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Кровельные покрытия the official extension is installed

Allows you to configure custom commands and manage WinSCP extensions .


The list in the upper part of the page shows configured custom commands , followed by installed extensions . The command and extensions display in the same order as they will appear in File(s) > Custom Commands menu. The commands and extensions are separated by a horizontal line. Initially the list will contains a set of example commands and the official extensions.

The Description column shows a name of the command/extension as will appear in File(s) > Custom Commands menu. The Command column show the command itself. The L/R column shows L for local commands or R for remote commands.

Hovering a mouse cursor over the command/extension displays a hint with additional information. For extensions, it particularly shows a path to an extension file .

Configuring Custom Command

Use the Add > Add Custom Command to add a new custom command. The Custom command editor dialog will appear. The newly added command will be inserted before a command selected in the list or at the end, if no command is selected.

Use the Edit button to edit the selected custom command. The Custom command editor dialog will appear.

Use the Remove button to remove the selected custom command. If you remove command by mistake, you can always cancel whole Preferences dialog to undo all changes.

Managing Extensions

Use the Add > Add Extension to install a new extension. The Add Extension prompt displays. Enter a URL to download an extension file from; or a path to a local extension file. The extension file will be validated and installed to the WinSCP application data folder .


Use the Remove button to remove the selected extension. When the selected extension is an official extension, the extension is just hidden (its extension file stays). To restore a hidden extension, you have to locate its extension file (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\Extensions\SearchText.WinSCPextension.ps1) and use the Add > Add Extension to re-add it. When the selected extension is a user-installed extension, its extension file is removed along.

Use the Configure button to configure the selected extension. Each extension can have its own set of configuration options (or none at all). For all extensions it is possible to configure a custom keyboard shortcut .

Extensions are downloadable packages which can be installed on a phpBB board to add new features and functionality. Extensions are the successor to MODs as of phpBB 3.1 and they are a vast improvement. With extensions, you no longer have to modify a single line of code in phpBB. Extensions are simply uploaded to your board and enabled inside the ACP. Updating, disabling and removing extensions is equally as easy to perform.

Installing an Extension

Inside your phpBB board"s directory is an " ext " folder. This is the location where all extensions are stored. Every extension follows the same folder hierarchy in which extensions are grouped into folders by the author"s vendor name. If you downloaded an extension named " foobar " from the author/vendor " acme " then it would be uploaded to " ext/acme/foobar ". Any other extensions created by the author/vendor " acme " would also be stored in " ext/acme/ ". For example:

PhpBB/ ext/ acme/ foobar phpbb/ boardrules boardannouncements

1. Download and unzip

Once you have downloaded an extension, you will need to unpackage it on your computer, as extensions are typically available in the compressed "zip" file format.

In Windows, to unzip the extension, simply double click it from Windows Explorer view (for instance, if you downloaded the extension to My Documents, you would open My Documents and double click the file). Proceed to click "Extract all files" under the address bar (Windows Vista, 7 and 8) or under the Folder Tasks menu (Windows XP) from within the Explorer window and follow the prompts.

On Mac, zipped files are automatically unzipped upon download by Safari (this setting can be disabled by unticking "Open safe files" in Safari"s preferences) and can be accessed through the downloads list.

2. Upload to your board

To upload files, open your favourite FTP client (such as FileZilla, CuteFTP, SmartFTP, etc - even some internet web browsers have this capability) and log in to your account. Generally your publicly accessible files will be in an area named " public_html " or similar. Navigate to your board folder. In this example we will look at transferring the " acme/foobar " extension. You would need to navigate to the " ext/ " directory once you are in your board folder.

Drag the folder " acme/foobar " to the " ext " folder in your FTP client. Normally there will be a small folder icon within the FTP client (this may vary from client to client) followed by the name of the directory - this is where you should be dragging the file to. If there is already an " acme " folder inside your " ext " folder, then just copy the " foobar " folder to " ext/acme/ ".

3. Enable

Once the extension has been uploaded, navigate in the board"s ACP to Customise -> Manage extensions. You should see your recently uploaded extension listed under "Disabled Extensions". Simply click its "Enable" button and installation is complete!

Updating an Extension

Updating an extension is a simple process that can be completed in a few simple steps with minimal disruption to your board. The following steps assume you have already downloaded and un-zipped a new version of an existing extension running on your board.

1. Disable

Disabling an extension will effectively turn it off, removing it from your board. If the extension is critical to your board"s functionality, it would be safest to disable your board before performing this update process.

2. Delete extension files

Using your FTP program delete the extension"s files from the filesystem. In most cases you can simply delete the extension"s entire directory, which will remove all of its files from your filesystem.

3. Upload new extension files

Using your FTP program upload the new extension files (or the entire extension directory) to the correct location.

4. Enable

Once the extension has been uploaded, navigate in the board"s ACP to Customise -> Manage extensions. You should see your recently uploaded extension listed under "Disabled Extensions". Simply click its "Enable" button and the update is complete!

Removing an Extension

Sometimes it is necessary to remove an extension. phpBB allows you to disable an extension and to permanently delete it from your board.

1. Disable

Disabling an extension will effectively turn it off, removing it from your board. However, all modifications made to your database are still intact, so you can re-enable the extension without losing any of its stored settings and data. To disable an extension, simply click its "Disable" button in the Extensions Management page.

2. Delete data

To delete the extension, click the "Delete Data" button in the Extensions Management page after the extension has already been disabled. This is a destructive move that will delete any settings and data used by the extension from the database. (If you re-enable the extension at this point, it will be as if it were being installed for the first time.) Once you have deleted the data you can safely use your FTP program to delete the extension"s folder from the " ext " directory.

Before starting it always is wise to read the documentation associated with an extension. Most extensions have homepages and forums, and it is a good idea to look at them first. If there is a README file included with the extension, you should read it.

For most extensions and most users, the procedure will be:

  • Download the extension to your local machine as a zip file package.
  • From the backend of your Joomla site (administration) select Extensions Install/Uninstall.
  • Click the Browse button and select the extension package on your local machine.
  • Click the Upload File & Install button.
  • Some extensions may provide further instructions on installation.
  • Note that modules and plugins must be enabled before they will work.

There are some situations in which this procedure will not work.

Sometimes you need to unzip the file locally prior to installing. If you get an error saying that the file is not in the correct format, the need to unzip is a common cause of this. After unzipping try installing the individual items. Note that the files you upload using the installer still need to be zipped.

Sometimes you cannot use the automated installer. For example, very large extensions may exceed the maximum upload size allowed by your host.

Also, If you see an error like this:

Warning: is_dir() : open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/) is not within the allowed path(s): ...

this is because of a restriction of your hosting account which leads Joomla! to try to check if the root directory exists. You will not be able to use the automated installer.

Manual Installation

First, unzip all of the files in a local directory (for instance com_installer). Then transfer the directory (using FTP) to a folder under the install directory (for instance administrator/components), appropriate for the type of extension you are installing (visible in its xml file, a line like

Installing Admin Tools is no different than installing any other Joomla! ™ extension on your site. You can read the complete instructions for installing Joomla! ™ extensions on the official help page . Throughout this chapter we assume that you are familiar with these instructions and we will try not to duplicate them.

Installing or manually updating the extension

Just like with most Joomla! extensions there are two ways to install or manually update Admin Tools on your site:

    Install from URL. This works only with the Professional release of our component. It is the easiest and fastest one, if your server supports it. Most servers do support this method.

    Upload and install. That"s the typical extension installation method for Joomla! extensions. It rarely fails.

Please note that installing and updating Admin Tools (and almost all Joomla! extensions) is actually the same thing. If you want to update Admin Tools please remember that you MUST NOT uninstall it before installing the new version! When you uninstall Admin Tools you will lose all your settings. This is definitely something you do not want to happen! Instead, simply install the new version on top of the old one. Joomla! will figure out that you are doing an update and will treat it as such, automatically.


If you find that after installing or updating Admin Tools it is missing some features or doesn"t work, please try installing the same version a second time, without uninstalling the component. The reason is that very few times the Joomla! extensions installer infrastructure gets confused and fails to copy some files or entire folders. By repeating the installation you force it to copy the missing files and folders, solving the problem.

Install from URL

The easiest way to install Admin Tools Professional is using the Install from URL feature in Joomla!.


This Joomla! feature requires that your server supports fopen() URL wrappers (allow_url_fopen is set to 1 in your server"s php.ini file) or has the PHP cURL extension enabled. Moreover, if your server has a firewall, it has to allow TCP connections over ports 80 and 443 to www..akeeba.com and cdn.сайт . If you don"t see any updates or if they fail to download please ask your host to check that these conditions are met. If they are met but you still do not see the updates please file a bug report in the official Joomla! forum . In the meantime you can use the manual update methods discussed further below this page.

Upload and install.

You can download the latest installation packages our site"s . Please note that the latest version is always on top. If you have an older version of Joomla! or PHP please consult our to find the version of Admin Tools compatible with your Joomla! and PHP versions. In either case click on the version you want to download and install.

If you are not a subscriber, click on the Admin Tools Core to download the ZIP installation package of the free of charge version.

If you are a subscriber to the Professional release, please make sure that you have logged in first. You should then see an item on this page reading Admin Tools Professional. If you do not see it, please log out and log back in. Click on the Professional item to download the ZIP installation package.

All Admin Tools installation packages contain the component and all of its associated extensions. Installing it will install all of these items automatically. It can also be used to upgrade Admin Tools; just install it without uninstalling the previous release.

In any case, do not extract the ZIP files yet!


Attention Mac OS X users ! Safari, the default web server provided to you by Apple, is automatically extracting the ZIP file into a directory and removes the ZIP file. In order to install the extension through Joomla!"s extensions installer you must select that directory, right-click on it and select Compress to get a ZIP file of its contents. This behaviour was changed in Mac OS X Mountain Lion, but people upgrading from older versions of Mac OS X (Mac OS X Lion and earlier) will witness the old, automatic ZIP extraction, behaviour.

Log in to your site"s administrator section. Click on Extensions , Manage link on the top menu. Please click on the Upload Package File tab. Drag and drop the installation ZIP file you had previously downloaded to start the upload and the installation. After a short while, Joomla! ™ will tell you that the component has been installed.


Admin Tools is a big extension (over 2Mb for the Professional release). Some servers do not allow you to upload files that big. If this is the case you can try the Manual installation or ask your host to follow under "You get an error about the package not being uploaded to the server".

If you have WAMPServer (or any other prepackaged local server), please note that its default configuration does not allow files over 2Mb to be uploaded. To work around that you will need to modify your php.ini and restart the server. On WAMPserver left-click on the WAMP icon (the green W), click on PHP , php.ini . Find the line beginning with upload_max_filesize . Change it so that it reads:

Upload_max_filesize = 6M

Save this file. Now, left-click on the WAMP icon, click on Apache , Service , Restart Service and you can now install the component. Editing the php.ini file should also work on all other servers, local and live alike.

If the installation did not work, please take a look at or try the manual installation described below.

Manual installation

This method can no longer be supported for technical reasons which have to do with the way Joomla! works when installing extensions of the type "package".


DO NOT UNZIP THE PACKAGE AND TRY TO INSTALL THE EXTENSIONS MANUALLY ! This will very likely make your site fail with an error. When you are installing the package extension Joomla! makes a few checks to make sure that your server meets the minimum requirements. Moreover, the installation order in the package matters. It is designed to make sure that failure to install one of the included extensions will minimize the chance of a cascading effect which breaks your site.

The installation / update broke my site!

Some users have reported that after they have installed or updated Admin Tools, they were no longer able to access parts of their site, especially the back-end. This is an indication of a failed or partial installation. Should this happen, use your FTP client to remove the following directories (some of them may not be present on your site; this is normal):

Administrator/component/com_admintools component/com_admintools media/com_admintools plugins/system/admintools

This will do the trick! You will now be able to access your site"s administrator page again and retry installing Admin Tools without uninstalling it first. Remember, uninstalling Admin Tools will remove your settings; you do not want that to happen!


If you get a username and password dialog from your browser (not Joomla!) OR a server error when you access your site"s backend (administrator) URL, try deleting the .htaccess and .htpasswd files inside your site"s administrator folder.

In some cases Joomla! forgets to install files for the FOF 3 library used by most of our components (Akeeba Backup, Admin Tools, Akeeba Ticket System and others). This could mean that even removing the directories above you could still be unable to access your site. If this happens, try the following solution:

    Delete the folder libraries/fof30 from your site. ATTENTION ! Do NOT remove the libraries/fof folder, it"s something entirely different and you will break your site if you remove that folder instead!

    Go to our and download the latest version of FOF. This downloads a file named something like lib_fof30-1.2.3.zip on your computer.

    Extract (unzip) the file you downloaded. You see a fof directory being extracted.

    Rename to fof directory to fof30

    Upload the fof30 directory into your site"s libraries directory.

    You now have a libraries/fof30 directory and you can log in to your site"s backend.

    Reinstall our extension twice in a row