when Twilight’s turn came to see her friend off, the mood turned poisonous.

“Twilight, whats up with you?” Rainbow Dash asked “You"ve been quiet all this time”.

Twilight’s eyes could pierce rock, “You know what Rainbow? I’m quiet because I am so angry that I have worked my entire life to become something like a Princess and you just get given it for free!”

The entire circle of ponies had their eyes wide and their mouths dropped. They were shocked with Twilights sudden erupt of selfish behaviour, and at such a difficult time as this.

“Twilight!” said Rarity “How dare you behave like this! This is a difficult situation as it is without you acting up!”

Rainbow had a look of worry on her face. The last thing she wanted was a fight to break out. “Twilight, please understand.“ said Rainbow calmly to not provoke the mood “This was not something I intended to happen.”

This sentence was suppose to calm Twilight down but what it did was end her over the edge.

“But I intended it to happen for ME!” her screams made the ponies around her tilt their ears in pain. “I was the one who filled my head with books upon books about magic! I was the one who practiced until my horn cracked! This was my DESTINY!”


The Equestria shaking scream from Princess Celestia caused the sky to darken if only for a moment and also stopped Twilight, now a frightened foul. Celestia turned to Rainbow and gestured her to get on the carriage, she walked on with her head hung low, like she was asked to walk up to a Guillotine. It was not becoming a princess that upset her, it was what becoming a princess did to her old life.

Rainbow sulked in front of the lonely make up mirror, her glorious outfit was now a reminder of what being a princess could do to her friends. She hasn"t spoken to Twilight since. Rainbow was gliding through her recent memories, the ironic thing was that ponies she had not met or knew little about were thrilled with her becoming princess but the ones she cared for deeply were the ones that ended up hurt.

And Twilight was not even the worst of it.

Two days after going with Celestia, she had returned to Ponyville to collect her stuff. Being turned into an Alicorn did not feel strange at the time. It felt like the start of a new life, as if her life up till that point was covered by a layer of wool and clay. Her physical appearance had changed as well, she was slightly taller; her hair was longer and slightly more kept; here horn was longer than the average unicorn with a huge amount of power coursing through it even without using magic.

Some of the guards assigned to her were more than glad to help her move to her new castle in Canterlot and luckily they managed to come to Rainbows house without drawing attention. However nothing can stop the unexpected.

A orange filly was galloping as fast as she could to see her idol but froze when she saw two royal guards carrying boxes of items.

“Wait a minute?” questioned the little filly, “Those are Rainbow Dash’s things where do you think you’re taking them!?”

The royal guards looked at each other. They knew about this little filly and they knew what she thought of Rainbow Dash.

“You see Scootaloo, the thing is that-”

Scootaloo did not let him even finish before becoming impatient, “You shouldn’t even be touching that stuff, did Rainbow give you permission?”

“Well yes,” said one of the guards “Royalty can’t stay in Ponyville.”

Scootaloo could only let out a whimpering, quiet moan.

The guard put his hoof on the filly’s shoulder, “Yeah, its decided, the new princess has been chosen Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo tried to form words but the shock became a wall in her head. She bowed her head and muttered something under her breath just barely audible.

“Pardon?” questioned the guard.

“No, no way, its too soon for a new princess!”

“But Scoot-”

“RAINBOW DASH MEANT EVERYTHING TO PONYVILLE!” Scootaoo’s scream caused birds from miles away flee their nests, “and to me…”.

Just then the presence of another could be sensed and Scootloo looked behind her to see the new princess appear.

“I’m sorry Squirt but this is out of my control.”

Rainbow wanted this to work, if she upset up Scootaloo because of this she would never forgive herself. Scootaloo just looked at the ground for a few seconds before looking up with her eyes barely visable past her low hanging mane.

“Rainbow…why don’t you do what’s best for you.”

The acid tripping of the end of that sentence burned Rainbow to her core, it hurt her more than any blade ever could.

“Scootaloo, I-”

“Just forget it alright!” Scootaloo pushed past her used-to-be adopted sister, leaving a trail of tears.

“There’s no room for anypony else in Rainbow’s world.”

Rainbow remembered the look of sadness of Scootaloo’s face, and what made her feel even worse was that she was the one that did it to her.

Rainbow was alone with her thoughts in the empty make up room, with the rest of Equestria ready and she had only one thought. Is it worth it?

This princess stuff has brought nothing but anger to everyone around me, ponies that have stuck by me since the beginning are turning on me…is it worth it?

A flicker of light reflected from the lonely mirror onto her eye. The lonely mirror had revealed the darkest desire of Rainbow, an open window, an escape, she could leave if she wanted to. The opportunity was right there in front of her and for only a second it seemed like the best choice.

“Don’t do it Dash”.

Rainbow could tell who the rough, gritty voice belonged to within the minute but it was surprising to see her here.

“Gilda!? What are you doing back here!”

Gilda was extremely relaxed, considering that she is currently trespassing on royal territory which is punishable by a five year incarceration minimal.

“I know we haven’t got along great recently but I’m not gonna miss this, you were my best friend after all.”

Rainbow knew she was right, though she would never want to admit it.

“Anyway Dash I can tell somethings up, since you are about ten minutes from stepping out that door to become a princess and none of your friends are here.”

“Just shut up alright!”

Gilda knew she crossed a line. “I’m sorry, I haven’t earned the right.”

Rainbow simply stared into the lonely mirror, happy with the addition of Gilda’s reflection.

“You see Dash, I know about the stuff that’s happened to you, word travels fast, but if you leave now that won’t make anything any easier, you’ll just hurt them more.”

“Then what should I do Gilda?”

“I can’t answer that,” Gilda sighed “You need to know what to do by yourself.”

The click of the door opening broke the staring contest between Rainbow and the lonely mirror and Rainbow could hardly believe her eyes with who was there. All of friends came in and congratulated her with hugs and hoof bumps.

Rainbow counted her friends.


But before Rainbow could even say a word, Applejack butted in.

“We have one last present to give and I think she has something she wants to say.”

Applejack stepped aside to reveal Twilight Sparkle, smiling and bright eyed.

Rainbow did not know how to react. She could try apologizing again but would that make her angry again? Or maybe she should talk about the implications?

Twilight answered her questions with an honest hug.

“I’m so sorry for what I did Rainbow, I did not know what came over me I just…it doesn’t matter, what matters is that I’m happy for you and I want to be standing beside you when that crown goes on your head.”

Rainbow could feel her eyes well up. For the past few days she was worried sick about what to do and now they can finally start being friends again, and there’s room for Gilda too.

“You guys will really stick with me?”

Twilight brought Rainbow to the lonely mirror.

“Your friends, will stick by you till whatever end meets us.”

The reflection of all of the ponies in the room circled Rainbow in a gathering of companionship. The lonely mirror was not so lonely anymore.

As Rainbow witnessed the relationships she had made over her life surrounding her. Some that she had known forever, some that were given new life and some that were ready to begin again, only one thing was left.

“Five minutes,” said Rarity “Its time to go.”

The courtyard was arranged into a path made out of the finest, golden silk that Equestria could offer. Hundreds of ponies were on either side, ready to hurl their confetti at the new princess. At the end of the path was a pedestal and atop it were the three current princesses of the land, dressed in clothes that only the royal could possess.

A simple glow of Celestia’s horn managed to capture the attention of the hundreds of ponies in the courtyard and silence the thousands of ponies around Canterlot, eagerly awaiting the new royal blood.

“Welcome all, to the coronation of the fourth princess of Equestria!” Though Celestia was not necessarily shouting, her magic amplified her voice so that everypony can hear her without yelling.

“As many of you know, Rainbow Dash has saved Equestria three times, she graduated the Wonderbolt Academy with praise for her leadership skills. It is for these reasons that we three princesses decided on Rainbow to be the new leader, and so without further wait, welcome Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow turned round the hedge and walked up the golden silk pathway, her friends close at either side. Cheers and songs could be heard as Rainbow came closer to the pedestal. Rainbow also heard a wolf whistle!

Rainbow would not deny it. Having all these ponies cheer and praise her did feel nice for her ego, but the absence of an certain orange filly made the all the praise she got feel empty.

Rainbow reached the pedestal and waited for the crowd to silence. Celestia was about to officially crown Rainbow.

“Mares and Gentlecolts, friends of all, you have been gathered here to bare witness to the coronation of Rainbow Dash, daughter of Rainbow Spectrum!”

A very passionate cheer could be heard from Rainbow’s father, dressed with a RD cap, Rainbow cape and a “RD #1” foam finger.

Celestia giggled as she continued her speech.

“Do the rest of the Bearers of Harmony have anything to say?”

Twilight turned round and faced the crowd.

“For as long as I have known Rainbow Dash, she has been a loyal friend that would drop the most important things in her life if one of her friends needed her. Some call her egotistical and obnoxious but to that I say your wrong. Rainbow might blow her own trumpet but that’s only because she knows that she can defeat any opponent, complete any challenge and climb any obstacle. She does not boast to show she is better than others, she boasts to improve herself.”

The crowd was silent, completely absorbed into Twilights speech.

“I can think of no other pony, myself included, that possesses such a natural charisma and potential for a leader. She is a leader…with a heart that loves all and a gut that won’t quit!”

The cheers erupted and turned into a tsunami of positive sound.

Celestia simply raised her hoof and the crowd fell silent once again.

“Now Rainbow, do you accept your place as princess of Equestria?”

The answer was obvious. Rainbow was more sure about her decision than anything else in her life, however there was still something left to do.

“One condition,”

The entire crowd unified in a giant gasp, talk and whispers could be heard about what was going on, like chattering school foals whispering about rumors. Luna was having none of it.

“You insolent little-”

Celestia raised her hoof and gestured her sister to quiet down. Even though Luna was too proud to simply shut up when her sister commands it, she knew that blowing this out of proportion could make everything worse. With thought in mind, she un-gritted her teeth and reformed her regal posture, not entirely sincerely.

Celestia turned to Rainbow with a gentle smile, she had a faint idea of what she wanted.

“Name your condition Rainbow.”

Rainbow turned to face the crowd, all of which were leaning in to listen to her. The anticipation was palpable.

“My friends have stood by me through thick and thin. Everything that we went through, we went through together. However there is one pony that, for long time, I have pushed to the side when she was nothing but nice to me. She is the foul that never lost faith in me.”

The crowd were listening intently. The sound of a pin drop could be heard for miles.

“So I will become princess but the condition is…”

The crowd couldn’t take it. Who was this foal and what did she have to do with the condition?

“Scootaloo lives with me!”

The crowd chattered about gossiped about who this Scootaloo could be, until a little orange ball squiggled her way past the crowds and was standing right in the centre of the golden silk path.

“Well Scoots…” Rainbow held out her wings “What do you say?”

Scootaloo’s slowly took a few steps forward. Then in a sudden outburst of joy, became a speeding orange bullet right into the wings of her adopted sister.

Rainbow could feel her wings getting soaked in happy tears and she thought how little she cared.

Celestia smiled, she knew that there was something between those two.

“The condition is accepted, from now on Rainbow Dash, you stand princess!”

The cheers could create waves of sound powerful enough to know roof tiles and the stomping of hooves created a mild earthquake. The sky rained hats, flowers and confetti which became a blanket of colour.

In amidst all of the commotion, Rainbow turned to Scootaloo who still had tears in her eyes.

“Are you ok with this? You will need to move to the palace ya’know?”

Scootaloo jumped onto her sister with the widest smile she could offer.

“As long as I’m with you, I don’t care if we live under a rock.”

The festivities were over and the courtyard cleaned. The guests were sent home and the royals now retired to the palace.

“Excuse me Rainbow,” said Princess Celestia “Could you come with me please? There is still one thing we need to show you.”

Rainbow sent Scootaloo into her room and followed the three princesses onto a balcony, far above Equestria where all its beauty could shine. It was night now and the little pigments of lights in houses reflected the sky and its stars. It was a sky on world.

Celestia was in front of Rainbow with Cadence and Luna at her sides.

"Our time in this world has ended." Said Celestia "It is time for us to retire and become one with the world around us."

Cadence pointed to the glorious sight of life below Canterlot’s castle.

“All those ponies are part of me just as I am apart of them, let you be a princess that that shines to all as a princess to be looked up to and admired.”

When the sentence left her lips, the cells of her body separated in a spectacle of pink and purple magic. The magic dust left behind got caught on the wind a flowed north to the Crystal Empire.

Rainbow turned to Luna, not in the slightest shocked by the image she just witnessed.

“The ponies of this land will look to you to be the one to help them through troubled times. Do not let the hopes of these ponies decay or degrade but show use that hope to keep them content when evil seems to surround them.”

Luna too became magic cells except with blue and white. The wind brought her up into the full blue moon, to watch her beloved land forever more.

Rainbow looked up to Celestia and awaited her last command as princess.

“The ponies of Equestria, love them and cherish them because its from among them, you will choose to succeed you when your time has come. As of this moment, you…are the light of this world.”

Celestia finally let go of herself and flouted among the winds, as her magic seeped into the ground, becoming one with Equestria itself.

Rainbow now left alone on the balcony, began to create her own promise to the world.

As long as there is a pony in this world that will put their friends ahead of themselves then I shall continue to protect them with everything I have. This is the promise of the princess.

She let her horn glow and released a magic spike into the sky. The spike separated into a web of limitless color, becoming an Aurora Borealis.

The Aurora spread and divided across all of Equestria, connecting every single pony that lives their life to each other in a intricate system of compassion and unity.

Equestria lived on, with Rainbow as its grand protector.