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Письмо на английском языке про шоппинг. Мой поход по магазинам; Shopping — Топик по английскому языку. Беспорядок - это выгодно

When we want to buy something, we must go to the shop where it is sold. In the shop window we see what is sold in the shop.

Sugar, tea, coffee, salt, pepper, ham, bacon, and so on are sold at the grocer’s. Bread is sold at the baker’s, meat at the butcher’s. We go to the greengrocer’s for vegetables and fruit. We buy boots and shoes at the shoeshop. We buy books at the bookseller’s and jewelleryand watches at the jeweller’s.

The salesman or salesgirl stands behind the counter. We ask the salesman: “How much is this?” or “What is the price of that?” He tells us the price. He gives us the bill. At the cashdesk we give the money and the bill to the cashier, who gives us a check and our change. The salesman wraps up the goods and gives them to us. We put them in our bag.

Some shops have many departments. We can buy nearly everything we need there. They are called department stores. In some shops there are no salesmen, but only cashiers. The customers choose the goods they want and pay at the cashdesk. These are called self-service shops. If someone tries to take things from a shop without paying they are almost certain to be caught. Most shops have store detectives who have the job catching shoplifters. Shoplifting is considered a serious crime by the police.


Когда мы хотим купить что-то, мы должны пойти в магазин, где это продается. В витрине мы видим что продается в магазине.

Сахар, чай, кофе, соль, перец, ветчина, бекон и так далее продаются в бакалее. Хлеб продается в булочной, мясо — в мясном магазине. Мы идем в овощной чтобы купить овощи и фрукты. Мы покупаем сапоги и ботинки в обувном магазине. Мы покупаем книги в книжном, а драгоценности или часы часы — в ювелирном.

Продавец или продавщица стоит за прилавком. Мы обращаемся к продавцу: "Сколько это стоит?" Или "Какова цена этого?" Он говорит нам цену. Он дает нам счет. На кассе мы даём деньги и счет кассиру, который дает нам чек и здачу. Продавец заворачивает товары и дает их нам. Мы кладём их в сумку.

В некоторых магазинах есть много отделов. Мы можем купить там почти все, что нужно. Они называются универмаги. В некоторых магазинах нет продавцов, а только кассиры. Клиенты выбирают товары, которые они хотят и платят на кассе. Это так называемые магазины самообслуживания. Если кто-то пытается взять вещи из магазина, не заплатив, он почти наверняка будет пойман. В большинстве магазинов есть охранники, которые следят за тем, чтобы не было краж. Воровство в магазинах считается серьезным преступлением.

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На этой странице находится топик по английскому по теме SHOPS AND SHOPPING

Going shopping is a part of our everyday life. For some people it’s a pleasant pastime while for others it’s an everyday routine. Some people love doing the shopping and they are happy if they can pick up a bargain in the sales. But whether you like shopping or not you have to do it because it’s a necessity.

In big cities and even many small towns there are all kinds of shops and stores as well as supermarkets. Supermarkets are primarily food stores which sell all kinds of food: fresh, frozen and canned meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, dairy products and bread. Practically everything a family needs can be found in a supermarket. There the customer serves himself and pays at the cash-desk on leaving the shop.

Department stores carry clothing for men, women and children, china and glassware, household electric appliances, furniture and other goods. However, many people don’t like to shop in big department stores as they are often overcrowded.

In my city we also have got a great number of shops. Most of them open at 9 a.m. and close at 8 or 9 at night. Smaller shops normally have a lunch break. Nearly all shops are closed on Sundays. I should say that all the shops are equally popular with customers, though some of them are really expensive. But they are not always quality shops. That’s why many people these days prefer to do the shopping at the market where the prices are more reasonable.

In our family it’s my father who does most of the shopping. He usually shops in the supermarket, where he goes to the grocery department, the greengrocery, the meat and fish counters and buys all the stuff we need for our large family. He usually does it once a week.

For me and my mother on the other hand going shopping is a kind of pastime and even entertainment. We can spend hours and hours dropping in at one shop after another in search of something special or unusual. More than often we buy things that we practically don’t need.

I love shopping for clothes. The last shopping round I made with my friend a few days ago. We set out midmorning and managed to go round all the shops in the city which where worth visiting. First we went to the central department store but the goods there were the same as everywhere else and more expensive. Besides we didn’t see any fashion clothes for the young. The only good thing about such stores is that they normally have a good selection of cosmetics and perfumery. So we didn’t miss a chance to pick up some mascara and hair spray. After that we had a quick look at the footwear, haberdashery and ready-made clothes and were ready for a snack at McDonalds. Then we dropped in at some small shops which offer fashionable clothes and a half-price sale is a usual thing there. After going through the latest cuts of shirts and skirts I found a lovely little dress for myself but they didn’t have my size. So I told myself that next time I wouldn’t wait for amazing items to go on sale - it’s not worth the disappointment when they disappear before you can make your purchase. Then we moved on to another shop that had «А Huge Sale» sign on the door. After making our way through the crowd each of us grabbed piles of clothes and waited in the line for the fitting rooms. We tried on the selected items but didn’t buy anything as even the sale prices were too high for us.

Indeed, shopping is a pleasant pastime when you can afford to buy the things you like.

I should say that I am one of those boys who hate shopping and the idea of doing the shopping drives me mad, though, of course, I like delicious food and nice clothes. It means somebody has to do it for you. In our family it’s my mother’s responsibility. She knows what to buy and where to buy at a cheaper price. I live in a small town, so there are not many shops here, to say nothing of supermarkets. Most shops are situated in the centre of the town and there is a two-storeyed department store in the central square and it is always overcrowded. The market is opposite the department store and people, mostly women and girls, go there to shop but in my opinion they more often go to look at the things than to buy. I don’t understand this kind of pastime.

I seldom go shopping, but I know where this or that thing can be bought. For example, if I want to save time, I go to the nearest food store where I can buy everything I need: bread, milk, sugar, eggs, butter and so on. I prefer this shop because the goods are ready-weighed and ready-packed. I find it convenient and always go there if my mother forgets to buy something and I am sent for it.

I also know that department stores have a lot of departments: stationary, millinery, footwear, sportswear goods, perfumery, jewellery, ready-made women’s and men’s clothes. All the things for sale are on the counters and in the shop windows so the customers can choose what they want.

As I have said I am not keen on shopping at all and when my parents ask me to buy something, I am always reluctant to do it. From time to time my mother takes me to a department store when we need to buy some clothes or shoes for me. I hate trying things on in a fitting-room. Most of all I like book and music shops. I can stay there for hours leafing through pages of some historical books or going through piles of CDs or records. These shops are worth visiting even if you don’t intend to make a purchase there as they offer a wide selection of books on music. But regular shopping is really boring and tiresome.

Online shopping становится все более популярным явлением в современном мире. Чаще всего, конечно, мы совершаем покупки на русскоязычных сайтах, но некоторые из нас уже во всю покоряют и иностранные интернет-магазины. Чтобы вам не приходилось постоянно смотреть в словарь, мы решили создать небольшую подборку самых необходимых английских слов для покупок в интернете.

Лексика для выбора покупки на английском

Итак, вы решили окунуться в мир интернет шоппинга. Вы выбрали подходящий для этого магазин и решили начать. Какие же слова вам пригодятся для этого?
Для начала вам необходимо присмотреть желаемое. Вы можете вбить то, что вам интересно в строку поиска на странице магазина или же начать просматривать вещи из отдела (department ), который вам нужен (к примеру, women’s clothing department – отдел женской одежды). Ваше внимание привлекло что-то интересное? Смело заходите на страницу этой вещи и продолжайте свое знакомство! А подборка полезных слов поможет вам не потеряться в мире онлайн-шоппинга.

Лексика для оплаты покупок на английском

Все вещи выбраны, заказ составлен, теперь пришло самое время расстаться со своими кровно заработанными деньгами. Тут у нас тоже есть небольшая подборка полезной лексики.

Лексика на английском для пересылки покупки

По сути, мы все сделали и купили то, что нам нужно. Но есть еще пара слов, которые могут пригодиться в ожидании заказа.

Мы надеемся, что наша небольшая подборка полезных слов и выражений на английском для онлайн-шоппинга поможет сделать ваши покупки в интернете проще и приятней.

Шутикова Анна

Shoping (I)

There are many shops and supermarkets in our city. They are Zangar, Ardager, Ramstor, Smat, Resey, Astana etc.

My family has a shopping day. It is Saturday. We get up early this day. Early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. My father and I usually go to Ramstor because it is near to our house. In the morning we ask our mother what we need. We take bags and go to the shop. First of all we go to the butcher’s store. We buy sausage, meat, fish, and eggs there. In the baker’s store we buy sweets, cakes, rolls and buns. In the greengrocer’s store we buy fresh vegetables and fruit such as carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, apples, lemons. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Last week we had our mother’s birthday. We prepared everything for this holiday: we bought food and a present for her. We wanted to make her happy. She is a woman of taste, so we bought a perfume. She was very pleased and thanked for our shopping.

Shoping (II)

When we want to buy something we go to a shop. There are many kinds of shops in every town or city, but most of them have a food supermarket, a department store, men’s and women’s clothing stores, grocery, a bakery and a butchery.

I like to do my shopping at big department stores and supermarkets. They sell various goods under one roof and this is very convenient. A department store, for example, true to its name, is composed of many departments: ready-made clothes, fabrics, shoes, sports goods, toys, china and glass, electric appliances, cosmetics, linen, curtains, cameras, records, etc. You can buy everything you like there.

There are also escalators in big stores which take customers to different floors. The things for sale are on the counters so, that they can be easily seen. In the women"’ clothing department you can find dresses, costumes, blouses, skirts, coats, beautiful underwear and many other things. In the men’s clothing department you can choose suits, trousers, overcoats, ties, etc. In the knitwear department one can buy sweaters, cardigans, short-sleeved and long-sleeved pullovers, woolen jackets. In the perfumery they sell face cream and powder, lipstick, lotions and shampoos.

In a food supermarket we can also buy many different things at once: sausages, fish, sugar, macaroni, flour, cereals, tea. At the butcher’s there is a wide choice of meat and poultry.. At the bakery you buy brown and white bread, rolls, biscuits. Another shop we frequently go to is the greengrocery which is stocked by cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, carrots, beetroots, green peas and what not. Everything is sold here ready-weighed and packed. If you call round at a dairy you can buy milk, cream, cheese, butter and many other products.

The methods of shopping may vary. It may be a self-service shop where the customer goes from counter to counter selecting and putting into a basket what he wishes to buy. Then he takes the basket to the check-out counter, where the prices of the purchases are added up. If its not a self-service shop, and most small shops are not, the shop-assistant helps the customer in finding what he wants. You pay money to the cashier and he gives you back the change.

But there is a very good service called Postal Market. It really helps you to save you time and get goods of high quality. You have just to look through a catalogue, choose the things you like, order them and wait a little to get them.

It is difficult to imagine our life without shopping. On one hand, it’s one of quite important household tasks. Moreover, shopping is the way to get necessary food and clothes. So, if you don’t do it you can’t have all things which make your life so comfortable.
On the other hand, it’s believed that for the vast majority of people going shopping is not just duty or necessity but a real pleasure. As far as I know there is so called shopping therapy that helps people to reduce stress buying different goods or even just going window shopping.
As for me, I don’t belong to such group of people. Shopping doesn’t make me happy and sometimes it can even become a nightmare. When I can’t find things which I need, I can get annoyed and even stressed. Thus, I go shopping only when I don’t have any other choices. I usually go to a supermarket to buy some food once or twice a week. There is a huge shopping center near my house, so I can buy everything I need in one place. From time to time when I need something urgently I can look in a local shop nearby. I normally go shopping alone, that’s why I can do it quickly and effectively. I always make a shopping list before going.
Nowadays it’s becoming more and more popular to shop online. I’m firmly convinced that it’s the most comfortable way. You just surf the Internet and look through the enormous range of goods. Moreover, you can compare prices and find a real bargain. Also, you can have your purchases delivered. It’s amazingly easy and saves a lot of time and energy.
Thus, if you’re not a fan of shopping like me, do it online.

Английская лексика по теме «Шоппинг»

Сочинение на тему Шопинг

Очень сложно представить нашу жизнь без походов по магазинам. С одной стороны, это важная часть домашних хлопот. Более того, поход по магазинам — это способ получить необходимую пищу и одежду. Если Вы этого не делаете, у Вас не будет всех тех вещей, которые делают Вашу жизнь комфортной.
С другой стороны, для большинства людей поход по магазинам — это не только обязанность или необходимость, но также и настоящее наслаждение. Насколько я знаю, существует так называемая шопинг-терапия, которая помогает людям расслабиться, покупая различные товары, и даже просто рассматривая витрины магазинов.
Что касается меня, я не принадлежу к этой группе людей. Поход по магазинам не делает меня счастливым, а иногда может даже стать кошмаром. Когда я не могу найти вещи, которые мне необходимы, это очень раздражает и нервирует меня. Таким образом, я хожу по магазинам только, когда нет другого выбора. Я хожу в супермаркет за едой один или два раза в неделю. Возле моего дома есть большой торговый центр, поэтому я могу купить все в одном месте. Время от времени, когда мне нужно что-то срочно, я могу заглянуть в магазинчик недалеко от дома. Я обычно хожу одна, поэтому я могу купить все быстро и эффективно. Я всегда составляю список покупок прежде чем идти в магазин.
Сегодня делать покупки в Интернете становится все более и более популярным занятием. Я абсолютно убеждена, что это самый удобный способ. Вы просто просматриваете Интернет страницы с огромным выбором товаров. Кроме того, Вы можете сравнить цены и найти действительно выгодную покупку. Также Ваши покупки могут доставить вам. Это удивительно легко и экономит много времени и сил.
Так что, если Вы не фанат походов по магазинам, как я, делайте покупки в Интернете.

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